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Monday, 2 October 2017

The One Time You Should NOT Express Positivity

By Lolly Daskal

OPTIMISM and positivity are beneficial to leadership in almost every circumstance. You won’t find many who would dispute that thought.

We know the best kind of leadership requires seeing the glass as half full.  

We know that even in the most challenging times and difficult circumstances, it’s important to concentrate on what we have rather than what we lack.

We understand the importance of gratitude – not just as a response when things are going especially well but as a daily practice.

It’s not that happy people are thankful, it’s that thankful people are happy.

We know positive thinking and an optimistic attitude can actually change our reality for the better. In the words of the old adage, “Think good, and it will be good.”

A daily practice of gratitude and positivity can benefit you even when things get so bad that you can’t see a good outcome or any seed of hope.

You can assure yourself that, even if you can’t currently comprehend it, there’s a lesson or a stubborn thread of grace in there somewhere.

There’s one situation, however, when positivity and gratitude don’t work – when, in fact, they can actually be destructive.

That’s when you try to apply them to others.

It’s understandable, the urge to apply something so helpful to someone who’s hurting. But however well intended, it simply doesn’t work.

A distraught or grieving colleague or client doesn’t want to hear “There must be something good in your life to be grateful for.”

Or “It must have been meant to be.” Or “I know you’re disappointed but things work out for the best.”

When someone is suffering, it’s cruel to suggest that it’s all a lesson designed to make them a better person.

And it’s downright arrogant for us to tell them this is good for them, or that it’s the way it’s meant to be.

Our job is not to philosophize about another’s pain, but to alleviate, relieve and lessen it.

True leaders know that when they see someone suffering, there’s only one acceptable response. They roll up their sleeves and ask, ‘What can I do to help?

Here are some ways you can be of service to someone who’s hurting:

* Listen. One of the most important traits in leadership is the ability to listen. The best leaders, the skillful ones, know the importance of listening more than they speak.

It’s especially important to listen to people who are trying to make sense of difficult events.

* Show support. If someone’s going through a tough time, the most meaningful thing you can say is I’m here for you.

Simple words, but when they’re backed up with action they share a burden – and they reassure the person that they’re not alone.

* Convey empathy. Adopting a human approach to your leadership sets an example that helps you build an entire culture of empathetic leaders.

People will admire your approach and work harder for you knowing that you respect their personal needs.

* Connect with caring. Gone are the days when people expect leaders to sit behind a closed office door and dictate from power.

The best leaders today get to know their people on a personal level as well as professionally. They care, and they show that caring by connecting, communicating and demonstrating compassion.

* Lead from within: A positive is not the best answer for every situation. As a leader, you need to let each situation involving one of your people bring forth the best of what you have to offer in the terms of how you listen, how you support, how you care and how you connect.

Learn more about the gaps that exist in positivity in my National Bestseller book:
‘The Leadership Gap: What Gets Between You and Your Greatness.’

After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits.

But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it.

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