‘Nine out of 10 people will die rather than change. That’s how difficult change is. So you can’t change people. Change yourself!’ – Leading US motivational speaker, Les Brown.
Hi everyone and welcome to my blog, which is all about personal development in its many forms.
As a copywriter and journalist, with over 20 years’ experience in this highly varied field, I’m fascinated by the different methodologies on offer and passionate about helping others to achieve their goals and fulfil their life’s potential.
The above quotation was made in a film called’ ‘Beyond The Secret,’ which I guess is essentially the follow-up to ‘The Secret’ – the worldwide smash attributed by many with bringing the Law of Attraction to a mass global audience.
The Secret and the Law of Attraction
In case you haven’t seen ‘The Secret’, it features leading figures within philosophy, quantum physics, medicine and personal development giving their views and talking about their experiences with the Law of Attraction, which basically states that, ‘You attract into your life what you think about and focus on with feeling on a regular and consistent basis’, whether it be good or bad.
While this stylish and very well-made film is an excellent introduction to the Law of Attraction, it is very much an introduction – a great starting point for anyone wanting to study further. ‘Beyond The Secret’, to my mind, continues very much in the same vein and is well worth watching over and over, as I have done.
Which brings me to the above quotation. It always stands out for me, partly because Les Brown is an awesome speaker and has a real sense of fun, but more so because it strikes me as so extreme. Would people really rather die than change?
Probably not, if those really were the only two choices. Yet there’s no denying that major change can be a serious uphill struggle. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to quit smoking, lose weight, get out of a destructive relationship, embark on a new career and so on.
Why the heck is change so tough?
So why do we find it so hard to alter our behaviour, adopt new habits and achieve new goals, especially when there’s so much to gain once we’re successful? Well, when you break it all right down, it’s about our beliefs, which combine to give us our view of the world and dictate to us what we can be, do and have – unless we manage to change them.
These beliefs – collectively known as our ‘paradigm’ – begin to form when we’re children, primarily from birth until the age of six or seven, according to the experts, at a time when our brain waves are at their most receptive to new ideas and concepts. In other words, before we’ve developed a capacity for independent judgement.
What we’re told by ‘authority’ figures such as parents and teachers during this phase begins to colour our world and create our beliefs. What we receive is not always the most positive input, not least because those ‘authority’ figures have beliefs of their own, which may or may not be beneficial.
Can I ever hope to get what I want?
So we grow up thinking things like, ‘I’m a shy person’, ‘I’m not good academically’, ‘I’ll never be rich’, ‘Having money’s a bad thing’. And the more we repeat these statements in our minds, the stronger they become, ultimately developing into limiting beliefs.
As an adult, we can rationalise these beliefs as inaccurate, using our logical conscious mind. The trouble is, the beliefs themselves reside in the much bigger and deeper part of our mind – the subconscious, which is the real powerhouse, containing all our memories and experiences, and which doesn’t judge or evaluate.
Unfortunately, we don’t have immediate and easy access to this part of our mind, which makes changing and ‘re-writing’ or ‘re-programing’ these beliefs a real challenge. Some people try to use affirmations – positive statements made over and over on a regular basis – as a way to make the change, while hypnotherapy relaxes the conscious mind so that the subconscious can be accessed.
Personally, I’ve found a couple of methods to be particularly effective.
Busting out of those limiting beliefs with Aine Belton
The first is ‘The Belief Buster Kit’ by Aine Belton – ‘Aine’ being an Irish name, pronounced ‘Onya’ as explained by the lady herself in her written material. For me, the Belief Buster Kit tackles the problem of identify, banishing and replacing limiting beliefs head-on.
A pretty substantial manual is divided into distinct parts covering areas such as:
· Exploring what beliefs are and how they’re formed
· How to, identify limiting beliefs, through a range of exercises
· Harnessing blockages to identifying limited beliefs
· Dowsing techniques to test limiting beliefs
· Creating and installing new empowering beliefs
· Techniques for strengthening your new beliefs
· Tips for ‘shifting your paradigm’
· Exploring spiritual connections and your ‘higher self’
But what has always been the most effective element for me is the ‘Belief Buster Meditation’ – a downloadable MP3 audio track in which Aine guides you through a complete sensory meditation, or hypnotic experience to my mind, where you remove a given limiting belief and replace it with a new, empowering belief.
I won’t spoil the experience by giving away the content here, but I have always found this extremely powerful, relaxing and uplifting, and an excellent way to make the changes I want. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to get ‘unstuck’.
Tapping your (money) troubles away with the ‘Money Beyond Belief! Home Tapping System’
Now let’s be honest, for most of us, our beliefs about money – and a desire to attract more of it into our lives –are among the biggest changes we want to make. So the second method is what I believe is a new programme from Brad Yates and Dr Joe Vitale, called the ‘Money Beyond Belief! Home Tapping System’.
I must confess to being a real fan of Joe, who’s one of the stars of ‘The Secret’. In fact, I’ve invested in a number of his books and development programs in the past, but was particularly interested in this one as it’s based on ‘Tapping’ or Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which I learnt some time ago from a UK-based teacher and Reiki Master called June Spencer – www.dragonflywellnesscentre.com.
Not come across EFT? Well, it employs the same Energy Meridians as defined by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and used in Acupuncture and Acupressure, as well as other complementary therapies. Very basically, you tap on particular points on the body, to remove energy blockages and thereby release unhelpful emotions.
The Money Beyond Belief! Home Tapping System focuses on these methods, through a 9-point Tapping System, to change your negative beliefs about money (as well as other aspects of your life) and thereby allow abundance to flow in.
The package itself includes downloadable MP3 recordings of seminars centred on Healing Limiting Beliefs, Developing A Positive Self Image, Clearing Blocks to Abundance and Tapping Into Vibrant Health. There are also PDFs of a collection of articles by Brad and a book entitled ‘The Seven Lost Secrets of Success’, plus another guided meditation focused on abundance.
Perhaps best of all, once you’ve completed the program, you can spend as little as five to six minutes a day, according to Brad and Joe, multiplying your ‘Wealth Mindset’ over and over. As for me, well I’m an EFT convert and am really enjoying this latest offering from two of the personal development world’s finest.
So once again, it’s well worth a look. And please, let me know how you get on!
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