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Sunday, 30 June 2013

7 Must Read Life Lessons from Abraham Lincoln

By Chris Cains

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He served from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln successfully led the United States through its darkest hour … the American Civil War.

In the end, Lincoln was able to preserve the Union and end slavery.

Prior to his election in 1860, as the first US Republican president, Lincoln was a country lawyer, an Illinois state legislator, a member of the United States House of Representatives, and an unsuccessful candidate for the U.S. Senate twice.
One of the greatest presidents in US history

Concerning slavery, Lincoln was forthright and open in his opposition to the expansion of slavery. This attitude earned him the Republican nomination in 1860; later that year he was elected president.

During his time in office he introduced measures that resulted in the abolition of slavery, including the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 and the passing of the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution.

Just six days after a large-scale surrender of the Confederate forces (under General Robert E. Lee), Lincoln became the first American president to be assassinated.

Lincoln is considered by scholars to be one of the greatest US presidents to ever take office.

7 Must-Read Life Lessons from Abraham Lincoln:

1. Prepare for Success

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I will spend the first four hours sharpening the axe.”

Before you can succeed, you must prepare. When Lincoln was an unknown attorney in the backwoods of Illinois he was preparing for success. When Lincoln became an Illinois State Senator, he was preparing for success. And even when he lost the election for the US senate twice, he was preparing for success.

What are you doing in preparation for success? Lincoln said, “I will prepare and some day my chance will come.”

2. Hustle

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

You can’t stroll to a goal, you must hustle; you must move quickly in order to gain the momentum necessary to break free from the gravitational pull of the commonplace. The best things in life come to those who hustle. Are you hustling?

3. Remember That Greatness is Possible

“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”

If someone else can succeed in the business that you’re in, that is proof that you can succeed as well. If someone else can become rich in the state that you’re in, that is proof that you become rich as well.

You have all that the greatest of men have had: a mind, and a will. Don’t make excuses, if someone else can do it, so can you… And who knows? You may be able to do it faster and better; never underestimate your abilities.

4. Become Worthy of a Good Reputation

“Reputation is like fine china, once broken it’s very hard to repair.”

Work to be, the way you want to be perceived. Don’t try to look good, be good. A good name is more valuable than fine gold and “choice” rubies.

Practice becoming honorable. You can be just as honest, have just as much integrity, walk in just as much humility, and possess just as much discipline as the greatest men who have ever lived.

5. Make the Years Count

“And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

Lincoln didn’t live to a very old age, but the “life in his years” made a profound impact on the world. Are you making your years count? Are you changing the world?

You’re capable of it; if you’re able to read and understand these words, then you have the ability to make a profound impact.

That’s not just meaningless rhetoric, it’s a very real reality, but will you grasp it, will you believe it and make it your reality?

6. See the Brighter Side of Things 

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”

If you look for something to complain about, you will certainly find it! There’s always an opportunity to be offended!

Don’t take these opportunities; they never lead to anything positive. Learn to see the roses in life; life is filled with roses, if you’ll take the time to see them.

7. Constantly Improve

“The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can…”

If you improve every day, imagine the improvements you could make over the course of 20 years. You could become successful in just about any field in 20 years.

You can make a significant impact on the world in 20 years! Remember, slow and steady wins the race; Rome was not built in a day. Work to get a little better every day, and in time, you will accomplish your dreams.

Three Invisible Forces That Hold You Back

By Douglas R Kruger

You are not separated from your goals by a number of years. You are separated from your goals by a number of actions.

We like to speak about our five-year plans and 10-year plans, and it's good that we have them. But thinking in terms of years creates the illusion that your dreams will happen one way or another, provided sufficient time goes by.

Thinking in terms of actions is very different. It hands responsibility back to us, with the implication: You can have it as soon as you do it.
Doubt and fear should never hold you back

 If you are of the 'one day I will start my company / climb the mountain / follow my dreams' persuasion, how about trying a different approach?

Break your goal down into its smallest parts, until you are able to find a logical starting point. That will be Step One. Now go ahead and take it.

Typically, there are three invisible forces that hold us back from ever trying. Here's why they shouldn't stop you:


The stomach of the average human being is a bubbling cauldron of emotional responses. We fear failing, we fear succeeding, we fear standing out and being laughed at.

What's odd is that we don't simply realize that everyone feels this way, and choose to act despite the fear.

The next time this great slayer of dreams - fear - casts its shadow over your goal, consider this: The more willing you are to take strategic risks, the more safe you will ultimately be.

Why? Because a person who never risks anything never gains anything.

The person who risks often, occasionally surprises themselves by succeeding. And the more small successes you have, the greater your total security.

Becoming comfortable with a culture of strategic risk-taking ultimately creates a safer life. More risk = more security.


You are likely to be about as successful, about as wealthy, and about as willing to take risks as the average of the five people closest to you. So, how driven are they?

These people form the thought-culture in which you live. They will encourage or discourage you according to their own view of the world.

If they dream big and understand what is possible, chances are they will lift you up and prompt you to try. If they are small-minded, negative and pessimistic, the reverse will apply.

Sometimes, in order to achieve great things, our first step must be to leave the thought-swamp that surrounds us. We need to go where the energy is, and be surrounded by the right type of thinking.

We don't have to start off by having all the answers. We simply need to go where the energy is, and meet the people who do have the answers.


Curiously, comfort poses a greater risk to our dreams of achievement than the first two invisible forces. A terrified, desperate person may still summon their courage, steel their will and try.

A comfortable person whose needs are met will generally watch TV instead. It's true; the enemy of 'Great' really is 'Good Enough.'

Sometimes, we need to create intentional discomfort by comparing our current progress to that of people we admire.

For example, an amateur bodybuilder might be perfectly happy with his mediocre progress... until he compares himself to multiple Mr Olympia winner, Jay Cutler.

Then the sense of satisfaction disappears, and the more useful sense of yearning and desire is re-ignited.

Yes, we do need to be uncomfortable. We need to be sufficiently dissatisfied that we generate the energy to act. The more actions we take, the closer we come to our goals.

It's not about years. It's about actions. Don't let the ghosts in your head stop you from trying.

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker and the author of three books. Meet him at Email him at

Follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter: @douglaskruger.

Article Source:

Saturday, 15 June 2013

How to Manifest Like a Pro!

By Richard A Luck

HERE is what’s happening:

Because the Universe is always listening, you are in a constant state of manifesting.

Now… you can manifest with intention, being fully aware of what you create, or you may do so without much awareness.

Whatever state of mind you’re in, whatever emotions you are focused on – those are your focal points. It is from this place that you will create or manifest your experiences.
We're all constantly manifesting

 If you wish to create different outcomes than you’re currently experiencing, you’ve got to reset your focal point.

Here’s a great way to reset your focal point:

Firstly… consider how you feel when you feel appreciation for something – a person, an experience, or even a thing. Really take a second to recall this feeling. Your heart feels light. Your mood is uplifted, and you’re smiling on the inside and the outside… right?

Conversely, think about how you feel, both physically and emotionally, when you focus on longing or lacking. You might feel frustrated, worried, sad, or even that life is unfair.

Negative emotions are heavy. You can feel their gravity and weight as you move throughout the day. Heavy emotions make it difficult to maneuver; we feel tired, distressed and out of sorts.

Once we allow a heavy thought or emotion to consume our thoughts, it becomes a challenge to feel better.

Let me ask you:

How many times, when you have been feeling down, sad or depressed has someone said to you “cheer up,” or “it’s not so bad,” or “get over it”?

And did you “get over it”?

Or did you feel like telling your well-meaning friend to kick rocks and take a hike?

Just because someone tries to convince you that you should feel better, and just because you know in your rational mind that letting go of the pain will allow a better emotion to take its place…doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to feel better.

Unfortunately, it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it?

However, since low energy emotions are barriers to attracting joyful experiences, it is critical to release them in order to feel better and experience the things that bring you joy!

In reality, we move through emotional states…we don’t instantly abandon one for the next.  If it was that easy, no one would ever experience depression.

So, what can you do to move out of low energy emotions?

To move out of low energy emotions, simply find a slightly better feeling emotion and hold onto it for several minutes….

When you have done that successfully, then again, choose another slightly better feeling emotion – as many times as it takes, for as long as it takes.

Eventually, you will have moved up the emotional ladder. The goal should be to keep moving through the emotions until you arrive at gratitude (or appreciation). This technique takes practice and there is no set amount of time to complete it and you can’t do it the “wrong way.”

And when I say that “there is no set amount of time to complete it” – I mean it could be hours…or it could take you weeks to reach this point. Just be gentle and be patient with yourself.

If you’ve been holding on to negative emotions for some time, of course it’s going to take you a little longer to reach the point where you can feel grateful. 

Handy hint to experience true gratitude and appreciation, even faster…

Grab yourself a pencil and paper (or your iPad) and start brainstorming! I want you to begin jotting down everything that you appreciate in life.

The trick is to not put any pressure on yourself to ‘feel’ anything during this exercise – just BEGIN writing as fast as you can! Note down EVERYTHING and anything that you can find appreciation and gratitude for – no matter how small.

It could be a flower in your garden. A blue sky. A loving pet. Write down everything that comes to your mind.

Then read this list twice daily (morning and evening are best times). As you think of more things, add them to the list. Go on, give it a shot! (Because you’ll be amazed at how fast this begins to alter your focal point!)

The reason that I touch on this is because your focal point is truly at the center of what you create for yourself.

Let’s get back to this business of appreciation.

When you can appreciate what you have already, you’ll attract even more good things that you can appreciate. On the flip side, if you can’t feel satisfied with what you already have, nothing will satisfy you.

I have a friend who illustrates this point. For privacy reasons I’ll change his name. So let’s call him “Mark”…

Mark had a great job with a generous salary. He was a hard worker, liked by his peers and his superiors. In a nutshell, the guy had a very bright future with his company.

With each promotion, Mark got a well-deserved pay raise. He was focused on building his nest egg so he could buy a house. And after a few years of saving, he did buy a house. Goal accomplished. 

The story sounds like it should have a happy ending, doesn’t it?

Once his initial goal was achieved, he still wanted more. The modest 1,500 square foot house was fine at first. But with another pay raise, he realized he could afford a bigger house.

He didn’t need a bigger house, but his salary afforded him the ability to “super size” and so he did.

Mark stayed focused on bigger and better, and up the ladder he climbed. What he had was not enough, and he was always searching for more.

He would feel better only when he had the next big thing.

Fast forward a couple of years and my friend is burnt out, at the top of his pay scale, and living in a huge house, feeling completely bankrupted, financially and spiritually.

Mark didn’t feel satisfied with what he had and kept chasing after things. And in the end, he remained unsatisfied.

There will always be someone who has a bigger home, nicer car, bigger salary…If you seek out external things to fulfill you, you’ll always be searching.

If you can’t be satisfied with what you have, what will make you feel satisfied?

This is why holding yourself in appreciation is key. Appreciation is the optimum focal point for manifesting.

Humor me here: Do the above exercise for at least 14 days in a row…and see what a difference it makes!

With Love,


Article source:

Achieve Your Goal: Jack Canfield on Never Giving Up

By John Lee

IF there’s anyone who appreciates the value of persistence, it’s Jack Canfield – co-creator of the smash-hit ‘Chicken Soup…’ series of books.

And when you consider the huge and continued success of the franchise, which started out as a mere dream by the former school teacher, it’s hard to imagine it was ever a struggle.
'Chicken Soup' co-creator Jack Canfield

 After all, it’s now a global phenomenon that has been picked up and built upon by other personal development luminaries, such as Marci Shimoff and Lisa Nicholls.

Yet it was certainly no ‘walk in the park’ for Jack and his associates at the very beginning. In fact, given the obstacles they faced, most of us would have quit… and quickly too.

In the short, but surprisingly powerful and memorable video you can access through the link below, he tells the story of getting this wonderful project off the ground.

There’s a great lesson here for everyone, especially those of us who doubt what great things we can achieve if we only have a little faith and persistence.

Take a look….

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Sun-Drying a Soggy Mind: 6 Suggestions For Thinking Your Way Out of a Black Hole

By Douglas R Kruger

YOU thunk your way in. You can think your way back out again!

The human mind is an amazing bowl of porridge. But despite its best efforts, from time to time we all find our minds sinking into the subterranean mire of a deep blue funk, and ironically, that's usually when we need our faculties about us the most, because tough times and angst tend to go hand in hand.

So let's assume that you're facing both - the trying circumstances and the attendant blues. What can you do to change gears in your loft? How can you get your mindset out of fight-or-flight mode and back into that creative, problem-solving state? After all, now's the time you need it most.

Here are six suggestions:
Douglas R Kruger

1. Head the Wisdom of the Austrian

A wise Austrian philosopher, Arnold Schwarzenegger, once made an interesting point. It was in the movie Terminator Three, when a young John Connor, faced with extreme duress, appeared to be going off the rails mentally. Noting this, Arnie, as the Terminator, grabs John, lifts him off of his feet and holds him up in the air.

Initially, John is scared, but after a few moments, his squeamish wiggles turn to angry batting. The Terminator sets him down and a livid John demands, "Why did you do that?!" The Terminator answers, "Because anger is more useful than despair. "

And it's true. Faced with darkness, we have a choice. We can either think our way into a hole. Or we can get angry, rebel, and start to look for real solutions. In a straight choice between despair and anger, choose anger.

2. Acknowledge that you need your brain back and ask for it!

Self-talk is a powerful thing. Start with this little exercise: Go to a private place - shut the door or take a walk - and have a talk with yourself out loud. Use your own script, but make sure it's something like this:

"Right, I acknowledge that I'm under a lot of pressure right now. A ridiculous amount, in fact! But for that reason, I need to be at the top of my game. I really need my mind to be working on my side and not against me. I don't need to fall into a pit of self-pity. Instead, I need to roll up the sleeves inside my head and get busy! This is a street-fight, but I know I've got what it takes. So let's get started. . . !"

3. List the things you'd need to completely solve your scenario

This is called Possibility Thinking. And you don't need to be too logical about it. Being elaborately imaginative and mentally generous is better. You can wheedle out the unrealistic stuff later. For now, think big. Dream. Imagine. Dance, Julie Andrews-like, across the high Alps of what could be.

Then, take a piece of paper or open a blank Word document and list the things that would completely solve your problems. Your list might look like this:

* Two hundred thousand grand would solve my debt issues
* A drop/gain of 10 kilograms would get me to where I want to be physically
* Three really big corporate clients, paying on a regular basis, would solve my cash-flow issues
* One book behind my name would position me as an expert
. . . and so on.

When you've done this, allow yourself a few more moments to carry on with your imaginary journey. Imagine, in as vivid detail as you can, how good life could be with your issues completely solved and resolved.

And also, don't just imagine it in negative terms, like 'no more debt'. Instead, imagine it in positive terms, such as, 'prosperous and wealthy and building my legacy each day'. Make the imagery as specific as possible.

4. Brainstorm 'To Do' items

While you're still in Possibility-Thinking mode, go through your list of needs again. Next to each of them, jot down, quickly and without pausing to evaluate how 'reasonable' your ideas may be, as many thoughts as you can for steps you might take to achieve those things.

When you run out of momentum, pause for a minute or two, and force yourself to come up with a few more ideas. You'd be surprised how many you can conjure up when you press your mind just a little harder, just that tiny bit more!

Then decide which items are most likely to succeed, and/or, would be of most value to you if they did succeed. Naturally, those are the ones you should get busy with.

Of course, if we're honest with ourselves, this is often easier said than done when we're down in the dumps.
If you do find yourself flagging or feeling discouraged, try not to fixate on the size of the task. Instead, try just dabbling a little. In other words, don't commit yourself to carrying out a huge campaign.

Just make the first phone call. Don't think of how daunting it would be to write the whole book. Just jot down some thoughts on possible chapters. Dabble in the shallow waters and you will find that your mind starts to become interested in the task. Not only that, but a small amount of dabbling can lead to small initial successes, which will spur you on.

5. Give your mind a dose of sugar

At key points throughout your day, as you wrestle with the twin beasts of your psyche and the problem at hand, remember to give yourself the occasional break. Make sure it's a complete break. Do something that takes your mind as far away from your troubles as possible. Watch Star Wars. Dig a swimming pool! Teach your dog the Pasa Doble!

As a general guideline, try to avoid watching or listening to anything featuring the same sort of drama you are facing, and the news. Escapism is the key. Personally, I like Phineas and Ferb on the Disney channel, and you need to be kind to your mind.

6. And finally, remember to celebrate each success

Money may be tight, but you have to celebrate the small successes. If you can't toast them with champagne, treat yourself to a stern cup of coffee, by Jove! But do something to acknowledge each step forward. Dip into the self-talk again and give yourself a convincing speech about how well you're doing under the circumstances. No sarcasm here. Just reinforcement.

You thunk your way in. You can darn well think your way back out again! Harness that incredible bowl of porridge in your cranium and force it to work for you. And remember, as tough as this moment may be, all this too shall pass. Ya just gotta survive it, soldier!

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker, trainer and author of '50 Ways to Become a Better Speaker.' Watch him in action or read more of his articles at: Email:

Douglas Kruger speaks on the mindset of productivity. Check out his topics, articles and videos at:

Article Source:

The 7 Universal Laws of Successful Manifestation

By John Lee

SO you’ve watched the movie, ‘The Secret’, perhaps many times over.

You’ve noted down the three-step formula outlined within it and have diligently put it into practice.

But nothing has really happened. Sadly, the marvellous dream you’d formulated in your mind for the life you truly desire seems as far away as ever.

The temptation, when this happens, is quite naturally to wonder whether the Law of Attraction really works or whether it works for some people but not others.
LOA expert Christy Whitman

If you’re really frustrated, you might well dismiss the entire concept as nothing but a bunch of ‘new-age hooey’! And who could blame you?

But maybe there’s still something in the back of your mind that keeps telling you there’s more to this ‘manifestation thing’ than you already know.

Well, you’d be absolutely right! The Law of Attraction - which is the central and dominant theme of ‘The Secret’ - is just one of 7 Universal Laws.

And they’re all explained in refreshingly simple and easy to understand ways in the excellent video you can access below, by a lady called Christy Whitman.

Now when you hear her back story, you’ll know she knows her stuff!

She was once $60,000 in debt, overweight, unhappy, unemployed and lurching from one disastrous relationship to another.

Fast forward to the present and she has a multi-million-dollar company, a loving husband and two amazing sons, and leads a life that couldn’t be more different.

How did she do it? Well, you’ll just have to click on the link below! And it will be well worth it, too!

Sunday, 2 June 2013

10 Greatest Lessons From Einstein

By Chris Cains 

"Any fool can make things bigger, more complex and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to movie in the opposite direction.” Albert Einstein.

He was an immortal of science that made noteworthy changes and contributions in the 20th century. He was an inspiration for the remarkable scientists subsequent to him for his brilliant discoveries.

Einstein was prominent for his works in theoretical physics, a great philosopher of science for his simplicity and theory choice, realism and separability, etc. and an author of several books.

Above all, Einstein was prominent as the father of modern physics.
The 'father of modern physics'

There were four works of Einstein that substantially contributed to the foundation of modern physics. These works relate to photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity and matter – energy equivalence.

The four areas of focus were the justification for the discovery and explanation of quantum theory, atomic theory and concepts on matter, space and time.

Einstein received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 “for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect.”

Aside from his triumphant academic career, Einstein was a distinguished teacher not only to the confines of the classroom, but as well as to the globe.

His works were indeed immortal and superior from his lessons on the subject of life.

For that superiority, everybody ought to remember at least 10 quotes from him, which brings forth valuable lessons about life. 

Lesson 1: Cultivate a Curious Mind
 “I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious.” Do not hold back curiosity. It has a reason for its existence. Keep a questioning mind. 

Lesson 2: The Worth of Perseverance is Intangible
“It’s not that I’m so smart; it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” The price of perseverance is beyond the corporeal things. It cannot be measured. It cannot be sold. It has no price. 

Lesson 3: Devote Attention To One Thing At A Time
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” Do not do several tasks at once. It is in doing one task at a time that excellence is achieved. 

Lesson 4: Give Weight to Imagination
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Imagination is cheaper than free. It is in imagination that one recognizes the knack he has. 

Lesson 5: Mistakes Are Inevitable
 “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” More often than not, mistakes are stepping stones to new discoveries. It is part and parcel of living. 

Lesson 6: The Future is Not Ours to See
“I never think of the future – it comes soon enough.” The future is a result of the things we do today. Thinking what lies beforehand is not a bad scheme, but most of the time the present is being neglected. 

Lesson 7: Value is Superior to Success
“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Success is a goal worth striving for. However, creating value has an enduring effect for people to remember. 

Lesson 8: Change Triggers Another Result
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Different results occur when you change the way you do things.

Only unwise people will expect a different result from doing the same thing over and over again. Different results will only be possible by way change. 

Lesson 9: Information is Not Knowledge
The only source of knowledge is experience.

Lesson 10: Understand the Basics
“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.

Source: Become Second To None (The Brain Guide Series)