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Monday, 23 February 2015

Why Ignorance Is Bliss (Or Can Be)

By Laura Gevanter

MY college friend Ron and I used to say, "It's not easy being us". We were (still are) cerebral, analytical and very self-aware.

We would spend way too much time going over "why" this happened and what it all meant. We were exhausted. We used to joke how much easier life was for people who were "simple". 

Pic courtesy of
They didn't know what they were missing, after all.

How easy it would be to go through life not second-guessing or allowing the committee in our heads to consume hours at a time trying to make a decision.

We envisioned them sitting around a boardroom where each member represented different aspects of an argument as to whether we should do something or not. It was funny, but only to a point.

Of course, that was long before I became aware of the Law of Attraction and exactly what we were doing, albeit unconsciously.

We were not relying on what felt right to us, but what we could reason was the best decision. Life seemed harder then. If we just had simple minds, life would be easy. Or, if we just knew less.

"Lack of knowledge results in happiness" - Wikipedia definition under "ignorance is bliss"

I often wonder what life would be like if we had limited access to the information that comes into our daily lives.

Imagine if we completely stopped watching or reading the news, as many of us have.

Does it really matter to us what is happening on Wall Street if we set our own intentions for our successful business?

We would not entertain thoughts that customers or clients wouldn't show up because they were fearful about spending money.

We believe that prosperity and abundance is all around us so of course they could afford us!

It is not only how this information affects us consciously (we watch violence on the news and think the world is a dangerous place) but even more significant is how it affects us unconsciously.

We take in all these images that we don't desire in our experience and yet we are constantly imprinting them in our minds.

Our brains cannot distinguish whether something is real (you are actually witnessing this happening) or it is created in a movie with stunts.

These images cause an internal reaction, which in turn creates a vibration of fear, lack or scarcity. We then begin to notice more and more of it as now it has been activated.

This is why it's so important to consciously choose what we allow our senses to be exposed to.

Daily doses of news, watching the crumbling financial markets, images of polluted waters or acts of violence do not serve us in any way.

"Usually, once the whole truth is revealed, you realize you were happier being clueless." - Urban Dictionary

Let's take it one step further and go out on a limb. A person goes to a doctor for a check-up and the doctor finds something he doesn't like and wants tests done.

Might be cancer. The results come back and they are not good. The doctor tells you at best you have 6-9 months to live.

Panic sets in and all you can focus on is this deadly time bomb growing in your body.

I've imagined what the world would be like with LOA savvy doctors.

Instead of getting the ‘I-don't-like-the-looks-of-this’ response upon reviewing a spot on an x-ray and then ordering more tests only to give you the news that you have an expiration date in the not-too-distant future, it sounds more like this:

"I see something, but it's no big deal. Nothing to worry about. I want to give you some suggestions to maximize your health."

I wonder to what extent the recovery rate would climb of so-called incurable illnesses would be?

I understand all about ethics, morals and the responsibility of doctors, so I am not suggesting health care professionals lie to their patients.

But it's interesting to explore what might happen if we were told that we are in overall good health and just as a precaution they would like us to do some things to maximize our health?

"My doctors told me I would never walk again. My mother told me I would. I believed my mother." - Wilma Rudolph 1940-1994, Olympic gold medalist

As deliberate creators we know that what we give our focus and attention to gets bigger and we attract more of that into our experience.

By focusing on a diagnosis of illness we are not giving our attention to wellness.

What also comes into play here is all of the years of accumulated information and knowledge that we have received since childhood that is embedded into our subconscious.

Many times these become our default thoughts.

For example, if someone was raised to believe that money is hard to get and even harder to hold onto, following the stock market or reading the woes in the Financial Times is going to give them evidence to support those beliefs.

The vibration of "money is scarce" has been activated and will be in your experience. The physical world is a wonderful (and accurate) reflection of our inner vibration.

If we are experiencing or creating financial abundance in our lives, any information to the contrary will not support us.

It may bring up feelings of doubt and fear and will surely kink up that easy financial flow vibe.

Information serves us if it's in alignment with what we desire. Having more knowledge does not always make a decision easier as it still comes down to what feels best.

We can read up on all the latest dietary and health trends.

But will finding out that our favorite food is "bad" for us really help us if it is something that brings us pleasure when overall we practice self-love and take care of our bodies?

We know we have control over what we experience in our lives, but would our job be easier if we were more selective about the information we allowed into our consciousness?

We are a nation of information junkies with the underlying thought that more is always better. But does this always serve us?

There is something to be said for letting our imagination give us all the information we need to create the life we want. Ignorance can, in fact, be bliss.

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Monday, 16 February 2015

Turning Your Stress Into Success

By Linda Credit

AS people, we are bound to experience stress almost everyday in our lives. It can be through work, school or just doing some household chores.

If stress is not relieved in a person then it can take its toll by affecting our mind and body. But if it is managed the right way, it can be channeled to something positive.

Turn YOUR stress into success - pic by stockimages/
For those of you who are inducing stress every day in your life, here are some tips on how to manage it:

1. Every day is a new day - You should know that life doesn't repeat itself. The reason why we are given tomorrow is so that we can start afresh and forget about the hindrances of the past.

As for you, take a moment each day, when you wake up, to inhale all the good vibes and live with it. Embrace all the things around you and be thankful that you were given another day.

Don't let the failures of yesterday drag you down, but instead let it be the motivation to correct tomorrow and do your best to make the day worthwhile.

2. Meditate each day - Meditation is a helpful way to ease your mind and body. Take a moment each day and reflect on the experiences that made you happy.

Channel all the positive experiences that you have so that you will be reminded of the things that made you happy in your life.

If you do this successfully then you will surely be prepared to face the challenges of the day ahead.

3. Have a good breakfast and plan your day - Eating a good breakfast is very important to get your body ready for the day. This will fuel your body the moment you go about your daily task.

While doing breakfast, you should also set some plans on what you will do for the day. Don't get ahead of yourself by planning for tomorrow because what you'll be doing today is far more important.

4. Embrace confidence - Be ready to face the day by putting a smile on your face. Always walk with confidence that you are ready to face whatever comes your way.

Just believe that you are better than the others so that you'll keep yourself motivated the entire time.

5. Embrace each moment as if it's your last - By thinking like this, you will really push yourself to do whatever is necessary to make the moment worthwhile.

You will feel like working way beyond 100 per cent and you will surely accomplish a lot of things on that day.

6. Do some light exercises - As you know, exercising is a very important method to be followed by every person to ensure that their body is taken care of.

Exercise also serves as a reliever for stress. So take time each day to do some simple exercises so that everything in your body will always feel relaxed.

7. Put a 100 per cent into everything - Doing your best is a great thing to do whenever you are doing a task. If you must, go beyond 100 per cent and find out what you are truly capable of.

Remember that stress is only a temporary condition. Just follow the steps mentioned above and you will surely find success because of it.

Linda Credit is an expert in online marketing and financial freedom. She shares the best information on how to become happier, healthier and financially able through her blog.

Check out her website for more information on how to feel accomplished and happy at work.

Article Source:

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

How Focusing On The Negative Can Transform Your Life!

By Paul A Philips

IT always amuses me when I hear people labeling something as 'negative', with all its connotations. As if the negative is something to be ignored or dismissed.

Do these people - especially some of those 'new-agers' - think that negative things will all go away if ignored? That focusing on the positive will bring about a complete turnaround?  

Pic courtesy of
What about the old adage, "What you resist persists"?

No. Labelling, invalidating or dismissing something merely as negative may mean that you have missed the point.

For example, if I told you that your kitchen is on fire, would you then turn to me and say something in the way of, "Oh, you're talking so negatively. I was happy until now"?

Of course you wouldn't say something so absurd. No, instead you'd try and do something about it. Let's say you'd race into your kitchen and instinctively try to put out the fire.

After putting out the fire - say it was caused by a frying pan with oil - you would indeed then thank me for putting your attention on this.

The point I'm making here is that, many things going on in the world related to unfairness, injustice, greed, lies and deception will continue, until humanity focuses on this inhumanity and seriously does something about it.

Many of these things have got this way because of people's 'stand-down' behavior, ignorance and apathy.

As Einstein said in so many words, "The world's full of danger and the most dangerous people are those who do nothing about it".

It's not just a case of 'getting off one's backside', but also a discerning ability is needed and to listen to the heart.

Deep inside, you have an inner voice coming from your inner being. When this inner voice talks to you it says, "Do something with your life".

That inner voice can be quite specific, related to, say, doing things that contribute to others, turning things around related to those negative connotations - unfairness, injustice, greed, lies and deception...

The same principle applies in relationships. A sudden realization of the negative and a willingness to confront is an opportunity for making the necessary changes for a turnaround.

Negativity is just an interpretation of what's occurring out there for you. Negativity either controls you or you control it. Given certain situations, which one will it be for you?

Do things have to be perceived as negative? No, you have a choice. Choice is part of what makes you human.

In many cases, you have the choice of, instead of perceiving something as negative, getting it on the level that everything is just the way it IS.

'Is-ness' is the key. Ultimately there is no such thing as positive or negative. Everything is just the way it is. This observer mode viewpoint can put you in an empowering way of being.

This is how focusing on the negative can transform your life!

If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles, blogs and videos...

.... including a free download PDF entitled 'The Greater Way and the New Paradigm Experience'. Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:

Article Source:

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

The Power of Visualization... and 6 Free Mind Movies

By John Lee of

THERE can be no-one in the modern world who knows more about the Law of Attraction, its undeniable impact on our lives and its application than Bob Proctor.

After all, he's studied the subject for over 50 years, being mentored for a number of years by the legendary Earl Nightingale, and has used what he learned to achieve phenomenal success.

Bob and Natalie discuss the power of visualization
Bob's quest to help others do likewise has seen him pen some of the most influential books of their genre and appear in global hit movies such as 'The Secret', enabling him to pass on his wisdom to people around the world.

Two such people are Natalie and Glen Ledwell - the Australian entrpreneurs behind the 'Mind Movies' visualization software, which counts numerous personal development luminaries among its fans.

In the video you can access below, Natalie and Glen begin to tell their story of how they developed the software, along with their personal battles to harness the power of visualization.

This is no 'sob story', by the way, and one with which many success-driven people will surely identify. Which brings us back to Bob Proctor.

In the second half of the video, he talks to Natalie about the massive importance of visualization in shaping our lives. Among the subjects he covers are:

* Why so many of us fail to realize our dreams simply because we have the wrong focus
* How we're all 'co-creators' in the manifestation process
* Why knowing the 'How' is not important and why it will actually get you nowhere
* Why emotion is vital
* The influence of our personal paradigm and why it needs to be shifted if we want to make changes
* Why there are really no accidents or coincidences

It's fascinating stuff, while Bob reveals himself to be a staunch supporter of Mind Movies.

Better still, if you're not familiar with them yourself, there's a link to 6 pre-made Mind Movies, which are completely free to download.

They cover Wealth Abundance, Vibrant Health, Courage and Confidence, Loving and Appreciating Myself, Finding Inner Peace, and Attracting Friends and A Great Social Life.

What better reason could you need for taking a look at the video? Use the link below go to the original recording:

Click here now: