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Saturday, 30 August 2014

The '123 of Manifestation'... and why you don't even need Number 3

By John Lee of

AS anyone who's ever learned about the concept of manifestation, through the 'Law of Attraction', will know, it's a fairly simple, step-by-step process. At least in theory.

It may have been the hit movie, 'The Secret', a classic book such as Wallace D. Wattles', 'The Science of Getting Rich', or more recent publications like Joe Vitale's 'Attractor Factor'.

Author Ken Elliott, on 'The Inspiration Show'
Whatever your introduction, the steps are pretty much the same. Which they should be, given that the Law off Attraction is touted very much as a natural law, like any other.

So why is that so many people seem to have difficulty manifesting the 'life of their dreams', or even a slightly improved version of their current existence, given that it's apparently so straightforward?

Well, there are definitely a few answers in this refreshingly light and down-to-earth video interview, by Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell with author Ken Elliott.

The hook is Ken’s new book, 'Manifesting 123... and you don’t need #3', but there’s no big sales pitch for the publication, which will doubtless come as a relief to some!

Instead, he talks frankly and passionately about manifestation - offering some very practical examples and advice along the way - and covers one or two familiar subjects in a slightly 'left field' way.

They include:

* Why there's really no need to stress about manifesting
* Why you don't even have to believe in the Law of Attraction
* The destructive power of fear and worry... and how to counteract it
* One emotion that can turbo-charge your results
* How the good and the bad may both be manifested

And, of course, he explains what #3 is and why we actually don't need it!

It's well worth a look, especially at just 13 minutes or so in length.

So click on the link below to view the original recording:

Friday, 22 August 2014

7 Secrets to Staying Positive Wherever You Are

By Jaime Pfeffer

"HOW do I remain positive amid negativity?" is a question I hear often, especially from empathic or highly sensitive people.

As a coach, I love this question because I love helping people empower themselves and make positive changes in their lives.

As an empath, I love this question - I spent years unknowingly soaking up negative energy. It wasn't until I learned these practices that I began living like a normal person!

Fortunately, adverse environments affect me significantly less today thanks to these simple, empowering techniques:

1. Choose positivity! Each morning, make a commitment to stay positive regardless of what happens.

Make it into a game; see how quickly you can reframe any negative situation into a positive and keep a running tally throughout the day!

This approach brings playfulness to a low-energy situation and helps strengthen your positivity muscles.

2. Surround yourself with white light and mirrors. Before you start your day, take 15 seconds for a quick, yet effective visualization.

Close your eyes and imagine drawing a line of glowing, impermeable white light around your body's perimeter.

Follow that up by imagining your body covered with mirrors, so that any negativity that comes your way is deflected back to its source.

3. Use it as an opportunity to shine your light even brighter!

Just as stars shine brightest when it is the darkest outside, maintaining a positive attitude or mindset in the face of negativity offers an incredible opportunity to make a huge impact.

4. Quit taking it personally. The majority of the time, another person's complaining, blaming or negative actions are about them, not you.

Instead of taking it personally and reacting, practice detachment and non-judgment and drop it there.

Remember that everyone is doing the best they can and the Universe is a good, positive place even if it doesn't always appear that way.

If you have a difficult time with this concept, write the acronym 'QTIP' (Quit Taking It Personally) on several sticky notes and put them around your house.

This keeps the idea at the forefront of your mind, making it more likely you'll remember it the next time you need it.

5. Use crystals. Are you in a negative environment consistently at work or school? Carry a crystal like black tourmaline; it wards off negative energies.

6. Look for the lesson. When faced with a negative situation or environment, step back. Ask yourself if there is anything for you to learn.

Does this circumstance offer you the opportunity to practice patience or tolerance, or kindness or compassion? Often the things or people who bother us the most offer our biggest life lessons.

7. Leave the situation. There are times when no amount of positivity or visualizing will keep the negativity from taking hold.

The best course of action here is to leave. Sometimes a short walk or slipping away to take some deep breaths is enough. Other times, you may need a longer break. Just remember, this too shall pass.

There you have it! Seven of my best techniques for remaining positive amid negativity! Try one or all of them today and watch them work for you!

Article Source:

Friday, 15 August 2014

7 Steps to Stop the Worry

By Chris Atley

ONE thing I've come to realize is that entrepreneurs worry a lot. Worrying about making your business a success, worrying about how you're going to pay the bills, and worrying about what other people think of you.

I promise you - this can stop. I know because I used to be a chronic worrier and now it's almost non-existent! This might seem unbelievable, but it's true.

Here's what I've come to realize about worry. That it does not help anyone, including yourself. It does not change the outcome.

If anything, it makes things worse because when we worry we just bring more to worry about to ourselves.

Here are 7 ways that you can stop the worry head-on, and start living a life of peace, joy and happiness - which also leads to faster results!

Step 1: Realize that you weren't born with knowing how to worry. You were a tiny, perfect little being filled with love.

Worrying was taught to you, likely by an influential person in your world, such as a parent or caregiver.

So when you are in worry mode, and you hear all of those thoughts running through your mind, ask yourself whose voice is that? Immediately follow it with; "it's not mine".

This is simple, but powerful. Tell yourself this over and over when worry peaks its ugly head. It helped me immensely!

Step 2: Think about what happens when you start to worry. Do you shift into this mode during the day or does it start when you wake-up? How does the world look and feel when you worry?

Contrast this to when you feel great. Do you shift into this state during the day or does it start when you wake-up? How does the world look and feel when you feel good? Notice the differences.

Step 3: Realize that sometimes worry will move you into action. It might actually help you move away from something you no longer want to something you really do want.

It may start that initial process of you doing something different. See if there is a time where it actually moved you into action. Also know there is a positive intention behind worry.

What is the positive purpose behind worrying? What is it trying to protect you from or even move you away from as stated above? Gaining awareness around this will help you to move through it when it does occur.

Step 4: Know that not everyone is going to like you. That's just the way it is.

Ask yourself if you can help more people by hiding and worrying what others think of you, or by being your true self and shining your light?

Not everyone needs or will appreciate your gifts, and that's okay. Think about the people who really do need your help. They are worth stepping into the light.

Step 5: Realize how powerful you are. I once learned that one human being has enough energy to light up an entire city. Pretty amazing right?

We're just not utilizing our full potential and energy in a productive way. We're using it, but to worry!

Step 6: Start creating results. You are powerful. You are worthy. Use that fantastic ability you have inside yourself to create the results you want.

Part of this process involves faith. Faith in the universe having your back. Go after what you want and let go of controlling how it will come in. Be open to receiving it.

Believe in this process until you start seeing the results you want. Once you more and more results, it will be a lot harder to slip back into worry because you will have so much evidence of it working.

Trust me, it works.

Step 7: Get lots of sleep! Worry creeps in the most when we're tired. Set boundaries around your sleep.

Turn the computer off at a certain time, and allow yourself to relax and go to sleep at a decent time. You know how much sleep you need in order to thrive. Everyone is different.

Chris Atley shows female entrepreneurs how to go from struggle to wealth in 30-minutes a day! Chris inspires thousands of entrepreneurs internationally through her writing, teaching and coaching programs.

Her mission is to help as many people she can create fabulous businesses and freedom-filled lives! Chris is a certified coach, NLP-Practitioner and has a BA in Psychology.

She walks the talk, and draws on her own experience to help others build successful businesses.

Download Chris's Entrepreneurial Manifesto Kit to help you move forward today at:

Article Source:

Small idea, big impact with Claire Reid of Reel Gardening

By John Lee of

I have to confess I'd never heard of Reel Gardening - a highly-innovative horticultural concern, based in South Africa - until I saw the video you can access below.

It features a presentation by the company's founder, Claire Reid, delivered at Westerford High School, Cape Town, in July this year.

Claire Reid, speaking at Westerford High School, Cape Town
On the face of it, there's nothing new or spectacular about an entrepreneur realizing their dreams.

But what is inspiring about Claire's story is the fact that she was only 16 when the germ of Reel Gardening formed in her mind.

Her determination to always add value to everything she did and to find a way around every obstacle also stands out markedly.

Along the way, she won an international award from Eskom Expo for Young Scientists, and set up a non-profit company called Reel Life that works hand-in-hand with Reel Gardening to help those in need.

Perhaps most impressively of all, she ignored the advice of 'big business', which wanted to mechanize and scale up her business, because that approach didn't feel right to her.

And through sheer persistence, she has now managed to secure the support of Sir Richard Branson to take her Reel Gardening products into Europe.

All because she refused to be diverted from the path that simply felt right.

At the end of the presentation, she states that, "You're never ever too young or too old to find what is your true path, what is your big idea".

What's more, Claire firmly believes that if you stick with that, you simply need to, "Allow the universe to conspire in your favor".

This really is well worth a look. Just click on the link below to go to the original recording:

Friday, 8 August 2014

Tools To Make Your Self-Talk More Positive

By Dr Jaime Kulaga

WHO came with up with the slogan, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? They must have been a tree.

Words hurt. In fact, sometimes words are more painful than sticks and stones. Words become more painful than sticks and stones when the hurtful words about us, come from us.

Sticks and stones will break your bones, but negative self-talk will destroy you. Below are the top 3 tools for better self-talk.

#1: Get rid of the "Have To," "Must" and "Should" Talk

Those things that "have to get done" are part of a sabotaging mind habit we created for ourselves.

The reality is, a lot of what we do does not "have to" get done, or, if it does, it doesn't "have to" happen right then and there.

Using words like "have," "must," "should" and "ought" are words that fill us with guilt and anxiety. Women despise feeling guilty, thus to avoid feelings of guilt, we satisfy the "haves" in our lives before we satisfy ourselves.

Women often do not deem themselves as a "have" or "must" in their own lives, thus everything else is worked on and fulfilled, except them.

Despite popular belief, laundry does not HAVE to get done on the weekends. Weekend is a compound word. Week-end. Your week has ended.

Use this time to walk away from the "should" and "haves" in your life, and do the things that you really would like to do in life - like all those things you "missed out on" or "wished you could do."

#2: Stop Telling Yourself Everything Has to be Perfect

Perfection is subjective. That is why you should never try to be perfect for anyone or anything. If you spend your life trying to be perfect for someone else, you may find you are never perfect, for you.

Thinking that you have to be perfect at anything in life is not only a barrier to your goals and life fulfillment, but you have directly set yourself up for failure.

Don't spend your life trying to be something that doesn't exist. By striving for perfection, your mind and body will go one of two ways:

1. Back down altogether. Your mind and body are smart. If you set a goal for something that is not attainable (such as trying to be perfect) why even try?

Your mind and body won't waste its time and energy trying to strive for something that is unachievable. So, the mind finds excuses and the body will support that.

2. You will attempt your goals with perfection in mind, and then fail (because perfection does not exist). This pattern of attempting and failing lowers our self-esteem and sometimes our desire to set goals at all.

Instead of perfectionism, work toward self-actualization. Self-actualization means to develop your full potential.

You are always in the mind-set of growing and developing yourself. It is through striving for self-actualization that you will find Life, Mind and Body fulfillment.

#3: Recognize Life is Not Only Black and White

I get it, you don't have time. Neither do I. But the reality is, we are both thinking in black and white right now. Working out doesn't mean 60 minutes or 0 - all or nothing.

Working out to a ten minute app on your phone in the middle of the kitchen is still some form of exercise. It counts.

We often get stuck on thinking and doing things the same way for so long, that we forget there are so many other ways to make decisions or succeed.

If you think you exhausted every possibility, you're wrong. When you think differently, you open more doors for opportunity, doors you can't even fathom right now because you just don't know they even exist.

Talk yourself out of the black and white, and into the shades of grey.

Dr. Jaime Kulaga is the author of Type "Superwoman: Finding the LIFE in Work-Life Balance - A Self-Searching Book for Women".

She is the inspirational founder of the SuperWoman Workshops.

Dr. Kulaga has been featured in Glamour, Self and Prevention magazines as well as the show Daytime for her expertise in Work-Life Balance.

Article Source:

Thursday, 7 August 2014

How does the Universe decide who gets what they want?

Guest post by Dr Robert Anthony

A question I am asked often is, "What if others want something different than I want and I am involved with them. How does the universe decide which person gets what they want?"

Dr Robert Anthony
My answer is when you have a vision of something and it feels like other people are shooting it down or they don't want what you want, it is not their shooting it down or what they want that is threatening your manifestation.

The problem is that you are letting their vision of your vision disconnect you from your vision.

In other words, you see them as powerful players or as hindering players and you are focused on their hindrance and in doing so you are not in alignment with your vision.

Then, the pain you feel is not because they are hindering your vision - the pain you are feeling is because you are out of alignment with YOUR vision.

The discomfort you are experiencing is because you are invested in the outcome of your vision. You want it to come to you in the exact way you envision it.

Any time you pick a particular source, person or situation and assign it the task that it will be the vortex by which your dream will be fulfilled, you severely limit yourself.

Instead, all you have to do is hold to your dream with an attitude of appreciation and the universe will satisfy your dream in many more ways than you can imagine.

You have so much more potential for your dreams to be satisfied than through that one source. And yet you use your squabble over that as your reason for not being in alignment with your dreams.

So you are depriving yourself of the dream coming through that avenue or any other avenue. And all of your frustration and your anger continue to grow because you feel powerless.

You are saying, "I want something I feel I can't have and the reason I feel I can't have it is because of what you're doing".

You need to understand that the universe sees you uniquely and separately and will answer your every question, your every desire and your every dream.

But you have to stop making excuses and blaming others for why it cannot be fulfilled.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT!

No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal. It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!

Dr. Robert Anthony

==> Click here for details of Dr Anthony's 'Secret of Deliberate Creation' <==