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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Cultivating Mental Toughness

By Raman Kuppuswamy

“CONCENTRATION and mental toughness are the margins of victory,” said Bill Russell.

In fact, mental toughness is the most important ingredient for achieving goals in life because during the course of your journey towards your life’s goals, the chances of you facing bumps are very high.

Not only that, this trait will help you acquire resilience, determination and willpower so you can persist till you reach your goals.

Do you have the 'Mental Toughness' to achieve your goals?
Mental toughness gives you the ability and strength to push, despite opposition and hurdles. So, it is imperative that you must try cultivating the trait.

But before that, let us understand what we mean by mental toughness.

What is mental toughness?

Mental toughness can be described as the attribute that allows you to handle the difficulties you may face in your life.

A few experts firmly restrict this attribute to the sports field. But a number of other experts believe that this attribute pervades every area of our life.

Peter Clough and Dough Strycharczyk – researchers who authored the book, ‘Developing Mental Toughness’ – say that this attribute is:

“The quality which determines, in large part, how people deal effectively with challenge, stressors, and pressure... irrespective of prevailing circumstances.”

According to these researchers, this trait consists of a few critical components and they are challenge, control, commitment and confidence.

As far as ‘challenge’– the first component – is concerned, you must view challenges, not as obstacles, but as opportunities.

The crux of ‘control’ – the second component – is to believe that you have complete control over your destiny and life.

‘Commitment’ is nothing but possessing the capabilities needed for sticking to tasks and ensuring you complete them, regardless of the hurdles you may face.

‘Confidence’ is believing in your capabilities. Clough and Strycharczyk firmly say that mental toughness and the skills related to it apply to every area of life.

Research proves that the attribute has a genetic link. At the same time, experts suggest that people can learn and strengthen their mental toughness as well.

But how can you cultivate this trait?

1. Believe that you have the ability for achieving your goals

A study conducted in 2002 revealed that top performers – and especially elite athletes – always possess extreme self-belief.

This means that they firmly believe they can succeed. In other words, if you believe in yourself and keep encouraging yourself positively, you can achieve your goal, regardless of what it is.

2. Prefer intrinsic motivations to external rewards

External rewards – like popularity, money, etc. – are certainly nice but intrinsic motivations are better because they come from the ‘within’.

This means you will love doing things just for doing them. When you love doing things, you will push harder and try to perform better.

In fact, mentally tough people love doing things in which they are interested and their success in their tasks come from intrinsic motivations and not because of external rewards.

This means that they love the challenges they may face while doing things and overcoming those challenges is the real reward for them.

3. Mentally tough people do not get upset when they encounter setbacks

Mentally tough people rebound even when they encounter setbacks, and while doing so, they move ahead with stronger determination and resolve.

They innovate to find out new ways for overcoming such phases.

4. They are self-directed

This means that they do not let things happen. Instead, they focus on creating the life they’d like to lead.

They set goals and take appropriate action for going beyond their goals and achieving them. In other words, they learn the process of setting goals and pursue the goals relentlessly.

5. They keep their focus even if there are distractions

Distractions are bound to be there in everyone’s life, but mentally tough people do not allow them to spoil their focus. Remember that it is impossible to always have everything right.

Even if other things need your attention, you must focus only on your goals and work towards achieving them.

6. They are committed

Commitment is a major ingredient that helps in cultivating mental toughness. Remember the words of Winston Churchill who said:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

So, you should always remain committed to making the right efforts for achieving your goals.

Raman Kuppuswamy offers copywriting services of the highest quality.

Please visit to know more about him. Click on “web presence” on the site to see samples of the contents he has crafted.

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Tuesday, 13 June 2017

How to Meditate: A Guided Meditation with Jack Canfield

Posted By John Lee of

If you’ve ever tried your hand at meditation and looked on line or at your local book store for help and inspiration, you’ll know there’s shed loads of information out there.

Some is complex. Some is fairly simple. And some is so far ‘out there’ you feel like you need a Master’s Degree in Metaphysics before you can even think about getting started! 
Let Jack Canfield show the art of meditation

Yet meditation is the simplest of phenomena and, in fact, an everyday part of our lives, in much the same way as ‘trance’ within the practice of hypnotherapy.

Whenever you get lost in a book or movie, for example, or find yourself day-dreaming as you gaze into the flames of a cozy fire... you’re in trance. And meditation is not dissimilar.

Take a look at the video below – featuring American author, motivational speaker, corporate trainer, and entrepreneur, Jack Canfield – and you’ll see how simple and useful it can be.

You may know Jack from movies such as, ‘The Secret’ or ‘The Keeper of the Keys’, books like the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series or his numerous other self-improvement programs.

And if you do, you’ll know he always manages to strip away the confusing and complex to offer straightforward and very practical help in every subject.

Here, he takes you through his own four-part, guided meditation that’s easy to implement, very practical and refreshingly empowering – all in just eight minutes.

Better still, Jack also takes a look at what exactly meditation is, why it’s an important tool for everyone and the huge benefits it can bring to your life.

The entire video’s only 18 minutes long. So take a look. Just click on the link below to go to the original recording.