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Monday, 29 July 2013

Breaking the Habit of "Being Yourself" with Dr Joe Dispenza

Posted by John Lee, with thanks to the Mind Movies team

'What the Bleep..?'' star Dr Joe Dispenza
HOW do we create the life we want? It's a question many have found vexing, especially those who've attempted to harness the power of the 'Law of Attraction', with varying results.

They've followed the formula, they've set sensible goals, they've created their affirmations and they've used them religiously. Yet the results they desire remain sadly elusive.

The logical reaction is to doubt the 'Law', which, after all, seems to have little basis in scientific fact. Or does it?

Well, biochemist and neuroscientist Dr Joe Dispenza - one of a number of eminent scientists featured in the movie, 'What the Bleep Do We Know!?' - certainly feels that it does.

And in this excellent video interview with Natalie Ledwell, he explains how our thoughts, feelings and emotions genuinely create our outer reality. Among the subjects he discusses are:

* Why your biology is a reflection of your mind and your consciousness

* The importance of clear intention and elevated emotion, and how this can literally alter the nature of matter

* The mind/body connection and how this can create a cycle of unhelpful habit

* Why 'positive thinking' about the future is useless if you don't first deal with past negativity

* Why it's vital that you break your past behaviors and thoughts, and step into 'the river of change'

Best of all, he explains exactly how you can turn your life around - permanently - and the huge satisfaction to be gained from doing so

It is fascinating stuff and a must for anyone who genuinely wants to make changes in their life.

Simply click the link below to see the recording:

What does your HEART want? A simple exercise to find out…

By Aine Belton

VERY often deciding what you want, plans, and goal-setting are a left-brain process. Perhaps you sit down, think about what you want, and write down a list (if you take the time to do that).
Aine Belton

 This can be valuable as with any goal-setting, but how much of what you think you want is what you REALLY want at the deepest level?

Asking your heart what it wants can reveal dreams, goals and desires beyond those you may be consciously aware of, and ones that will always most benefit your life (and others).

I share a very simple exercise for asking your heart what it wants below, along with how asking mine led to some recent trapeze lessons!

There’s no ‘right and wrong’ with goals – you have free will and can create your life as you choose – but there may be goals and dreams that are most serving to you and the world at this time – things that will most reward and fulfill you and others, bring greatest joy, enhance your energy, and engage and express more of your gifts and true nature.

I’m not the most left-brain goal-setter! Some of my goals are far from conscious plans. The Global Love Festival, for example, began in a night-time dream in which I was organizing a festival followed by several other dreams, and many waking-life synchronicities.

I didn’t sit down and think “I know, I’ll organize festival”. I don’t think I would ever have consciously come up with the idea, not least because I knew nothing about putting on a festival! With the sheer extent of what’s involved, from a purely logical perspective I would probably run from the idea.

BUT, I so believe in the dream and am so passionate about it, I am fully committed, despite challenges and steep learning curves.

The ‘Ask Your Heart’ exercise below is a waking process you can use to access visions, dreams, and desires beyond those you may consciously hold.

It’s not an intricate meditation or specialized technique, it simply creates the space to listen to your heart so you can give it a go right now.

I recently began taking some “Ariel Skills” classes (i.e. trapeze)! This certainly isn’t out of any desire to do it publicly or professionally (if you saw my lack of knack at it you’d see why ;) ), but I am having a blast. I love it! Aside achy muscles and flailing attempts to actually get onto the trapeze, once up it is such fun.

Why am I doing Trapeze?

Earlier this year I asked my heart what it wanted. One of the things my heart said it wanted was “to fly”.

This was quite unexpected. Then came flooding to mind a dream I used to have of flying an airplane or helicopter in my twenties. I used to be really passionate about the idea and even looked into pilot lessons, but I had little funds at the time and it just fizzled out.

Since hearing my heart say “I want to fly” I’ve had a lot of synchronicities around flying lessons – hearing an advert for flying lessons on my car radio (never heard that before!), hearing my friend talk about flying lessons he had not far from where I live, and perhaps the funniest, a neighbor that purchased a­­­­ mini helicopter he loves remote-flying that I’ve been seeing whizzing about. I am now booking flying lessons.

Then came the news about someone nearby teaching “Ariel Skills” classes. My heart lit up instantly. I was on to it :)

My heart shared several other ‘recommendations’ that weren’t on the conscious radar at the time yet have led to very rewarding experiences and new ventures.

Your heart is a gateway to the loving wisdom of your Higher Self and Source. What your heart wants will always most serve you (and all). You can ask what your heart wants in general, for its guidance in a specific area, or on a daily basis even.

Ask your heart when you wake up what it wants for your day ahead, for example. This will always be something that honours yourself and others and brings greatest love, joy and success.

"Listen for the voice of love in the crowded house of mind, soft it speaks yet endless are the blessings of this treasured find."
Your heart always has the answer

1) Get quiet, relax, take a few deep breaths, settle yourself and close your eyes (after you’ve read these brief steps so you can read them :)). 

2) When in a peaceful calm state, place your awareness on the area of the center of your chest behind the sternum bone – this is the area of your heart chakra.

What does it feel like to place your attention here? Get a sense of the energy here. How is your heart feeling? 

3) With your focus on this area of the center of your chest, allow yourself to feel your love – the love you have for yourself, for someone you know, for nature, or any wonderful experiences that you are fond of, for example.

Whatever comes to mind, allow your heart to open and feel your love, gratitude and appreciation. As you do, see if you can sense the energy in this area of your chest expand and become more alive and tangible. 

4) You are now going to ask your heart what it wants.
You might like to imagine a mini-you inside this area of your chest – the loving, joyous, kind person that you truly are residing here in the center of your chest.

OR, you may just imagine asking this area of your heart in a more abstract way what it wants – asking the love you feel inside for its wisdom and response.

Whatever feels right to you, simply ask: “Dear heart, what do you want?” And then pause to receive a response.

You may prefer other words, or to extend the question for more specifics, such as:
“Dear heart, what would most serve me in my life at this time?”
“Dear heart, what do you desire today?”
“Dear heart, is there something you would like to share with me?”
“Dear heart, what would enhance my health/happiness/love-life/success at this time?” 

5) Listen to what your heart has to ‘say’. You may hear words, feel feelings, have thoughts, inspirations, images, ideas, or just get a sense of awareness and knowing. Just be open to what comes after asking your heart what it wants. Then thank your heart.

This exercise gets stronger the more you practice it and connect to your heart, so don’t be put off if you don’t feel an instant connection or get a clear response. Like any muscle, it gets more adept with use.


* Relax and still your mind
* Sense your heart area
* Open to and feel the love in your heart
* Ask your heart what it wants
* Open to receive a response

Try asking your heart what it wants right now, even in a simple way as with the summary just above.

Be open to whatever arises. It might not be something practical or tangible. Your heart may say “I want you to forgive yourself/your mother/your ex”, “I want you to share your feelings more with your friends”, or “I want to go outside and enjoy nature more”, etc.

Anything your heart revealed with this simple exercise? Any insight, inspiration, revelation or awareness?

Love and joy,

Aine Belton

Article source: 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Intuition - A Powerful Force You Can Make Stronger

By Tony Mase

WE'VE all had that feeling - a sixth sense of sorts, where we believed something was about to happen and, lo and behold, it did! Call it a "sixth sense", "clairvoyance", a "hunch", or a "gut feeling".

Whatever you want to call it, these feelings that have no logical basis to them make up your intuition and your intuition can be a powerful force.
Meditation: a simple and powerful way to develop your intuition

Some people believe intuition pops up at certain times - like when a certain sound arises. When a car honks its horn or when a bird chirps, you may get a gut feeling. Call it "listening between the lines"!

Other people believe intuition is something only a few people are lucky enough to experience - a gift they're born with.

Talk to an astrologer and he'll insist Scorpios and Pisces are naturally more intuitive than everyone else (so much so it borders on ESP).

However, science doesn't necessarily support that. In fact, studies have shown anyone can develop an intuition. But why would you want to? Shouldn't you just leave your mind the way it is? No way!

A keener sense of intuition can make you a communication pro. As a result, you'll wind up being more sensitive to the people around you and you'll be less likely to inadvertently hurt the people you love.

Intuition can also unlock your creativity. If you have dreams of expressing yourself through music, painting, dance, or anything else, you'll need a better intuition to do it.

In fact, you may be able to achieve things you never even thought possible!

Or, if you're sick of being indecisive, having a strong intuition is crucial. Armed with it, you'll be able to make decisions quickly, with confidence - and without regret.

Finally, intuition can even help to heal you. It doesn't work in the physical sense, though. Instead, intuition can work within your soul to get rid of the negative energy that's working against you on a daily basis.

OK, so you'd like to make your powers of intuition stronger - but how exactly do you do it?

These 6 tools will help you:

1. Hypnosis
Forget watching a pocket watch go back and forth or quacking like a duck, like you see on TV. In real life, hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you get in touch with your intuition. If you want, you can even do self-hypnosis!

2. Meditation
This is really just a fancy way of telling you to find more peace. The more stress and anxiety you deal with on a daily basis, the less likely your mind is to even hear your intuition.

After all, your mind won't be able to hear much of anything if all of that negative energy is screaming at it! So, how do you meditate?

There are lots of ways - including yoga and special breathing exercises - so pick one you like and stick with it. Once you find your Zen, your intuition won't be far behind!

3. Let go of the world
If you have a big decision to make or some other stress to deal with, it can feel like the world is on top of your shoulders. If you let it consume you, your intuition will never come out.

So, let it go. Head to a quiet place where you can release your inhibitions. That way, the little voice inside your head will be able to speak up.

4. Trust in yourself
The next time you have a gut reaction to someone, don't dismiss it. Instead, trust in those first impressions because they're brought on by your intuition. In fact, those gut reactions are usually spot-on!

5. Think happy thoughts
By focusing on the good instead of the bad, you'll become a magnet for good energy.

And, by keeping all of your worries and fears at bay, you'll naturally create a mindset that's better-equipped to deal with a strong intuition.

Even more importantly, make sure your happy moments last as long as possible. When something good happens, soak up the feeling - instead of going back to your anxious, negative state.

Believe it or not, happiness is a powerful thing! The more of it you have, the more you can accomplish!

6. Stop waiting
If you sit around and wait for those gut feelings to pop up, they never will. Instead, work on all of these other techniques. Then, when you least expect it, your intuition will find YOU!

Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the author of "Constructive Science 101: 3 Keys to Getting What You Want", which reveals Wallace D. Wattles' simple, easy-to-understand formula for success.

Grab your free copy now at:

Article Source:

And the forecast is... cloudy with a chance of joy

By John Lee, with thanks to Gavin Pretor-Pinney

WE so often associate clouds with negativity and impending doom. We see 'Dark clouds on the horizon' or someone we know may be 'Living under a cloud'.

Cloud formations can be incredibly striking
The only vague hope seems to be that 'Every cloud has a silver lining'. One man who does not share these kinds of sentiments, however, is Gavin Pretor-Pinney, founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society.

And when you see him speak with such warmth, enthusiasm and humor about this frankly wonderful natural phenomenon, it's easy to see why.

As you might expect, the presentation includes some beautiful, striking and very funny photographs of various cloud formations.

But there's a great message, too, about the value of slowing life right down, taking the time to appreciate the moment and the spectacular displays nature has to offer.

And ultimately letting joy and inspiration into your life.

As Gavin himself puts it: 'If you live with your head in the clouds every now and then, it helps you keep your feet on the ground'.

Click on the link below to take a look at the video....

Monday, 15 July 2013

How to Develop Unshakeable Confidence

By Jill Ammon-Wexler

IT'S obvious that confidence is an essential key for living a successful, satisfied life. Without it you will never attempt what you really want to accomplish or become. It's also at the very core of success - a vital ingredient for any personal, professional or business achievement.

What is confidence? The answer to this question can vary, but most people agree on the signs of a confident person - the ability to express oneself in front of other people, the willingness to try something new, and the ability take action in spite of what might appear to hold an overwhelming possibility of failure or defeat.
Confidence - essential for a happy life

 According to Webster's dictionary, confidence is "having no uncertainty about one's abilities". This sums it up well.

But have you ever wondered why some people seem totally confident, while others seem to lack this quality?

It's true that some people are naturally extroverted, bold and outgoing. Others seem to be more naturally introverted and cautious. But actually extroverts are not always self-confident, and introverts do not necessarily lack confidence.

Both extroverts and introverts can have unwavering certainty about their own abilities - the most basic sign of confidence.

Actually no one is born confident. Confidence is built through the feedback you receive as a youngster. If you received (and collected) a lifetime of negative thoughts about your abilities, such negative feedback could be affecting you today.

Why? Because our basic beliefs are formed as children. If you were taught NOT to believe in yourself and your abilities, that belief becomes your internal truth. Remember Webster's definition of confidence: "having no uncertainty about one's abilities". Uncertainty equals low self-confidence.

If you lack confidence, a good personal mission could discovering your own unique personal strengths. We all have them, and YOU are no exception. The truth is, none of us ever reaches our maximum capacity. At its best, life is an on-going process of learning and expansion.

Here are 8 confidence-building actions that can immediately have a positive impact on your confidence:

1. Gain some new skills
Building some new personal or career skills will always strengthen your confidence. What would you like to improve? If you would like to speak before others with more confidence, consider joining a Toast Master's group. The key is to take action and reach out to expand yourself.

2. Recognize your own successes
Nothing builds confidence like success, but too many of us fail to appreciate and recognize our own successes. You know how it feels when someone compliments you. Make it a point to personally recognize your own successes, no matter how small they may seem.

3. Believe in your potential
You may not today be the person you wish to be, but believing in your potential will you move in that direction. If you want to achieve something notable in your life, you absolutely must believe in your own potential. Just take it on faith at first.

4. Learn from your setbacks
Everyone experiences disappointments and setbacks, and it's just human to become discouraged at times. But you can also view setbacks as learning experiences. Meet your challenges head on and focus on your intended outcome - not on your obstacles or temporary setbacks.

5. Get some support
Turn to experts in the areas where you want to build more confidence. You can find expertise in books, ezines, articles, courses, videos, seminars, or even lectures. Hold yourself accountable to take the necessary actions to reach your goals.

6. Show confidence in others
Just as like attracts like, confidence also attracts confidence. The more confidence you show in others, the more confidence they will have in you. The more recognition you give others, the more confidence-building recognition you will receive.

7. Act as if
Acting "as if" is one of the most powerful life-changing tools known to mankind. Since your unconscious mind cannot tell the difference between what is "real" and what is "acted" - the more confident you act, the more convinced your powerful subconscious mind will become that you ARE confident. Practice seeing yourself living with courage and strong conviction.

8. Expect to be confident
Expectation has often been called "faith in action." Expect that you will act confident, and your mind will produce the actions you expect. Expect to be confident, and you will truly become confident.

The author of this article at BuildMindPower has written several books that can get you started.
Article Source:

How to accelerate your end result... with Jack Canfield

Posted by John Lee

Jack Canfield of 'The Secret'
ASK, believe and receive. These four words sum up the simple formula of how to use 'The Law of Attraction', as outlined in the global movie phenonenon that was 'The Secret'.

Yet while it's ostensibly a simple concept, the more you study the law and its application, the more confusing it can become, especially when you enter into the realms of quantum physics.

Thankfully, there are people like Jack Canfield, who always manages to bring clarity, simplicity and humor to whatever subject he examines - perhaps because he was once a teacher.

The 7-minute video you can access via the link below is a perfect example and a refreshingly down-to-earth, practical explanation of how to achieve what you desire, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Among the methods and techniques discussed are:

* The Irritation List

* The 101 Goals List

* The Vision Exercise and the 7 categories you MUST consider if you're to achieve total life abundance

Then there's the story of the unhappy millionaire and the four life stages he needed to go through to become truly fulfilled!

Sound unlikely?

Well, take a look at the video by clicking on the link below:

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Moment to Moment - We Define Who We Are and How We Live Life

By Veronique C

WE build our life moment to moment and the building blocks we use either define "our excellence" or "defeat us" through negative mental attitudes. Same moment, different mindset.

You and only you have the option to build upon defining moments through empowering mindsets, or not. It's all in the moment. The defining moment of choice.

Negative or positive - what will you choose?
Positive or negative - the choice is yours

 Negative: from a mind that clouds and deceives you into denial, disagreement, or refusal to be optimistic, thereby perceiving situations from a defeatist attitude that builds upon moments that create disastrous results.

Positive: unconditional accountability from a mind that supports you in staying focused on "what you love" creating flow and a level of abundance each step of the way.

It's always your choice. It always within your power to choose to define who you are.

Defining moments of choosing positive over negative allow you to realize that you create your reality through the choices you make in the moment. From whatever choice you have made - in that moment - you are enough and you have enough.

Realize moments change through choices. A "new moment" can redefine and build anew. Its up to you to choose differently, if a different outcome is what you want.

Do you want ease, grace and abundance "to be the how" in which you build your life... or not? Your choice... and only your choice.

When we define EACH moment through unconditional accountability, excellence ensues because when we choose to be unconditionally accountable for our choices - no judgement or blame, guilt or shame - this opens your intuition to automatically guide you to the most supportive and logical step to build the life of your dreams, through grace and abundance.

"Moments" can last a second or feel like an eternity within the same breath. It always relates to what "your" focus is on; negative or positive. You can be real without being negative. You can call a spade a spade. That's reality.

Yet when you hate the spade and blame it as the cause of your misery, for simply being what it is, that's when you trip yourself up and fall into the endless trap of placing responsibility outside of what you are in command of - your responses to life situations. You CAN choose.

When in joy, moments seem to pass quickly. When you are miserable time seems to stand still and hold you captive in misery of your own making. Remember, one moment can define all others and it's always your choice on what your focus is on - the negative or the positive.

Let's consider your strongest memories, positive or negative. Notice how your mind created the imagery that defined your recollection of a precise point in time and how that recollection affected your mood, either negatively or positively.

How you were effected was "your choice" of how you wanted to experience the moment. It's that simple. And within that simplicity you hold the power to change your life, moment to moment.

Every day we experience thousands of individual moments. Breaths we take every waking hour, minute and second either secure our well-being or defeat our goal of how we want to live. In some cases, a single encounter can change a life forever. Think of your own defining moments.

One moment can change us forever. These moments shape who we are and who we will become. We might allow ourselves to be defined by a word of encouragement from a colleague or, just as likely, from a word of that appeared to be discouragement... yet it pushed us to look more closely at our choices.

We might be defined by a moment of victory or failing to achieve what we said we wanted. We might also be defined by a moment when we listened to our intuition or one where we allowed judgment to cloud the issue.

How about the moment we commit ourselves to a goal or the moment we decide to go another direction? Each can be "our" defining moment.

WE CAN CHOOSE how we respond, negative or positive. We can be defined by the moment when we decide to make our family's life experience different than the one we grew up with or the moment we experience a positive illustration of "how to live... how to create" and decide to imitate it.

We're maybe defined by the moment when someone believes in us or even the moment of "honest" self-reflection that causes us to positively change.

Yet if we go back and forth, and we choose to operate through two different mindsets - negative / positive - we will build moments of full of confusion. Be aware. Be aware of your defining moments, as they make us who we are.

Our road to being all we can be, our unique excellence is paved with these moments - positive defining moments we create for others.

I remember asking a teacher I had deep admiration for what he thought it would take for me to soar to the next level. With insightful eyes and great wisdom he said: "From what I see you should probably focus. Focus more on performing where you are currently, instead of worrying what your next move should be."

A defining moment for me and my journey toward being all I can be was through being excellent in my uniqueness. This defining moment taught me that excellence is achieved "in the moment", not in the future. Because all we have is the moment.

Define yourself moment to moment. Each moment creates a powerful ripple effect that can be felt miles away by everyone. Define someone's moment today!

Building Unshakable Internal Foundations since 1986, Veronique's intensive spiritual quest became expressed in her innovative course The Choice Is Mine.

Her work teaches you how to look at life situations so you can know your full potential & act positively on that awareness, to live your dream life sooner rather than later.

Take that first step in your professional growth & buy your course today.

Article Source:

The #1 Fastest Way to Eliminate Self-Doubt

By Natalie Ledwell

You CAN eliminate self-doubt
JACK Canfield, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, John Assaraf...

Since 2011, I've had the privilege of interviewing some of the most inspiring personal growth gurus in the world on my weekly web series, The Inspiration Show…

And one thing I can tell you for sure is that, just like you and me, they ALL have moments where they struggle with self-doubt and negative self-talk.

The fact is that there isn't a single person on earth who hasn't experienced doubt when striving for a specific goal.

As human beings, we all come wired with that little voice in our heads that evaluates what's going on around us and gives us a play-by-play of what we should do or say next…

And this "self talk" can either be your greatest ally, or it can be your biggest enemy.

Much of your self talk is reasonable: 'I better slow down or I'll get a  speeding ticket' or 'I'm really looking forward to having dinner with my friends tonight.'

But let's face it - your self talk can also be pretty negative and defeating, like 'I really don't think I can do it' or 'I don't know why I even bother.'

I'm a firm believer that the quality of your life depends on the quality of the conversations you have with yourself about what's going on around you…

So that said, the fastest way to experience more fun, happiness, love and joy TODAY is to start noticing what it is that you're saying to yourself.

Is your self talk mostly positive? Or negative?

Once you start tuning in to what your inner voice is saying, your next step is to shift it towards the positive as much as you can.

If you'd like to know how to do this, I recommend you watch this short 6-minute episode on how to eliminate your self-doubt - and it's actually a lot faster and easier than you may realize!

To your abundantly fulfilling life,

Natalie Ledwell

Click here for Natalie's video -