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Friday, 8 November 2013

Reaching Your Full Potential

By Margo Kirtikar Ph.D.

HOW would you like to reach your full potential? 'Me?' you might think, 'But...' and then you'll begin to list a number of reasons of why it's not possible for you to do that.

Not enough education, bad childhood memories, no support network, you don't think you're smart enough and on and on goes on the list of why it's not possible.

But what if I told you that, 'Yes you can', just like that. All you need to do right away is to change your mindset from the impossible to the possible.

Tell yourself right now that you can, and believe it is possible, against all the odds. Why ever not? It is possible for you to reach your full potential because you just made up your mind that you can do it.

That thought in itself makes it possible. You have already taken the first step on the path towards this goal. All doubts and insecurities have disappeared.

Stand up straight hold your head up high, put a smile on your face and have faith in yourself. Having faith in yourself is the same as having faith in God.

You now expect miracles in your life and you know what, you're going to have them. So be convinced, keep alert and watch out for them.

You are now a full-fledged optimist, you have faith and what's more, you believe in miracles.

Now do you feel energized with that idea? Of course you do. A positive attitude towards life energizes you. It makes you vibrate at a higher level. It's invigorating and exciting.

Doubt, low self esteem, disbelief, despair drain you of your energies and concentration powers. They send your vibration level rocketing downwards leaving you almost paralyzed unable to think, let alone act.

So go back to your positive thoughts, your are now well on the path to reach your full potential, with confidence, commitment and effort.

Good now focus on your goal, as you explore your possibilities. Figure out what your strengths and gifts are. Everyone has some, find out yours and work with that.

Acknowledge your weaknesses and vulnerable points and accept them. It's OK. Don't let this get you down. Everyone has weaknesses.

Successful people use their strong points, to their advantage to get them to their goals and they also reserve some time every day to improve their weaker points.

That is how one gets stronger and better every day, with dedication to a specific goal, unwavering commitment and constant effort. Nothing is achieved without effort.

That's what it takes - focus with self confidence, total commitment, effort and persistence.

Spend a little time every single day on meditation or reflection. Call it quiet time if you prefer; it doesn't matter.

The point is you sit down at a specific time in a specific place every single day to be quiet with yourself, alone with or without your thoughts.

This is called food for your soul. In time you will be in union with your soul. Your soul is the best guide you can have who works with you through your intuition.

You will be astonished at what this little quiet ritual will do for you. In a week's time, you will be calm, centered and balanced.

Your concentration powers will improve, your mind becomes clearer, creative ideas come to you from nowhere, and you will be aware enough to recognize all that and use it all to your advantage.

This is called being Zen. And it's an easy state to achieve - just stick to the ritual and keep at it. After a few months you'll be wondering how you managed to exist without it.

Be Zen. Quiet time is food for your best friend and guide... your soul.

Another thing you will need to do is to allocate a little more time each day to learning. Read, watch videos, visit workshops, whatever is possible and convenient for you to do.

Do whatever it takes to feed your intellect and mental body. Learn about your profession, too, so that you are always well informed. Read news and business magazines relevant to your area of work.

The more you know, the more confidence you will gain and the better you can do your work.

Learning, reading, acquiring knowledge is food for your brain and your intellect. You cannot allow yourself to stagnate. A little every day is better than a lot once in a while.

You will need to take care of your emotional body too.

This you do by giving attention to your private life, your personal relations with all your family members, with your friends and everyone you come in contact with.

This is important for your emotions to keep them balance and alive, so you can practice interacting and communicating with your fellow humans.

It helps you become a sensitive, compassionate, refined character, commanding respect from all around you. Practice kindness, understanding, consideration, compassion and a generosity of heart.

Be happy with yourself who you are and what you are all about. Be authentic and honest always,. You can never go wrong with that and you can sleep like a baby at night.

You are unique - there's no one else out there just like you. Be proud of who you are and do everything in life so you can remain proud of who you are. Be a person of integrity that everyone can trust.

Practice trust, honesty and good humor.

Be grateful and make a point of being grateful every single day for what you have. Don't yearn for what you don't have. Yearning for something far away is a waste of time

Of course you can dream, but don't let the yearning eat you up inside. Instead work on achieving a little more every day of what you aspire for, without losing sight of what is right and wrong.

We build our future brick by brick and we need to make sure that every brick is solid and of good quality before we add the next one on top. Otherwise, whatever we build will topple down like a pack of cards.

We live in a complex world; there's much that no one really understands. But with modern technology we have all the knowledge possible at our fingertips.

We need to be curious and enthusiastic about knowledge and about life in general. Changes are coming fast so we can't afford to be rigid in our viewpoints.

Stay with it and be informed of what goes on at work, at home, and in the world at large.

Have an open mind and be flexible. Keep what makes sense and forget what does not make sense to you.

And don't hesitate to change your mind if you find yourself on the wrong track. On the other hand, do not give up too easily.

Last but not least, don't be too shy or afraid to ask for help from experts. Don't allow yourself to be misguided, bullied or talked into doing anything you don't want to do.

Think for yourself. You make up your own mind. Don't let others make up your mind for you.

You are unfolding like a flower bud, enjoy the process, laugh and have fun.


I have dedicated my life to helping, coaching, guiding, people on their life path. My clients find me through word of mouth, or through the web, my blog and articles.

My main website is My email is and you can read my blog at

I am a spiritual teacher - nothing to do with any specific religion. That is your own private matter. What I do is I help you to contact your inner Divine Spark and that is what helps you to reach your full potential.

That little Divine Spark of God within you is the Spirit within that needs to come through to shine through you. This applies to all human beings of every color, race, gender and religious belief.

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