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Saturday, 25 August 2012

How To Get Your Head Right In Tough Times

By Douglas R Kruger
Whether it's worldwide recession or just a momentary bump in your industry, tough times test character. They test bank accounts too. But they are finite and you can get through them. You just need a survival plan.

The most important implement in overcoming trying stretches is your own mindset. Here are 7 suggestions for getting your head right in tough times:

1. Start By Recognizing It Denial is death. When the numbers start to dwindle, you cannot simply pretend it away. Your starting point is to acknowledge that you're facing a difficult stretch and to resolve to do something about it. Start with the declaration: "It's a rough patch, but I'll get through this and come out stronger!"

2. Don't Blame The Jeans The dieter who blames the jeans is in trouble. But the one who owns the butt will get it right and it's the same for you. You can expend all of your energy bewailing your scenario, blaming the economy, the industry, the old government, the new government, China and the crew of the Starship Enterprise. But ultimately, these outside forces don't care how mistreated you feel. Blaming the jeans won't fix the butt.

It's like the sales team who spend the first six months of the year moaning about targets being too high. When they finally get around to accepting that the targets are what they are, and that they have to do something about it, it's already too late. But the early starter is well on his way to meeting his goals.

3. Choose Doing Over Stewing You can think your way into a black hole. Or you can think of creative solutions. Your brain is entirely your own to manage and employ. When times are tough, the worst thing you can do is to let it wallow.

Instead, choose to get angry enough to do something about your situation. The more time you spend doing, the less you have for available for stewing. Draw up 'to-do' lists for actions that you can take. When the despair tries to press its way in, keep it at bay with a bout of relentless action.

4. Expand When Others Contract When times are tough, most people contract. They practice Recession-Think. Recession-Think is a self-fulfilling prophecy. It goes like this: "No-one's buying. So I won't try to sell."

Recession-Think is based on rumour more than experience. Practitioners of Recession-Think haven't tested the notion that people are not buying. They have simply bought into popular dialogue. And they allow it to cause their energy to shrink.

The person who ignores the gloom and goes out and sells anyway will prosper, even in tough times. Their philosophy is: "Times are tough / I must do more!" They have the same information, but they have reached a different conclusion. They are expanding.

Make sure your inner energy is an expanding starburst, not an imploding black hole.

5. Go And Be Where The Energy Is There are always people who are prospering in your industry; even during tough times. You need to go and be among them. Now more than ever, you need ideas, inspiration and positive reinforcement.

Go to the conventions, and soak up two incredibly important nutrients useful ideas and positive energy. Sometimes the connections alone can be worth business. But you'll never make them unless you go there.

6. Speak Vision In Stories You need your team to keep fighting, and fighting harder than ever. You won't achieve this with micro-managing or doom-saying. Quite the contrary: during tough times, you need to be the motivational speaker, and they need to see that you mean it.

You have to internalize the possibilities, then turn them into picture-stories for your staff. Create highly specific stories about how things can be on the far side of this hiccup. Keep telling your stories, and keep guiding your team toward the goal.

7. Focus on the Top Line Panicked business-owners tend to focus on saving every penny. They get hung up on the cost of paper-clips. It's a tremendous misuse of their energy and focus. Yes, you should keep an eye on the bottom-line, but it should only be an incidental one.

You should use the greatest part of your energy and time on increasing the top line. You need income. There is very little sense in expending 90 per cent of your energy trying to hold on to an insufficient amount of money. The main thrust of your energy should go to generating more money.

Select what you can control and determine what you can't. Put massive drive into money-generating behaviour, and don't allow your nay-saying mind to worry about the rest. Fight for the thing that matters to you; it can be done, and remember that difficult times are finite.

Finally, don't forget to look at the stars from time to time. This is not a metaphor. Every now and then, you need to stare up at the heavens and feel incredibly small. Be removed from your worries for a moment and remember the wonder of life. There's something good for you, just around the corner. Just keep your head in gear. You'll make it!

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker, trainer and author of the '50 Ways' series of books. His most booked keynote speeches are: The Rules of Hamster-Thinking, The Big Bum Theory, and How To Position Yourself As an Expert. See him in action or read more of his articles at: Email him at: or follow him on Linked In or Twitter: @douglaskruger.

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Friday, 17 August 2012

All Problems Have Solutions

By Dr Greg Schreeuwer

So many of us are faced with the challenges of life on a daily basis. What decisions to make, which career is right for us, how to invest our money, who do we date and so much more.

A lot of us feel that these challenges are more like problems that we can't overcome and can't resolve. They are issues that are holding us back from what we'd really love to do or who we'd really love to be.

What we fail to see and understand about problems or challenges, is that they have solutions. Every problem we will ever face in life has an equal and opposite solution, waiting to be discovered.

Take the example of a 'tug of war' competition. Two teams both hold a rope with the intention of overpowering the other. In order for one team to win they either need a great strategy or brute strength.

When one team is pulling, and it seems they are in the 'losing' position, the only reason why is because they need feedback to indicate to them where their 'weaknesses' are.

Once they become aware of what's 'missing', they can then go about filling that and trying again. There is never a time in the universe when a solution is unavailable for a problem or challenge. They actually coexist.

Take a look at your life right now and ask yourself: 'What am I feeling challenged by? Where do I currently have a problem that I perceive cannot be solved?'

Is it in your finances? Is it in your business or your relationships?

Are you lacking knowledge about something that you perceive you need? Do you have a chronic ailment you haven't been able to resolve?

You're probably well aware of the area in your life that these issues are occurring. Now ask yourself, what is the feedback this problem or challenge is giving me?

If you're in debt, do you need to value yourself more, instead of owing everyone something? If you're business isn't growing, could it be that you need to change direction?

If your partner is distancing themselves from you or are you distancing yourselves from them? Could it be that neither of your values are being met or honoured?

All human beings face challenges and have problems that require solving. It's what makes the universe evolve. There is nothing in the universe that cannot be solved.

It doesn't matter how big or small your problem is, the feedback you receive from the problem will provide the solution.

Dr Greg Schreeuwer is an Empowerment Coach and kinesiologist, who has developed a unique and effective way of helping people solve some of life's most challenging problems.

His eBook, 'Action Your Life' offers insights into how you can solve them yourself. His book can be purchased at

Article Source:

Thursday, 16 August 2012

How Do You Look? Leave A Great First Impression

By Suzanne Y Levy

By now, most of us know that it only takes a few seconds upon meeting someone to form an impression of that person. That impression can make all the difference in whether or not we are perceived as intelligent and competent, if we get hired, what kind of service we receive, or if we get invited back.

Like it or not, the way we present ourselves to the world matters. It tells others who we are. We're all so focused on what society expects us to look like that it's easy to forget that what makes us unique and special can also be what makes us attractive. Often, those very attributes can be what set us apart from the crowd.

The media has an extremely powerful influence on everyone, but particularly on women. Most of us have observed young girls and women go out of their way to look like someone they've seen on TV or in a magazine, only to lose a sense of themselves in the process.

Our true beauty lies in our uniqueness, our authenticity.

Often a small adjustment may be all that we need in order to discover our best look, and let that shine through. It can be demanding and frustrating to compare yourself to images of women in the media. The reality is that these images don't always live up to the same perfection in real life.

Camera angles, lighting and retouching, not to mention world-class make-up artists, make an unbeatable combination when it comes to portraying a flawless image.

Trying to compete with these images is unrealistic, but appreciating ourselves and our uniqueness, and presenting ourselves in the best light, is within everyone's reach.

Changing your Appearance Starts with Confidence

The power of confidence and attitude cannot be overstated. Diana Vreeland, the legendary fashion editor at Harper's Bazaar, who later became editor-in-chief at Vogue, was far from possessing many of the features considered as classically beautiful. And she herself knew it.

"There are millions of pretty girls and models. But beauty is an attitude. I am not... a conventional beauty. And yet, when I look at my reflection in the mirror each morning, I see an empress. And that's what I become."

Diana Vreeland was one of the most celebrated style icons of the 20th century. A more current example is Sarah Jessica Parker - again, not a classic beauty but one who makes the most of what she has.

OK, I'll be the first one to admit I'm not always looking at an empress in the mirror first thing in the morning. But you get the idea.

It's about being confident in how we are in the world. It's important to be the best representatives of ourselves we can be, not just for others, but for ourselves. The foundation of that, I believe, begins with good health.

Eating well, the right nutrition, getting enough exercise, drinking water, making sure we get adequate sleep and relaxation - these are the building blocks from which we go on to look and be our best.

Beyond that, carrying ourselves with confidence and good posture, paying attention to grooming, and being engaged and interested in the world around us are what make us stand out from the crowd.

I knew an older woman years ago who had been a Ford model in her younger years. By the time I met her she was well into her sixties, and still stunning. What really made her stand out, though, was how gracious she was, and the genuine interest she took in me and in others.

She always made me feel that she couldn't be happier to see me, and I think that is why I remember her as being beautiful.

Let's face it. Everyone's busy. Most of us have families, careers, friends, and interests that structure how we spend our time. It doesn't take a lot of time, however, to pull yourself together to present yourself in the best possible light.

Taking the time to look your best for the day will greatly enhance your confidence for whatever the day brings. And the same advice applies to men.

Looking your best, being well dressed, well-groomed and fit speaks volumes about you, your level of confidence and self-respect. It can make all the difference in how you are perceived, both in your career and personally.

All of this is about you being you at your best. It's about eliminating what is holding you back, and enhancing your uniqueness.

Often, especially for women, the main culprit is stress, not getting enough rest, or not spending enough time on the things or people who really matter. Learning to manage stress, eliminating what is negative, embracing blessings, will make a world of difference in how you feel, and thus how you look.

Walk confidently, with your head high. Make the most of what you have. Smile! Treat each person you meet as you would treat your favorite person in the world, and watch the universe react with kindness.

Being your best is really about moving through life authentically with confidence, strength and positivity.

Suzanne Levy is a Life Coach and the Owner at Evergreen Life and Wellness, in Evergreen, Colorado.

She works with women and men looking to achieve Optimal Health and Well-Being at every stage of their life, working particularly with individuals navigating transitions in their life.

These can include re-careering or loss of position, empty nests, loss of spouse, relocations, navigating between one's own family obligations and responsibilities to aging parents, beginning anew after leaving behind an unhealthy lifestyle, or looking ahead to planning the next chapter - or adventure - of their life.

Visit Suzanne at for more information and to receive her 7 Day Get Started Plan.

Article Source:

Three Powerful Steps To Abundance With Marci Shimoff

By John Lee

Need a simple yet powerful formula to attract whatever you want into your life?

Well, if anyone can offer some great advice it's Marci Shimoff -- best-selling author of the books 'Happy For No Reason' and 'Love For No Reason'.

In this video interview, she tells Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell about her personal approach to manifestation.

She also suggests some good daily habits to adopt, explains the value of gratitude and talks a little about the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho'oponopono.

A fascinating, informative and unusual look at practical manifestation by one of the world's true masters!

Just click on the link below to go to the original Mind Movies video and hit 'Play'...

Best-selling author Marci Shimoff

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

What Women Really Want...

With John Gray & Jack Canfield

A fascinating, thought-provoking and, some would probably say, controversial video, in which Jack Canfield of 'Chicken Soup For the Soul' fame interviews relationship counsellor, John Gray - author of the hugely successful book, 'Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus'.

At the end of the recording, which lasts a few minutes, there's also a link to the full, hour-long interview for those who would like to hear Mr Gray talk more about the differences between men and women. And it's well worth a look!

To see the shorter video, simply click the link below:

Who's Packing Your Parachute?

By Darren Hardy, publisher of 'Success' magazine 

A couple years ago I interviewed Charlie Plumb, who was a U.S. Navy jet pilot in Vietnam. I learned a very valuable leadership lesson that I’d like to pass on to you here.

Charlie flew 74 consecutive successful combat missions. However on his 75th mission his F4 Phantom fighter plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile.

The plane exploded with some 12,000 pounds of jet fuel, flipping the plane topsy-turvy, end-over-end, down toward a rice paddy below.

Charlie was forced to eject. The only thing between him and imminent death was his parachute that he prayed would open…

Then finally he felt the opening shock of the parachute. During the 90 seconds of descent he was being shot at.

“The audacity of this enemy,” Charlie said, “they just knocked down my multimillion-dollar airplane and now they’re trying to kill the pilot!”

Charlie made it down to the ground alive, but was then captured and spent 2,103 brutal days as a prisoner of war in a communist Vietnamese prison camp.

Many years after being repatriated, Charlie, his wife and another couple were sitting in a little restaurant in Kansas City together before going to a theater show that night.

Two tables over was this guy who kept looking at him. Charlie would look back but didn’t recognize him, but he kept catching this guy staring at him.

Finally the guy stood up and walked over to Charlie’s table and pointed at him with a sort of a stern look on his face and he said, “You’re Captain Plumb.”

Charlie looked up at him and said, “Yes, I am Captain Plumb.” The guy said, “You’re that guy. You flew jet fighters in Vietnam. You’re a fighter pilot, part of that ‘Top Gun’ outfit.

“You launched from the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk, you parachuted into enemy territory and you spent six years as a prisoner of war.”

Somewhat dumbfounded Charlie looked up at the guy and asked, “How in the world did you know all that?” The man chuckled, smiled and said, “Because I packed your parachute.”

Charlie was speechless. The man grabbed Charlie’s hand and pumped his arm and said, “I guess it worked,” and walked off.

Charlie lay awake that night thinking about all the times he had walked through the long narrow room, below sea level on the aircraft carrier, with the tables where the men packed the parachutes.

How many times he must have walked past this man without even saying ‘Hi’, ‘Good morning’ or ‘Good job’ or ‘I appreciate what you do’.

“How many times did I pass the man whose job would eventually save my life… because I was a jet jockey, a Top Gun racing around the sky at twice the speed of sound. Because I was a fighter pilot and he was just a sailor.”

Think about this for yourself. How many times in life do you pass the people who help you out the most? The people who come out of the far corners of your life just when you need them the most and pack your parachutes for you?

The people who go the extra mile, the people who don’t look for the kudos or the accolades or the achievement medal or even the bonus check – the folks who are just out there packing parachutes?

So here’s what I want to challenge you to do. Look around your organization for the people who might not be the ‘Top Guns’ of your organization, the loud and brazen leaders, but the ones who support the system that enables the Top Guns to fly.

And if something goes wrong it will be because they did their job that no one gets hurt or a customer doesn’t go neglected.

This week, find five parachute packers in your organization and tell them how much you appreciate them and how important are the things they do for the organization.

Because, in the end, it might just be them who save your life or your business, or at least save the day.

Article source -

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Change Your Vibration - Change Your Life

By John Lee

Arguably one of the most difficult concepts to grasp within the realm of personal development is that of vibration - how we feel in ourselves at any one time. The Law of Attraction essentially states that 'like attracts like' in vibrational terms. So if we're feeling happy and positive, we're attracting into our life more of what makes us happy and positive.

Easier said than done, in day-to-day life, right? Especially when our thoughts start to run away with us. One person I've found who does understand how all this works is Dr Robert Anthony - a US-based behavioural psychologist, psychotherapist, NLP practitioner, master hypnotist and personal performance trainer.

The creator of best-selling programs such as The Secret of Deliberate Creation, Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis and Self-Confidence Creator, Dr Anthony regularly sends advice and tips to my personal email inbox. And below is a recent arrival, which deals with precisely this issue and which I'm reproducing in full in the hope that you will find it beneficial. Over to Dr Anthony...

"In the past, I have talked about indicators and the indicator we receive most is negative emotion. But it can be any type of indicator that tells us we are out of vibrational alignment.  Health issues, relationship problems, business problems are all indicators of vibration. Change the vibration and the indication must change.

Anytime you are in some situation where it is not as you want it to be - it causes you to ask for a change. In that moment of asking, Source Energy answers then lines up circumstances and events and a rush of energy moves through a veritable vortex. The energy moves quickly and instantaneously towards the fulfilment of EVERYTHING you ask for. The question is, "Are you up to speed with that energy stream?"

In these days of fast moving energy, the stream is moving so fast that if you get a little out of alignment with it, the results will show up fast and usually in a big way.  In other words, when you are in a car going 100 mph, you pay more attention than if your car is going 5 mph.  If the car you are driving at 100 mph hits a tree, it is a much bigger problem for you than if you were driving at 5 mph.

We are living in a world of fast moving energy. You cannot be sloppy with your thinking in an environment where energy is moving so fast. You have got to pay attention to your thoughts.
But paying attention to your thoughts is nearly impossible. Let's face it, most people can't even control their kids, let alone control their thoughts. Monitoring your thoughts is hopeless. So don't monitor your thoughts, just monitor the way you FEEL. Decide right now that you want to feel good as much as possible and you are going to use the power of your mind to focus on better and better feeling thoughts.

I am sure you are determined to think more deliberately and focus on things you want. I also realize that can be a little tricky when you are in the middle of something you don't want.  You can't just pretend it does not exist or pretend it is not happening. You can't just withdraw from your work or withdraw from your relationships. In other words, you cannot just withdraw from where you are
because it has your attention. You must work out of it one step at a time."

Saturday, 4 August 2012

The Most Inspiring Video You'll Ever See

By John Lee

Ask most people who they find truly inspiring and most will name a favourite sports person, actor, singer or some other celebrity.

And while their achievements are no doubt admirable and praiseworthy, they generally pale into insignificance when compared to those of someone like Nick Vujicic.

If you’ve never heard of Nick, he’s an Australian preacher and motivational speaker, whose family originates from Serbia.

Thanks to a rare disorder known as tetra-amelia syndrome, he was also born with no limbs. But that hasn’t stopped Nick leading a full and inspiring life.

Far from it.

In fact, his resilience in the face of overwhelming odds is an object lesson to anyone who has ever felt that life/the world/society/their background – fill in the blank – has dealt them a bad hand.

That’s just about all of us, from time to time, if we’re honest.

Now, you might be telling yourself, “OK, but he was born that way, so he’s never known any different”.

But imagine seeing others enjoy all the wonderful experiences there are in the world and realizing that – in many cases – you can never do the same.

So click on the link below and watch Nick in action. Then take a few minutes to really appreciate the good things you have in your life – no matter how tough it might be right now.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Jack Canfield on the Inspiration Show

With Natalie Ledwell

In this edition of The Inspiration Show from the Mind Movies team, Natalie conducts a great video interview with Jack Canfield of 'Chicken Soup for The Soul' fame and one of the stars of smash-hit movies 'The Secret'  and 'The Keeper Of The Keys'.
He talks about his life and his background, how 'Chicken Soup For The Soul' came about, achieving personal success through the use of techniques such as affirmations and meditation, and overcoming limiting beliefs. A fascinating, revealing and even uplifting video, it's well worth a watch.

Just click on the following link to be taken to the video, which runs for about 15 minutes. I hope you enjoy it!

Best wishes,

