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Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Illusion of Time - by Dr. Bruce H. Lipton

Posted by John Lee

AS a confirmed fan of groundbreaking movies such as, 'What The Bleep Do We Know!?', I've become fascinated - if somewhat bewildered - by the world of quantum physics.

The very idea that we could somehow go back and change our past is weird and exciting, while the theory that we could simultaneously exist in several 'Parallel Universes' is nothing short of mind-blowing.

Developmental biologist Dr Bruce H. Lipton
Which is why enjoyed the video you can access through the link below, courtesy of US developmental biologist Dr Bruce Lipton.

With his usual clear, fresh and humorous approach - as well as a clip or two from Star Trek, The Matrix and Inception - he explains why our concept of time is thought to be an illusion.

In the brief yet captivating recording, he looks at conscious manifestation vs a real manifestation, and whether we ever really know the difference.

He also examines the roles played by our biological and sensory nervous systems. And the great news is that we're apparently able to rewrite our own story as much as we like!

If you're interested, his website address is In the meantime, click on the link below to be taken to the original recording:

How To Get Over Your Frustration With The Law of Attraction

By Natalie Ledwell

HAVE you ever felt frustrated with the LOA? If your answer is yes, you're not alone.

Many people understand the basics of the LOA, but when it comes to actually applying the mechanics of it to manifest your desires, this can be a little trickier than some folks realize - and I've experienced this myself!
Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell

So to help you apply the LOA to see consistent results in your life, I'd like to share with you my 7 Steps to Applying the LOA:

1. Always start from what I call a "Happy Place". People often overlook this one. You must always make sure you're in a "feel good" positive vibration before you ever even think about setting an intention or goals, so that the goals you set will be infused with the same positive energy.

 One way to immediately increase your vibration is to think of one thing that you're grateful for in your life right now, no matter how big or small. Do this and you'll be surprised how quickly your energy will shift towards the positive!

2. Set a clear intention to enlist the help of the Universe. Write down your intention and repeat it each day WITH CONVICTION so you signal the Universe that you're ready to receive the help and guidance you need to make your intention a reality.

3. Create a clear, measurable goal. Get clear on exactly what you want. If you want to make more money, exactly how much do you want to make? If you want to attract the relationship of your dreams, what qualities or characteristics does this person possess? Get clear on what you want so that the Universe will know what to send your way... and when you receive it, you'll be able to recognize it!

4. Create powerful affirmations that support your goals. Create affirmations that describe what life would be like once you achieve your goal. Ideally they should also detail the thoughts you'll be thinking and the actions you'll be taking to move closer to your goals. Keep them short and powerful, make sure you use positive, present tense language, and say them aloud daily for maximum results!

5. Visualize with emotion daily. Take even just a few minutes each day to visualize what it is you want to manifest. The most potent time of the day to do this is the last 5 minutes before falling asleep! Also, when you are visualizing, make sure you're really allowing yourself to fully feel all of the emotions you'll experience once you've manifested the object of your desire. This significantly multiplies your manifesting abilities!

6. Take consistent action, big or small, in the direction of your goals. The Universe rewards action! So each day, aim to take one action that will create some forward momentum towards what it is you want to achieve - and you'll be opening the door for the Universe to send even more light bulb ideas, "chance" meetings and other unexpected opportunities your way.

7. Expect wonderful! Once you've followed all of the 6 steps above, your final step is to expect the abundance of the Universe to flow in your direction. Keep your eyes open for the people, opportunities and resources the Universe will send into your path, and be ready to reach out and grab them when they do!

Article source:

Friday, 23 August 2013

Big Goals? Bum-Glue Will Get You There

By Douglas R Kruger

EVER wanted to write a book? Your posterior may hold the key.

Best-selling Australian novelist Bryce Courtney once gave the most useful advice I've ever heard for completing big projects and achieving grand-scale goals. At a luncheon in Johannesburg, he was asked the question: "What is the single most important quality for an author who wants to write a book?" In response, he offered just two simple words of wisdom: "Bum-glue!" Or "butt-glue" for our North American readers.
'Stick-to-it-tiveness' can be the key to success

Sound mildly disturbing? How exactly does your rounded posterior plays its part in getting you to your goals? And, um... what's with the glue?

Bryce Courtney is simply saying that in order to be highly productive, and to see large-scale projects through to completion, the most important thing is to sit down each day, block out the world, and earnestly and honestly slog away at it. Come rain, sunshine or extreme boredom. And while his advice was aimed at writers, the wisdom applies in any industry. Writing a novel may require thought, planning and strategy. But the most important thing is simply to write, and write, and write. Bryce Courtney is referencing a quality that has become popularly known as 'stick-to-it-tiveness'.


As 2005 faded in the rear-view mirror, I wrote my own book to completion using this principle. This was my process: I set myself a goal of writing 2,000 words, minimum, per working day, and I stuck to it religiously. If I wrote more than my required allotment on any given day, this did not exempt me from my 2,000 words the next day.

By sticking to this simple theory of keeping my bum in my chair before my PC, I was surprised how swiftly 50,000 words - a workable book - manifested.

It was often mundane devoting such large blocks of time to a single project. But once it was done, it felt wonderful.

Writing your own book can be a significant step forward in positioning yourself as an industry expert. It can help you to take a quantum leap forward in your career.


These days, we are all well-acquainted with the adage: Work smarter, not harder. But sometimes it's not about being strategic or trying to find clever innovations. Sometimes it's just about allocating a certain amount of time each day, consistently, to putting your bum in a chair and doing some good old fashioned hard slog.

A great number of people believe that they will someday write a book, start a company, work for themselves, or study for a new degree. I have at least one close friend who has spent the last seven years telling me about the technical course he plans to do, which, when completed, will result in a promotion for him. By December, he will have been talking about it for eight years. He's not aware of it, but he's been talking, and not doing, for the better part of a decade now. That's about one-eighth of his potential lifespan.

What's holding you back? Could it be that all you need is a little sticky stuff on the chair while the clock ticks merrily away?


If you are serious about goal-setting, allocate a decent amount of time each day to your task. And none of that nonsense about waiting for inspiration to hit! The Russian classical composer Tchaikovsky used to say that his job was to be creative, so he would wake up first thing in the morning, and see to it that he produced creative work. French novelist Victor Hugo lived by the same principle, instructing his staff to keep his pants away from him until he had earned them back!

This could be your year to start living a truly remarkable and distinguished life. It is my sincere wish that your conscience will no longer allow you to think of your dream-goals as things you'll do 'one day,' but rather, that you will start to allocate time each and every day to your purpose. And as you work toward it, may you know and enjoy the mighty power of bum-glue!

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker, trainer and author of the '50 Ways' series of books. His most booked keynote speeches are: The Rules of Hamster-Thinking, The Big Bum Theory, and How To Position Yourself As an Expert. See him in action or read more of his articles at: Email him at: or follow him on Linked In or Twitter: @douglaskruger

Article Source:

Getting Rid of Limiting Beliefs through Hypnosis

By John Lee

AS amusing as it can be, the kind of 'stage hypnosis' that most of us have seen on TV shows is only one facet of what is a highly effective and often life-changing form of therapy.

Brennan Smith of
Whether it's phobias, bad habits we'd like to give up or issues such as increasing self-confidence or dealing with fears of specific situations, hypnotherapy has proven its worth for decades.

And the video below outlines just what can be achieved through hypnotherapy, courtesy of an interview with Brennan Smith of

Among the subjects he covers are:

* The 'Biology of Belief', as explained by the eminent developmental biologist, Bruce Lipton

* The 'Accelerated Learning State' and how hypnosis can help us reach it quickly and effectively

* How hypnotherapy can be used to banish unhelpful Limiting Beliefs

He also tells the story of how a client who was so shy he felt incapable of even talking to an attractive woman overcame his issue after just one session... without even realizing the massive change he'd made!

It's incredible stuff. Just click on the link below to go to the recording:

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Will, Fern, and the Power of Encouragement

By Michael Josephson and Bob Proctor's 'Insight of the Day'

TWO frogs named Will and Fern fell into a deep pit together. At first, they thought it would be easy to jump out.

But after lots of failed attempts they cried for help and a crowd of animals gathered around the pit.

Everyone agreed it was hopeless, so they urged Will and Fern to accept their fate. The harder the trapped frogs jumped, the more the crowd yelled at them to give up.

Real friends will always support and encourage
Finally, Will stopped trying. Fern refused to quit and with one mighty try she leaped out of the pit.

The crowd was amazed. Someone asked her why she kept trying when everyone told her she had no chance.

Fern was baffled. “What are you saying?” she asked. “I’m a bit deaf. I was sure you were all cheering me on. I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement.”

I learned of this story from a woman who was in a transitional housing program recovering from a long period of drug abuse, homelessness and hopelessness.

She wanted everyone to understand how important positivism and encouragement can be to help people who seem down and out to get up and out.

She said she got out of her own pit because caring people helped her believe in herself and gave her the confidence she needed to jump a little harder.

There will always be people in your life ready to tell you what you can’t do. Real friends root for you, support you and help you discover your inner talents and strengths.

I hope you will find and treasure those kinds of friends and be one yourself.

Remember, character counts.

Article source:

Friday, 9 August 2013

Safe Isn't!

By Douglas R Kruger

A FIGHT against fear. Too often, this phrase defines and describes our lives.

The risk averse individual is often cautious to the point of paralysis – safe to the point that it harms their own lives – while the person raised to take strategic risks outperforms them and enjoys the spoils, all because of a difference in thinking.

No human being is 100 per cent fearful or 100 cent bold. We vacillate back and forth.
Speaker and author, Douglas R Kruger


A good starting point in moving away from fear is to ask yourself: “Is safe really safe?”

In other words, is not acting on any of your hopes or goals truly going to be the safest course for your life? Or does that come with its own dangers?

If we’re too scared to speak to that person we like, we run the risk of losing them. If we’re too scared to represent ourselves in our careers, we run the risk of failure to advance.

Fear of taking chances endangers our future prosperity and not taking risks can be remarkably dangerous.

Conversely, the more risks we take, in a ‘win-some, lose-some’ sort of way, the more often we will surprise ourselves with small successes and begin to move forward.

Today, which side of the continuum are you closer to? Risk-Averse or Opportunity Aggressive?

Make it a goal to become bolder, more comfortable with strategic risk – less inhibited by your own fears.

Here are 7 characteristics of the Risk-Averse Individual:
1. They are utterly submissive to authority
2. They believe that they are entitled to very little in life
3. They are unable to represent themselves in any scenario and make willing victims of themselves by prioritizing the interests of others over their own
4. They are pessimistic, believing that things will probably go wrong and get worse
5. They are utterly reliant on: jobs/bosses/spouses
6. They wait and hope for others to ‘let them’ have their dreams
7. They practice caution to the point of paralysis.

Characteristics of the Opportunity Aggressive Individual:
1. They trust their own voice and vision, and are capable of being an authority
2. They are capable of receiving abundance and believe that there is more for them
3. They boldly negotiate their own interests, because they fully grasp that it isn’t anybody else’s job to be their advocate
4. They are optimistic, believing that things will grow and increase as they go along
5. They are self-reliant
6. They take ownership and act to make their dreams become reality
7. They bet on their own success.

No-one overcomes fear in a single leaping bound. But whenever you find yourself practicing the first 7 characteristics above, take a moment to think. Is this who you want to be?

With small, consistent efforts, it’s possible to move away from the danger of safety. Nourish the opportunity aggressive person, and watch as that other 'you' begins to conquer dreams.

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker and author, and 5-times winner of the SA Championships for Public Speaking. He specializes in new thinking around work and wealth.

See him in action at Connect with him on Twitter using @douglaskruger. Email

Article Source:

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Holding the Human Heart

Posted by John Lee, with thanks to Janet Choi at Soulpancake

THE team at SoulPancake come up with some fantastic videos that always manage to look at life in a fun, humorous and/or uplifting way.

And this interview by Janet Choi with cardiothoracic surgeon, Kathy E. Magliato MD, MBA, FACS is certainly no different.
Kathy E. Magliato MD and SoulPancake's Janet Choi

In the roughly seven-minute recording, Kathy tells us just what its like Holding the Human Heart every day of your working life.

But far from being a purely clinical look at heart surgery, she reveals the more spiritual and emotional aspects played by this vital organ.

She covers the kinds of worries experienced by transplant patients and their relatives and the phenomenon of Broken Heart Syndrome.

She tells the story of how her own life was changed by caring for a baby until she passed away only 11 days after her birth.

Perhaps most surprisingly, Kathy tells of her belief that the human soul resides within the heart, and when the heart stops, the soul is gone.

Its a wonderfully moving video and well worth a look. Click on the link below to be taken to the original recording.

The Toughest Question You Have To Answer

By Craig Ballantyne

INSIDE of all of us there is a battle being waged.

On one side, there are the defenders of our comfort zone. For each of us the definition of the comfort zone will be quite different.

For you, it might be a $75,000 a year job at a major corporation that has traversed the rough waters of the economic crises. You don’t dare risk losing that job, your mind says to itself.
Health and fitness expert, Craig Ballantyne

Let’s just sit tight until things return to normal, and then we can think about going out on your own.

On the attacking front, however, is your Big Self (a fantastic phrase I first heard from my friend and mentor, Matt Furey).

Despite the fact that your Big Self is trying to break down the doors of your Comfort Zone fortress and smash its walls, the Big Self is actually the good guy in this battle.

Your Big Self represents what you could truly accomplish in life.

So it goes. Day in and day out, the Big Self wakes up strong and mighty, and might make a little progress, particularly if you participate in an early morning Big Thinking session.

But then the real world gets in the way, delivering reinforcements to the frontlines of the Comfort Zone defenders. These reinforcements come in the way of excuses, negative naysayers, fear, lack of self-confidence or self-control, and the bad habits we’ve built up over the course of our life.

At the end of the day, the battle is much like those waged on the fields of France in World War I. A lot of carnage on both sides for inches gained and subsequently lost.

And that is why you are in the same spot today as you were 12 months ago, only just a year older.
Today I’ll show you how to break through the stalemate.

But it will only work if you are willing to set down your weapons and stop protecting yourself for a while. Call a truce on the battlefield. Have each side bring out its best thinkers and have them work together as one on this big thinking exercise.

Recently I made this same challenge to over 150 personal trainers on the final day of my Turbulence Training Summit. Over the course of two days, my guest experts and I had stood and delivered complete blueprints to becoming better trainers and for getting more clients.

But this being the third year for the annual event, I knew that many people in the audience would go home, let life get in the way, and return for the fourth Turbulence Training Summit next year without having made any significant changes.

I wasn’t going to let that happen again, and I won’t let that happen to you.

That meant I had to challenge the attendees. I had to show them exactly how to make the mental changes that would allow their Big Self to win the battle.

After I summarized the best moments of the weekend, I paused for dramatic effect, made eye contact with as many people in the room that dared to look at me, and asked, “Are you really living as your Big Self? Are you being the Limitless Leaders that I know you can be? Or are you letting Little Limitations hold you back from greatness?"

These were tough questions. They are tough on the ego.

No one – particularly relatively successful people – wants to feel like a disappointment. But we need to be honest. Are we doing all we can with what we have been blessed with in life?

And we have one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy, to thank for this. You see, several years ago I attended one of Kennedy’s seminars just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. He covered the topic of internal resistance – something I know is holding back many readers.

Dan said, “The failure to act is much more often the product of inner, emotional resistance than external resistance. To move forward you must give up your story, whether it is excuses about your childhood, lack of education, your ‘bad luck’, your unsupportive family, your low metabolism, where you live, etc, etc.”

It’s time to give up your excuses. It’s time to overcome your natural inclinations of holding back and staying in your comfort zone. It’s time to ‘Man-Up’.

It’s harsh, but true. As Kennedy explained, what separates the leaders from the strugglers is often confidence and follow-through, both of which can be derailed by internal resistance. That’s when he taught me “The Exercise”.

Answering these questions is tough on the Ego, but the answers could change your life (if you take action on them). Take the following mental challenge:

1) Ask yourself “The Question”:

“Where you would like to be and have known you would like to be but aren’t?”

2) Be brutally specific and honest.

3) Now list why you are NOT there.

4) Next, identify the changes you need to make.

5) Then take massive action!

Don’t let another year go by stuck in the same place!

You must identify the causes of your internal resistance. Ask yourself “Why?” you want something but refuse to act in congruence with achieving it.

Either say “no” to achievement OR dig in and get to the bottom of the persistent incongruence between what you say and what you do.

It is OK to admit you are not willing to pay the price – and by doing so, that will stop self-sabotage. Once you know the enemy, then you can work on overcoming it.

Listen, I know Kennedy can be a little gruff and grumpy, but he speaks the truth and has your best interests at heart.

In fact, it’s almost like he’s channeling the wise philosophers of Ancient Greece. I’m currently re-reading a book called, “The Art of Living”, which is a translation of teachings from the Stoic philosopher, Epictetus. In it, I discovered this wisdom:

“Now is the time to get serious about living your ideals. Once you have determined the spiritual principles you wish to exemplify, abide by these rules as if they were laws, as if it were indeed sinful to compromise them. 

Don’t mind if others don’t share your convictions. How long can you afford to put off who you really want to be? Your nobler self cannot wait any longer. Put your principles into practice – now. Stop the excuses and the procrastination.

This is your life! You aren’t a child anymore. The sooner you set yourself to your spiritual program, the happier you will be. The longer you wait, the more you’ll be vulnerable to mediocrity and feel filled with shame and regret, because you know you are capable of better. 

From this instant on, vow to stop disappointing yourself. Separate yourself from the mob. Decide to be extraordinary and do what you need to do – now.”

Take the challenges set forth by Kennedy and Epictetus.

Identify what is holding you back.

Release the brakes.

Become the Big Self and Limitless Leader that I know you can be.

Overcome your obstacles. Defeat your internal resistance. Never give up on what is important to you.

So much can be accomplished with a long-term vision and resilience to short term setbacks.

If you persist and never give in, you WILL succeed. You can have the life of your dreams while helping and transforming the lives of millions.

Get out there and take action today. Throw the rock of helping into the pond of transformation and watch as the ripples take shape.

Change a life today – starting with yours.

Craig Ballantyne

Craig Ballantyne is the editor of Early to Rise (Join him on Facebook at and author of Financial Independence Monthly and Turbulence Training.

He is also the co-creator of the Early to Rise $100,000 Transformation Contest. Though this round of the Transformation Contest has closed it's not too late to get access to all the helpful tools and advice that has helped many people make a positive change in their lives.

Get started on your major life transformations today at

Article source: Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day –