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Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Stop Using These Affirmations Right Now – with Jack Canfield

Posted by John Lee of

IT’S no secret that the internal dialogue we all have running throughout our waking hours has a decisive effect on our lives.

This is especially true of those thoughts and phrases we tell ourselves over and over and over again.

Author, speaker and success coach, Jack Canfield
So we keep repeating in our minds that we’re clumsy, for example, that we’re useless at a particular task, or that we’re never going to attain a certain desire.

Equally, we might see ourselves as lucky, skilled in a favourite pursuit or even destined for greatness.

In either situation, the end result tends to materialize, if we put enough strength and emotion into our thoughts, coupled with repetition.

Unfortunately, the rushed, hectic and pressured nature of everyday life can cloud the issue, with many people leaning towards the negative.

Which is a perfect reason to check out the video below, with Jack Canfield – author, speaker and star of movies, ‘The Secret’ and ‘The Keeper Of The Keys’ (

Among the subjects he covers are:

* The Law of Attraction – How it works and the effects it has on our lives
* Four common affirmations that we should all stop using... NOW
* How to rework what you habitually say to yourself, to change it from negative to positive

The video’s only a few minutes long, but well worth a look. Simply click on the link below to be taken to the original recording:

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Enjoy Your Journey, Be Grateful, Choose Success

By Mary Pawlus and courtesy of Bob Proctor’s, ‘Insight of the Day’

WE hear about ‘Gratitude’ all the time. We’re supposed to be ‘Grateful’ no matter what’s going on in our lives.

You may be thinking, “Are you kidding me? I have nothing to be grateful for. My life is in shambles.” 

Have you learned the 'lesson of Gratitude'?
 Well, I’m here to tell you that thought is absolutely OK. However, read on and you will know that Gratitude is key.

There were times when I felt that I simply could not face the day.

But in retrospect, those days were some of the most important days on my journey, because that’s when I realized my strength, my ability to overcome adversity, to change the world – my world, that is.

And I learned the lesson of Gratitude – no matter what the circumstances.

Not so long ago I was a happily married woman, living in a beautiful part of the world, enjoying success in my business, had great relationships with family and friends, and felt that all was right in my world.

Then, within three short years, that perfect world crumbled. Both my parents died, my marriage ended, I became estranged from siblings, and was isolated in that beautiful part of the world.

Not only that, soon after my business contracts ended, and there wasn’t anything on the horizon. I had to take on three jobs just to keep afloat.

I thought, what the heck just happened in my life?

I didn’t realize at the time what a blessing I had been given. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Have you experienced anything similar?

I’ll bet some of you answered, ‘Yes’ to those questions because we have all faced challenges in our lives. Those challenges are actually opportunities.

I like to call them “course corrections”. We just may not realize what they are at the time. Often, we can’t see the forest for the trees.

So, as I sat there wondering, ‘What next?’ I realized that my life is my responsibility.

What an epiphany!

That experience was truly freeing, and I was so grateful. What would I choose? I could choose anything. I was in control of my life. I decided at that moment to choose Success.

As my mentor, Bob Proctor says, “Don’t worry about the ‘How’. When you set ‘Your Big Goal’, just take action and the Universe will provide absolutely everything you need.

“But taking action is the Key!”

Now, having chosen success, I did take action. I sold my house, moved back to the city, and have started my own business in a completely new field.

Had those things not happened to me, I may not have learned the lesson of Gratitude. I may not have chosen Success. I may not have seen all the opportunities that were just waiting for me.

Talk about being Grateful!

Things happen in this journey called life, and how you react to them is a choice... your choice.

We are all here to do great things. We all have our unique gifts to share. Sometimes it takes something unexpected to bring us to Awareness.

Now whenever something ‘appears’ to be negative, I say, ‘Thank You!’ It’s simply a course correction – an opportunity to see things in a different way.

Everything is a choice. Why not choose Success and Gratitude?

Mary Pawlus

Mary Pawlus has been studying personal development, and mind/body/spirit health for over 25 years.

She has a passion for helping people live a healthy lifestyle by making better choices.

Mary’s personal journey has led her to develop personal development techniques that anyone can easily incorporate immediately into their lives

She is committed to living, and helping others live, their best lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Go here now to get your free copy of ‘Are You Destined For Success? Yes! You Are!