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Thursday, 19 December 2013

7 Fears Most Likely Sabotaging Your Dreams & How to Deal With Them

By The Personal Freedom Project

LET'S jump straight into this one.

1. Failure
Fear of failure stops you from doing the thing you really want to do, procrastinating and keeping yourself doing everything else except the thing you really want to do or NEED to.

I know because sometimes I do it too. (Yes I’m human.) Get over it by:
* Remembering why you wanted to do what you're doing in the first place
* Setting mini-targets
* Asking – What’s the worst case scenario?
* Positive Thinking 
Feel the fear and do it anyway!
2.  What others might think or say
In my opinion there are 2 sides to this, you may not agree with me:

* First – no-one cares what you do because they are too worried about their own fears to worry about you. (Not always but mostly)

* Second – someone will always have something negative to say, based on their own fears, that really never has anything to do with you!

* Third – I know I said 2 sides but here’s something else you need to know - you limit yourself by worrying what ‘others’ think.

Heck everyone might just be happy that you decided to do something that you really want to!

Yes, the haters will still be there. Do it anyway. Give them something to say. They’ll think what they want, in any case.
3. Accomplishing goals & dreams
If you're fearful about being successful you are not alone. This is one of the obstacles that holds many others back from taking action. How to get past this:

* Find your purpose. Find people who have already accomplished what you want to do – join groups, forums and build up a network so you can get support. Have you joined my Facebook community yet? AND liked the page?
* Inspirational, kick-butt-into-action materials – like positive thinking books, audios or videos.
* Develop the skills required for you to accomplish your goals by taking courses and reading books.
4. Fear of rejection
We all fear being rejected and this has probably come from past experiences mixed with the fear of the unknown. You don’t think you're good enough, mixed with what others will think.

It's going to happen at some point. Accept it and embrace it so that if and when it happens you can get up and move on.

To do this, have your goals in place, so if you are rejected you remember what you went after - what you wanted in the first place. You can get up and keep moving forward.

Visualize how you want things to be, then take action.
5. Making mistakes
Mistakes help you learn lessons that help you make better choices next time. Mistakes are there to help you. As harsh as that may sound, we all make mistakes.

It's how you respond to them that makes the difference. If you're held back by making mistakes, realize it's part of your learning journey. Listen to what ‘feels’ like the right thing to do… then do it!
6. Fear of the unknown
Our accomplishment at anything requires that we step into the unknown. Things don’t always go as planned and they’re not supposed to. As I’ve heard it quoted before “replace fear of the unknown with curiosity.” 

I’ve tried it too and it helps, when you're afraid to take action because you don’t know what the outcome will be. What will happen when you take that next step? What will happen if you don’t?
7. Change of career or (anything else for that matter)
OK, so you love your current job but want to become a writer, guitar player or, heck, you just want to own your own property empire.

Because your family matters. Right?
You and your sanity matter. Right?
And when you find your purpose, you will want to start something new.
Questions to ask yourself to get you over your fear of starting something new:
* Am I scared to fail?
* Am I afraid of what others might think or say?
* Am I scared of making a success of it?
* Will others reject me?
* Am I scared to take the next step?
* Or am I letting the fear off the unknown stop me?

If there are any ‘yes’ answers here, you might want to read what I previously wrote above for each ‘yes’.
Pain vs Fear
The pain of staying where you are in your current circumstances has got to be greater than fear of moving forward! That’s when the magic happens.
As for time and being committed to your ultimate destination, yes I know you're limited to a certain amount of hours each day. You work, have kids, chores to get done and so many other things going on'

But taking some steps each day towards the bigger picture - the lifestyle and the freedom - will be absolutely worth it in the end! Small steps count too.

You must adopt a new habit of doing things in your life, even if you don’t feel like doing what will lead you to where you want to go.

But it’s going to take work – good purposeful, meaningful work and planning that you will enjoy and whenever you see results you will feel a sense of deep satisfaction. Your life is short. Too short.
Now feel the fear and do it anyway.

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