By John Lee and Dr Robert Anthony
We're all aware of the concept of 'flow' in leading a happy and trouble-free life. All you need to do - as you've probably been told on more than one occasion - is 'relax and go with the flow...' That way you're sure to be in harmony with the world around you and everything will be fine.
But that's easier said than done sometimes, isn't it? Just when everything seems to be running smoothly, you suddenly hit a bump in the road and there's anything BUT 'flow' in your life. That's exactly what happened to me recently, when my boss decided to change my role, 'to better meet the needs of the company'.
It was a complete smack in the mouth - especially as I had no say in the matter. I could basically 'like it or lump it', so my first reaction was to get angry and kick against the change as hard as I could. But then I remembered about 'flow' and happened to receive one of the regular emails I get from one of my favourite personal development specialists, Dr Robert Anthony.
The author of excellent programmes like The Secret of Deliberate Creation, Deliberate Creation Instant Self-Hypnosis and Self-Confidence Creator, he has a way of explaining esoteric and intangible concepts, such as 'flow', in a clear, concise and practical way. I took his advice - the email in question being reproduced below - and not only have I managed to embrace the change, to my surprise I've unearthed several benefits.
Maybe 'flow' really does work, after all.... Now here's that email:
"Life is like taking a trip on the river and reacting to the FLOW. It is always about the FLOW. The problem is most people take their boat down to the river, put it in the river and then they invariably turn it UPSTREAM and start paddling hard against the current. It never occurs to them to go downstream because they think they have to struggle to have what they want.
Here is a simple idea. Why not go WITH the current instead of fighting AGAINST the current? But you may say, "Struggle and hard work is the only way to get what you want." That's crazy!
Here is the important point - NOTHING YOU WANT IS UPSTREAM. Ever!
Every bit of struggle and determination, all that "I am going to heal myself", "I am going to fix this", "I am going to make this better", all of that has you focused UPSTREAM.
What I want is for you to feel the ease of letting go of struggle. You don't even have to turn your boat around in the stream and begin paddling downstream - just let go of the oars (struggle) and the current will turn you automatically!
This is not about teaching you to go with the stream because you have no choice. This is about asking the question and helping you answer it. Are you going willingly? Are you going toward your natural unfolding willingly, or are you going to continue to paddle upstream? In every moment the choice of which way you are going to go is yours."
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