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Thursday, 31 July 2014

How to Use Visioning If You’re Not That Visual

By Emma Gwillim

WHAT you see is what you get.  Focus on the image of the thing you most want to create in your life and it will become manifest – so we've been told.  But what if you're just not that visual?

It's estimated that around two-thirds of the population have a visual representation system – the brain's preferred way of processing information.

How 'visual' are you?
But what if you're in the minority? What do you get when you just can't see it? One quick Google will give you reams of evidence of how effective visualization can be.

Elite sports people have used the trick of 'mental rehearsal' for decades, seeing themselves scoring the goal, hitting the hole in one, getting the last-minute, game-winning touchdown.

'The Secret' popularized using the 'Law of Attraction', imagining a goal achieved in vivid imagery, to manifest it into reality. Carefully curated vision boards are championed.

Why is it so effective? Giving your brain a clear picture – a destination if you will – of where you want to get to, activates the creative part that is a solution-finder, keen to obey.

It also makes sure your brain filters the right information to keep you on the fast-track to your goal, weeding out anything irrelevant.

And it gives you the motivation and encouragement needed to keep going.

So, now we're sold on the power of visualization, how can you apply these principles if seeing the end result isn't coming easily?  Here are five tips:

1. Have faith: Do what you can. While visual imagery may not be your brain's preferred mode of operation, focus on what you can see.

Don't load pressure on yourself to see the complete picture, just notice what does come up for you.

2. Take a dive: If you can't see the full picture of your goal achieved, ask yourself what proof or evidence would you need to know you've achieved your goal.

For example, if it's generating a certain income, it might be that a bank statement would be the proof you need.

Or, if you're aiming to be a certain weight, it might be that seeing the dial on the bathroom scales is your evidence.

Dive into a specific scenario in your ideal reality and take a snapshot that you can use as your 'vision' rather than feeling stressed that you can't see the bigger picture.

3. Use your senses: To follow the Law of Attraction principles is to act as if you've already achieved the goal it is you're seeking.

Visualizing aside, use your senses to play out in your imagination what you would be feeling, what you'd hear, what you'd smell, taste, think if you were already living out your dream.

Amplify the sounds and really embrace the feelings that come up as you focus on your goal.

4. Break it down: Envisioning a big goal may feel a little unnatural for some when it seems a far cry from their current reality.

If you're a more logical thinker you may want to break down your goal into smaller steps, while keeping the big goal in mind.

What steps would it take to get you where you want to go?  Practice focusing on, and visualizing, a smaller milestone on the path to your goal.

5. Play to your strengths: Focus on what works for you. If you're a natural writer, write out your goal achieved in the most creative, compelling language you can muster.

If you prefer to listen, record yourself describing your goal achieved and play it back to yourself.

Draw up a plan or leave little reminders or affirmations around your home. Know what works for you and use it to your advantage.

Emma Gwillim is a Clarity & Confidence Coach for working mums.

She empowers women who feel like they've lost their identity, their direction and their motivation to get reacquainted with their inner sparkle so they can nurture their own dreams, as well as their family, and create an impact in their world.

Click here to get Emma's free guide – Too Busy To Be YOU?  The 4-step guide for busy women to live their potential in work and play.


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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Are You Playing Too Small?

Guest post by therapist and best-selling author, Margaret Paul PhD

DO you feel passionate about your life? If not, you are likely playing too small - opting for safety rather than for the aliveness that comes from fully manifesting your gifts and talents.

We have all been given unique gifts and talents. Some indigenous people know this and choose not to name their children until their unique talents emerge.

Image by List Crux
For example, they might name their child "Basketweaver" or "Listener" or "Healer" when these talents emerge. They fully believe in encouraging the child's natural gifts and talents.

For some strange reason, many of my clients believe that if something comes easily to them - if it is a natural talent - then it's not what they should pursue.

They believe that for something to be worthwhile, it has to be hard. Yet this is exactly the opposite of the truth! That which comes easy to you is your natural gift or talent, and it is likely what brings you the most joy.

My client, Skip, started working with me due to depression. He was a successful dentist with a lovely wife and three children whom he adored. Yet still, he was depressed.

As we explored what was going on in his life, he told me that he became a dentist because his father was a dentist and his father wanted him to take over his very lucrative practice.

But Skip did not enjoy dentistry like his father did. He never felt passionate about his work. It soon became evident that his depression was related to not doing what he really wanted to do.

Skip knew early in his life that he had two passions: psychology and writing poetry.

He had been writing poetry since he was child and had even published a small poetry book, which had received some acclaim and which brought him great joy.

He had always been interested in psychology, and had read extensively in this field.

But his father had convinced him that he could not earn enough as a psychologist and a poet to support a family, and that he had to think of others rather than himself.

Now, with a wife and three children, he felt trapped doing something for the rest of his life that brought him no joy.

He dragged himself to work each day, and lived for the few hours when he had time to write poetry, as well as to spend time with his family.

When Skip realized that he couldn't be a good husband and father being so depressed, he decided to make a huge life change.

With the support of his wife, he cut his dental practice in half and went back to school to become a psychologist. And he started making more time for writing - both poetry and fiction.

As it turned out, Skip is an amazing writer and storyteller. His first book of fiction was published and did well. He is currently working on his second novel and finishing his PhD is psychology.

With the income from his book, he is able to continue to support his family with his half-time dental practice.

Because he is doing what brings him joy and manifesting his gifts and talents, he is also enjoying dentistry much more.

He plans to continue his half-time dental practice, establish a small psychology practice, and continue writing. Somehow, he has also found more time to be with his family.

Skip is being as big as he really is and is no longer depressed! By following his passions, he has renewed energy and aliveness for his life and finds that he has time to do all that brings him joy.

Margaret Paul, PhD, is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness."

She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course:

Or email her at Phone sessions available.

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Five Tips For Getting Unstuck and Start Living Your Life on Purpose

Guest post by Lauren A Ebbecke

I have been fortunate in my life to have gone to college and have gotten several interesting jobs that have helped me to grow as a person. I began at the age of 16 as a waitress in the local café where my training began on customer service.

Yep, you got it... it was not the easy way to learn that skill! However, after going to college my jobs were far more fun and interesting.

I taught in a private all-girls' school. I was a naturalist for the Audubon Society and taught people about the natural history in Massachusetts.

I was a program director at a 4-H environmental camp for kids aged 4 to 18. Then I became an executive director of a similar camp.

I thought I had made it to my dream job. Then, as the politics got tougher and I realized I was more of a people person, I switched to public school teaching.

It paid more money, had great benefits and I was a role model for young adults once again. Again, I thought that this was my dream job. For 13 years it was great and then I hit the mental plateau!

You see, most people are not aware that they are stuck in a rut until they are in deep. That is because we all follow our default settings or repetitive patterns on autopilot. We begin to ask questions like, "Is this as good as it gets?"

By the way, everyone has been stuck at some point in their life, especially if you are over 40! You can be stuck in a job, stuck in a relationship, stuck in your business, stuck in your fitness routine or day-to-day activities.

But why are you stuck? You are stuck because you are not aware of your default settings. You might be stuck because you don't want to change and you like your comfort zone.

That's why people stay in bad relationships, bad jobs and bad habits.

So, once you are aware you are stuck (and you are aware since you are reading this article), then here are five tips to getting unstuck and start living your life on purpose.

Tip 1: Change one thing

Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. This means that you are deeply engulfed in repetitive bad habits or what I call your 'default settings'.

So, start by taking baby steps and change just one thing. Perhaps you want to walk every day for 15 minutes. You can make time for you, even if it is 10 minutes a day.

If you always come home after work and watch TV, try taking a walk or reading an inspirational book.

If you always eat lunch with your co-workers, go for a walk at lunch time twice a week. Other things you could do include scheduling a massage, taking a hot bath, doing yoga or anything else to invest in you.

Remember, just change one thing to start your journey to a life of purpose and passion.

Tip 2: Live in the 'Now'

Have you ever driven somewhere but didn't know how you got there? Many times you get lost in your thoughts and go on autopilot.

Tomorrow when you drive to work, instead of going on autopilot, notice five new things along the way. It takes energy to be in the moment but the good news is that it creates energy too!

Tip 3: Think of a time in your life when you were successful and happy

How did you feel? See if you can recreate those feelings by remembering one or two things that contributed to that success.

Chances are you were not in your 'default settings'.

You took a chance, a risk, and guess what? You were happy and successful. You might not be able to create the entire situation, but remember as much as you can and what it felt like to be successful.

Tip 4: 'Attention Goes Where Energy Flows'

Quantum physicists state that everything is energy. My coach Christine Kane says that, "Energy Flows where Attention Goes".

It is the Law of Attraction. Remember, "Like Attracts Like". What you focus on expands.

Whenever you catch yourself in moments of lack thoughts - such as, "I don't have enough", "I am not good enough", "I am not smart enough" - then shift your attention to what you DO want.

A baby step to get to that point is, "Wouldn't it be nice if I had a new car?" Or, "Wouldn't it be nice if my husband cooked dinner tonight?" Or maybe, "Wouldn't it be nice if the kids got along tonight?"

Focus on more of what you want in your life instead of what you don't want.

Tip 5: Write a powerful intention

Research shows that by writing something down, the actual motion of your hand engages your brain in deeper learning. Your voice is also very powerful, so reading out loud will engage your brain as well.

This will help you focus on positive things for your life. An intention is defined by Wayne Dyer as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention.

Most of us say things like, "I am feeling insane for quitting a great job with benefits to start a business. Please help me not to be a failure".

This is not strong and does not serve our intention to attract positive things.

A more powerful intention would be, "I intend success and prosperity as I begin a new exciting path in my life".

This puts you in a mindset to see more opportunities and take action steps to a more successful life.

So, when you realize you are stuck in a rut, don't look outside yourself for the answer. It starts with you. Follow these five steps and you will be amazed at what happens.

Article Source:

Thursday, 17 July 2014

How to make hard choices: with Ruth Chang

By John Lee of

EVERYONE faces difficult choices and decisions from time to time. It's a sign you're making progress and moving ahead with your life.

But that doesn't make things any easier. No-one can do it for you.

Philosopher Ruth Chang, speaking at TEDx
And applying logic - as anyone who's tried this will know - can end up confusing the issue even further.

To the rescue comes Harvard Law School graduate and philosopher Ruth Chang, with this video presentation, recorded at TEDx in New York in May.

Among the subjects she covers are:

* What makes a given choice difficult - and it's not as simple as you may think

* Why hard choices are not always big choices

* Why logical techniques, such as comparing 'pros and cons', don't always work

* The misconception created by fear of the unknown

* The problem of taking a scientific approach to values and emotions


* The reason why hard choices are not only good for us but empower us too!

There are some great observations in her thinking and some invaluable information.

If you've ever had to make a hard choice - or there's one coming in the future - take a look.

You're bound to feel better about the decision you made or the challenge ahead!

Just click here now:

You Have Nothing To Worry About - Dr Robert Anthony

By John Lee of

If you're at all familiar the writings of US-based personal development specialist Dr Robert Anthony, you'll know that he always imparts words of wisdom, clarity and practicality.

Manifestation, Conscious Creation and the Law of Attraction are areas of particular expertise for the man who's well-known for turning down the chance to appear in 'The Secret', in my view.

Dr Robert Anthony
Plus, he offers some wonderfully enlightening and encouraging advice on all aspects of the mundane - the kind of everyday issues we all encounter in life.

The passage below is certainly no different, which is why I felt I wanted to share it. I hope you enjoy it and find it beneficial.

"Life is here to serve you, not put obstacles in your way. Everything you desire will show up or not show up in response to your vibration.

And if something else shows itself to you that you prefer, life can give you that too. You're calling your own shots. The key is to feel good no matter what...

Tell the story the way you want it to be.

Sometimes we worry because what we want requires so much of our attention, or so much is happening in our lives that it is hard to hold a stable position. But you can. Just keep telling yourself:

'I am in charge here. I am in charge of my life. I am in charge of what comes. And more importantly, I am in charge of how I FEEL.'

When it comes to money, the reason most people want a lot of it is because of fear (which dams up the stream).

There is nothing wrong with having money, but the big mistake is asking for the security that comes from promises of others.

You want your security to come through your awareness of knowing how the laws of the universe

You know how to focus on what you desire and you know how this focus will always bring you the good things in life, including money.

Don't try to see so far down the road. Don't demand that promises be made by others to give you the security you need.

This is the thing that makes the difference between someone who can stand in an attitude of belief and trust and someone who cannot.

You have a lot of evidence in your life that supports the power of your focus. Don't try to figure it all out at once. Just feel more appreciation for what you have already and more will come to you.

Here is one of my favorite affirmations. Use this every time you feel you need to know the outcome of any situation.

'I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go'.

With that affirmation, say to yourself, 'The universe is yielding to me. Good things are lined up for me. All good things come to me.

'There is not a reason in the world for me to worry. When I worry it is nothing more than old patterns of thought that have nothing to do with my ability to create what I desire.

'I have nothing to worry about. Everything comes to me at the right time in the right way. I figure it out as I go. I don't need to know, I figure it out as I go'.

Today will bring you a new awareness, a lesson or a manifestation that you are making progress - IF YOU LOOK FOR IT! No matter how large or small, please record it in your Evidence Journal.

It will only take a few moments and will AUTOMATICALLY put you in the Flow.

Truly Caring for Your Success!
Dr. Robert Anthony"

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

6 Simple Tips to Create Happiness and Peace in Your Life

Guest post by Remez Sasson

DO you want to live a life filled with happiness and inner peace? I am sure you do.

You might think it is tough and impossible, and that a life of happiness and peace requires particular circumstances. This is not so. There is no right time. Every day is the right time.

Take time to have fun with friends
To bring happiness and peace into your life you need to act, not just dream about them.

You will also need to make some inner changes and remove negative influences from your life.

Tips to create happiness and peace in your life:

1) Happiness and peace are not dependent on possessions and circumstances.

Material possessions, money and fame, might bring temporary happiness and inner peace, but true happiness and inner peace come from within you. They do not depend on your possessions, status or circumstances.

Happiness and peace also come through simple things you love, such as reading a good book, being with friends you love, traveling, or a hobby.

You can enjoy many moments of peace every day, when you do small, simple things you love.

2) Adopt a positive attitude toward life

Think about solutions, not about problems. You can choose to see the problems, and you can choose to see the solutions. You can choose to expect failure, and you can choose to expect success.

Forget the past and focus on the present.

A positive attitude makes you feel light, happy and peaceful.

3) Don’t let your fears occupy your mind

Are you afraid you might not find a job, or lose the job you have? Are you worried that you might not have money enough to pay the rent? Are you worried that you might not win the heart of someone you love?

Fear and worry cause stress and unhappiness. Even if your fears and worries are real, you will get nothing by dwelling on them, except lack of peace and happiness.

Don’t let negative thoughts rule your mind. What you fear might not happen, and if it does happen, worrying about it will do you no good. Only positive thinking and positive action can help you.

4) Be a doer

Don’t just accept your circumstances. Don’t be passive. Be active, a doer. Don’t be afraid of action and of challenges.

There must be something you always wanted, but had no money or time for it? Did you want to do something, but didn’t have the courage to do it?

Now is the time to make a change. When you do what you love, happiness and peace start filling your life.

5) Change what you don’t like and what does not benefit you

Consciously, decide to change the things that you don’t like or are not benefiting you. You might not be able to change everything, yet, there are many things you can change in your life.
Do you want to make a trip to a certain country?
Do you want to move to a new house or apartment?
Do you feel stuck in a job, and wish you could change it?
Are there problems in your relationships?

Regard these changes as projects, aimed at improving your life. Take one project, think about it, make plans, and start working on it.

When you make the change that you want, you will be happier and more satisfied.

6) Spend time with your family

Find the time to be with your family, talk, play, and have fun. At least once a week, have a meal together. Find the time to have a vacation or travel with them.

Article source:

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Making Peace With Lost Time

By Margaret Paul, PhD, relationship expert, therapist and best-selling author

VERY often, in my work with my clients and with people who attend my workshops and intensives, once they understand that they have been abandoning themselves, they feel deep distress over what they call 'lost time' or 'wasted time.'

I understand this because I once also felt the same way. I was in my mid-forties when I realized that I had never really lived because I had been abandoning myself my whole life.

This issue is typified by Ashley's question:

"Could you please advise how to make peace with lost/wasted time; not living and putting myself first but rather spent care-taking, people pleasing, giving myself up, existing/surviving, healing trauma from the past, parenting my parents, etc?"

The concept of wasted time is a false idea. Everything you have been through up until now has been preparing you for the new path you are now embarking on.

Everything you have been doing - healing from trauma, care-taking others, giving yourself up - has laid the foundation for being able to learn to love yourself now.

Take a breath, go inside, and open to learning about all that you've experienced up until now. You've learned what doesn't work for you - what doesn't make you feel peaceful and joyful.

You've learned about the past and how you came to be a caretaker or a taker.

As a result of your learning and healing experiences, you've developed your awareness, your resiliency and your strength. Nothing that you've done has been wasted.

I look back over my life and I see that there is no way I could be in the joyful place I'm often in now without the pain I went through. Like Moses in the desert, we all need to be honed to be ready to love ourselves.

None of us grows up unscathed.

We all have our wounds that need to be attended to and healed. This is a process, and at some point in this process, hopefully you discover that true healing occurs as you learn how to love yourself.

Making peace with what you may think of as lost or wasted time means recognizing that there is no such thing. Everything we go through is part of the honing.

Everything hopefully moves us more and more toward the wisdom we need to fulfill our mission on the planet: to evolve in our ability to love ourselves and others, and to manifest our gifts upon the planet.

I'm grateful for all that I went through that brought me to where I am today. I look back and I see that there was no wasted time at all.

The first 45 years of my life, when I had no idea how to love myself, were years I had to go through to finally crack open from the misery of my self-abandonment.

I needed to reach that point of unhappiness to finally be willing to learn how to take responsibility for my own feelings rather continue to care-take others' feelings.

I needed to become physically ill enough to realize that if I didn't learn how to love myself, and take the risk of losing everyone I was care-taking - my husband, my children, my parents, my friends and my clients - I would likely die.

Wasted time to reach that point? Not at all! How could I have reached the point of finally cracking open and taking the risks I needed to take if I had not gone through everything I went through? No wasted time here!

Margaret Paul, PhD is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and "Healing Your Aloneness."

She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now!

Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at Phone sessions available.

Article Source:

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Find Happiness Now - with author Jonathan Robinson

By John Lee of

TO be honest, when I read the title of the video you can access below - 'Find Happiness Now' - I thought it was a little bit trite.

It reminded me of the many self-help books that are generally derided by the popular media as weak, new-age nonsense and a bit 'hippy-dippy'.
'Find Happiness Now'!
(pic courtesy

But then I took the time to watch the recording - an interview by Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell - and I changed my mind.

She's speaking to best-selling author, Jonathan Robinson, whose latest book, 'Find Happiness Now', is all about, well... happiness!

And there's some very enjoyable and insightful stuff to be experienced here.

In the recording, Jonathan offers his own definition of happiness and explains what blocks so many people from feeling happiness.

Think of your own life and/or that of people you know and you'll probably have to admit that there's truth in this.

He also examines why feeling happiness is actually a skill that we adults need to learn and the idea that 'happiness comes from within'.

Better still, he offers three or four of the 50 techniques contained in his new book, each of which takes only minutes to do.

One of them actually involves using those 'darker moments' that we all experience in life, too.

Last but not least, he talks about interviewing the likes of the late Mother Teresa and Deepak Chopra for one of his books.

And he recounts a true pearl of wisdom given to him during a talk with the Dalai Lama.

It's only about 15 minutes long and well worth a look. Just click on the link below.