HERE is what’s happening:
Because the Universe is always listening, you are in a constant state of manifesting.
Now… you can manifest with intention, being fully aware of what you create, or you may do so without much awareness.
Whatever state of mind you’re in, whatever emotions you are focused on – those are your focal points. It is from this place that you will create or manifest your experiences.
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We're all constantly manifesting |
If you wish to create different outcomes than you’re currently experiencing, you’ve got to reset your focal point.
Here’s a great way to reset your focal point:
Firstly… consider how you feel when you feel appreciation for something – a person, an experience, or even a thing. Really take a second to recall this feeling. Your heart feels light. Your mood is uplifted, and you’re smiling on the inside and the outside… right?
Conversely, think about how you feel, both physically and emotionally, when you focus on longing or lacking. You might feel frustrated, worried, sad, or even that life is unfair.
Negative emotions are heavy. You can feel their gravity and weight as you move throughout the day. Heavy emotions make it difficult to maneuver; we feel tired, distressed and out of sorts.
Once we allow a heavy thought or emotion to consume our thoughts, it becomes a challenge to feel better.
Let me ask you:
How many times, when you have been feeling down, sad or depressed has someone said to you “cheer up,” or “it’s not so bad,” or “get over it”?
And did you “get over it”?
Or did you feel like telling your well-meaning friend to kick rocks and take a hike?
Just because someone tries to convince you that you should feel better, and just because you know in your rational mind that letting go of the pain will allow a better emotion to take its place…doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to feel better.
Unfortunately, it’s more complicated than that, isn’t it?
However, since low energy emotions are barriers to attracting joyful experiences, it is critical to release them in order to feel better and experience the things that bring you joy!
In reality, we move through emotional states…we don’t instantly abandon one for the next. If it was that easy, no one would ever experience depression.
So, what can you do to move out of low energy emotions?
To move out of low energy emotions, simply find a slightly better feeling emotion and hold onto it for several minutes….
When you have done that successfully, then again, choose another slightly better feeling emotion – as many times as it takes, for as long as it takes.
Eventually, you will have moved up the emotional ladder. The goal should be to keep moving through the emotions until you arrive at gratitude (or appreciation). This technique takes practice and there is no set amount of time to complete it and you can’t do it the “wrong way.”
And when I say that “there is no set amount of time to complete it” – I mean it could be hours…or it could take you weeks to reach this point. Just be gentle and be patient with yourself.
If you’ve been holding on to negative emotions for some time, of course it’s going to take you a little longer to reach the point where you can feel grateful.
Handy hint to experience true gratitude and appreciation, even faster…
Grab yourself a pencil and paper (or your iPad) and start brainstorming! I want you to begin jotting down everything that you appreciate in life.
The trick is to not put any pressure on yourself to ‘feel’ anything during this exercise – just BEGIN writing as fast as you can! Note down EVERYTHING and anything that you can find appreciation and gratitude for – no matter how small.
It could be a flower in your garden. A blue sky. A loving pet. Write down everything that comes to your mind.
Then read this list twice daily (morning and evening are best times). As you think of more things, add them to the list. Go on, give it a shot! (Because you’ll be amazed at how fast this begins to alter your focal point!)
The reason that I touch on this is because your focal point is truly at the center of what you create for yourself.
Let’s get back to this business of appreciation.
When you can appreciate what you have already, you’ll attract even more good things that you can appreciate. On the flip side, if you can’t feel satisfied with what you already have, nothing will satisfy you.
I have a friend who illustrates this point. For privacy reasons I’ll change his name. So let’s call him “Mark”…
Mark had a great job with a generous salary. He was a hard worker, liked by his peers and his superiors. In a nutshell, the guy had a very bright future with his company.
With each promotion, Mark got a well-deserved pay raise. He was focused on building his nest egg so he could buy a house. And after a few years of saving, he did buy a house. Goal accomplished.
The story sounds like it should have a happy ending, doesn’t it?
Once his initial goal was achieved, he still wanted more. The modest 1,500 square foot house was fine at first. But with another pay raise, he realized he could afford a bigger house.
He didn’t need a bigger house, but his salary afforded him the ability to “super size” and so he did.
Mark stayed focused on bigger and better, and up the ladder he climbed. What he had was not enough, and he was always searching for more.
He would feel better only when he had the next big thing.
Fast forward a couple of years and my friend is burnt out, at the top of his pay scale, and living in a huge house, feeling completely bankrupted, financially and spiritually.
Mark didn’t feel satisfied with what he had and kept chasing after things. And in the end, he remained unsatisfied.
There will always be someone who has a bigger home, nicer car, bigger salary…If you seek out external things to fulfill you, you’ll always be searching.
If you can’t be satisfied with what you have, what will make you feel satisfied?
This is why holding yourself in appreciation is key. Appreciation is the optimum focal point for manifesting.
Humor me here: Do the above exercise for at least 14 days in a row…and see what a difference it makes!
With Love,
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