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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Thought is Energy and We Become What We Think About

By John Lee

All great leaders have agreed on the above statement, according to Bob Proctor, who appears in the fascinating video below and, as always, talks so eloquently and confidently on a subject that is tough to grasp for many people.

I confess to being one of them, although I’m learning fast, and this offering from the great man himself is an excellent guide to the power of thought, how it has a capacity to change both our physical and mental vibration, and thereby make us the ultimate creator of our own lives.

In the video, Bob talks about how our thoughts, in the form of energy, penetrate all space and time, our internal electrical systems, our true identity beyond our physical manifestation and the importance of our health and our lifestyle – to name just a handful of the topics.

Bob Proctor starring in 'The Secret'
He also covers the vital trigger mechanism that we all possess and require to get the energy flowing in the direction we want...

Bob always speaks with clarity, energy and passion. So take a look now. It really could give you a whole new – and much better – outlook on your entire life!

Just click on the following link:

Saturday, 16 February 2013

It’s Only A Tiny Little Minute But Eternity Is In It

By John Lee

Someone asked me the other day, “How much time do you spend in the present? Really in the present?”

It sounded like a dumb question, at first. But then I started to consider it more seriously.

And I realized that – like the majority of people – most of my waking moments are spent thinking about the past, often comparing what I believe is happening to me right now with previous experiences, good or bad.

Or my mind is focused on the future, either concerning myself with a situation that may or may not come about or dreaming about the changes I would like to see in my life.

If it’s the former, I often find myself indulging in an irrational fear about the future.

What was it that Zig Ziglar said about ‘fear’ and what the individual letters stand for? 'False Evidence Appearing Real'?

Bob Proctor
He certainly wasn’t wrong. Ask yourself how many times something you worried about actually came to pass – at least to the extent you anticipated. Probably quite rarely.

So all we really have is the present. This is the ONLY moment that we can TRULY influence. The past is gone and the future’s still to come.

It follows, then, that we need to make the most of every single minute… which is the subject of the free video you can access below by the inimitable Bob Proctor.

In it, he covers the power of the present moment, a highly effective lesson he was taught by one of his personal mentors – the late, great Earl Nightingale – and how we can all be much more productive, every day of our lives.

Just click on the link below…

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Welcome to The Science of Stillness

By John Lee

Bring up the subject of ‘meditation’ and it’s probably fair to say that the image in most people’s mind will be of someone draped in robes, seated in the lotus position and silently contemplating their navel for hours on end.

Tom Cronin of 'The Science of Stillness'
The more enlightened, of course, know that this very limited new-age, quasi-religious, ‘hippy-dippy’ view of what is a wonderful ancient practice is completely out-dated. People from all walks of life – myself included – use mediation on an everyday basis.

Personally, I find it incredibly restful and rejuvenating, plus an excellent way to get really clear on what I want in my life and to actually begin the process of creation and manifestation – using an excellent programme from Dr Wayne Dyer, called ‘The Secrets to Manifesting Your Destiny’.

So when the video below dropped into my inbox, from the good folks at Mind Movies, I was intrigued by the title, to say the very least.

It features an Aussie guy, called Tom Cronin, who used to lead what was clearly a hectic and probably rather hedonistic existence in the world of city high finance and came to meditation as a way to combat the anxiety attacks, panic attacks and depression brought on by his hard-working and equally hard-partying lifestyle.

He tells his story, talks about finding meditation, the evolution of his ‘Science of Stillness’ programme and just some of the many benefits people have gained by using it for just 20 minutes a day. The Mind Movies team also provide a link to find out more details about Tom.

Take a look. It’s fascinating and very refreshing. And if you’ve ever been sceptical about meditation, prepare to be enlightened… Click on the link below.

The Mysterious Power of Doing Nothing

By Roger Kenneth Marsh

Do you feel as if you have so much to do and so little time to do it? Is your "to do" list never-ending?

What is it about doing something that is so seductive and alluring? Let's take a closer look at doing something and the mysterious power of doing nothing, to see if we can create a bit more freedom, peace and ease around this aspect of our lives.

"On the path of spiritual evolution you do less and less achieving more and more until ultimately you do nothing and achieve everything." ~ Deepak Chopra

Spiritual life coach Roger Kenneth Marsh
Getting things done in life is a good thing. We are creative creatures and there is so much to experience in our relatively short lives. However, the drive for doing and accomplishing can be excessive. In the interest of finding a healthy, productive balance, I'd like to point out some of the less healthy (and likely unconscious) drivers of our never ending to-do lists: addiction, fear, and ignorance. Let's take a look at these one by one.

ADDICTION: Getting things done is so satisfying, isn't it? You see something needing done and you do it. Ah, the sweet victory of accomplishment. You get to check it off your list. From the very large to the very small, it all feels good, so good it seems we have become addicted.

It's really no different than any other high; it's a fleeting moment that must be repeated in order to regenerate the good feeling. The drug wears off and you need another fix. Hence, we've become a society of doers getting things done. Socially the behavior is highly encouraged, supported, and even applauded; a full schedule means you are important, you are worthy, you are somebody.

While we may secretly yearn for luxuriously lazy days and an open, flexible schedule, we dare not go there. Why? Because we believe anyone with spare time on their hands must be a loser "with nothing to do." So we are driven, we are addicted.

FEAR: Now let's look at fear. Parker J. Palmer wrote a fabulous little book called "Let Your Life Speak." He outlines a behavior he calls "Functional Atheism." Palmer described this as a belief that ultimate responsibility for everything rests with us.

As he says, "This is the unconscious, unexamined conviction that if anything decent is going to happen, we are the ones who must make it happen. This belief leads us to impose our will on others, stressing our relationships, sometimes to the point of breaking.

"It often eventuates in burnout, depression, and despair, as we learn that the world will not bend to our will and we become embittered about that fact.

"It drives collective frenzy as well and explains why the average group can tolerate no more than fifteen seconds of silence: if we are not making noise, we believe, nothing good is happening and something must be dying."

This is the fear of bad things happening, and it goes something like this: "If we don't get busy making things happen, then bad things will happen!" The unexamined, fear-based belief underlying and unconsciously driving this behavior is 'doing nothing = bad things happening'.

Where did we learn this? That's right, probably in childhood where if you didn't clean your room, bad things happened. If you didn't do your homework, bad things happened. If you didn't eat all your vegetables, bad things happened. We learned we have to do something to keep bad things from happening. And we continue on with that belief and behavior today.

But is this true? Do we have to beat our hearts? Digest our food? Grow the grass? Make the sun rise each day? Make gravity so we don't fly off the planet into space? Make the rain fall so we don't die of thirst? All of these good things happen without our having to do anything. In other words, ladies and gentleman, it is possible that doing nothing = good things happening.

IGNORANCE: And this now leads us to our third driver of the human-doing: ignorance. This is a huge one! Because we are ignorant of the amazing life-force energy that is on our side wanting the best for us, we are all stressed out doing-doing-doing since we believe we are alone in our actions. We are ignorant of the 'mysterious powers and secretly decisive influences of existence'. Consider this quote by Sri Aurobindo:

"There has been a great and ordered classification and mechanisation, a great discovery and practical result of increasing knowledge, but only on the physical surface of things. Vast abysses of Truth lie below in which are concealed the real springs, the mysterious powers and secretly decisive influences of existence."

Sri Aurobindo is basically saying that, yes, we have come a long way and lots of helpful knowledge has been developed and helpful things have been created. But all of this discovery and creation is NOTHING compared to the VAST ABYSSES OF TRUTH lying beneath in the metaphysical world. AND - very importantly - that in this vast abyss are the real causes and powers that are determining and creating our existence. It is these mysterious powers about which we know very little. We are ignorant.

Michael Bernard Beckwith puts it this way: "Consciousness always precedes form." Consciousness arises from the vast abyss, and then puts on clothing in the physical world for the duration of its existence, whatever that form may be. If we can really understand this creative process and come to KNOW it to be true, we would spend a lot more time cultivating our sixth sense. More time navigating the vast abysses of truth. More time surfing the winds and waves of those secretly decisive influences of existence.

Cultivating this sixth sense has many aspects to it; it is the essence of personal transformation and spiritual evolution. Becoming a clear channel where "doing nothing" produces results might require emotional healing work, a regular meditation practice, visualization, contemplation, deep reflection, or any number of other transformational practices and processes. In the external world this work of cultivation might look like doing nothing. However, as you walk the path you will come to know, trust and love this mysterious power of doing nothing, doing less and less while achieving more and more.

Take five minutes and do nothing. Just sit and notice all the good things happening without you doing a thing. Notice that your body is being breathed, notice that your heart is being beaten, notice that your food is being digested, notice that the grass is being grown, notice that the sun is being shined, and notice that the breeze is being blown. What other good things happening do you notice while you are doing nothing?

Congratulations - you're one step closer to your mojo!

Roger Kenneth Marsh is a Spiritual Life Coach & creator of the Major Good Mojo System. He has an engineering degree, MBA, is a Certified Life Coach, HeartMath® Provider, and Passion Test® Facilitator. Get his book "NexGen Human" on, and FREE CD "3 Keys to Major Good Mojo" at
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Saturday, 2 February 2013

5 Secret Tips to Being Extraordinary

By John Lee

It’s easy to sit and daydream about the life you'd lead if you had no limits and money were no object, especially if you’re not satisfied with your existence and maybe find yourself in a dead-end job you don’t enjoy.

That’s probably why so many people play the lottery, week in and week out, hoping their numbers will come up and they’ll finally be able to ‘sack the boss’ and ride off into the sunset in their brand new luxury car.

But we all know life doesn’t generally work that way.

And we’ve all heard stories about the big cash winners who’ve lost it all within a year or two and are now back where they started, or sadly announce that the windfall they always dreamed of has ‘ruined my life’.

So what’s the answer? Well, the obvious conclusion is you’re much better off creating the life you want – whatever that may be – through your own endeavors.

Which fortunately doesn’t have to mean a lot of work and hardship. It does mean taking a few clear steps – the kind of steps that sadly seem impossible for so many people.

Yet they don’t have to be, as the video at the link below – courtesy of Mind Movies' ever-inspiring Natalie Ledwell demonstrates quite beautifully.

It offers some excellent tips on living an extraordinary life. Or, more accurately, the life that you truly want. These tips are revealing, empowering, insightful and even challenging.

More to the point, they’re achievable by absolutely anyone. Take a look. 

A Pep Talk from Kid President To You

By John Lee

Everybody needs a little pep talk every once in a while - to lift their spirits, boost their confidence, get them back on track and so on.

But you don't expect it to come from a kid, do you?

After all, as adults we're supposed to be so much wiser and more worldly, and capable of resolving our own problems and issues.

So when this great little video dropped into my email inbox, I just had to share it! It's light, bright, funny and, yes, it's inspiring, too! You absolutely can't fail to smile.

Sit back, relax, switch to full screen and make sure your sound is switched on. You're going to love it.

And share it with anyone you know who could use a little pep talk!

Just click the link below: