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Tuesday, 31 May 2016

How To Have Courage (Even When You’re Afraid)

By Patrick Bet-David and

WHAT is courage, exactly?

Well, according to the dictionary, it’s “the mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty”.  

Do you have the courage that you need?
 In other words, you have to have it if you want to do something special in your life. It’s a common thread among all the greats.

The Courageous Greats

Throughout history, everyone who achieved the impossible has been courageous. Martin Luther King had it to stand up for equal rights in the 1960s.

Billy Graham had it to take God’s message into totalitarian dictatorships like Communist Russia, Eastern Europe and North Korea.

Ronald Reagan needed it to call the Soviet Union an “Evil Empire” and demand that Gorbachev “tear down this wall.”

Alexander the Great could not have conquered two million square miles of the planet without it.

And let’s face it: we look up to those people who have the guts to venture into the unknown and persevere.

We admire leaders and visionaries – people who have the audacity to do what most people don’t even think is possible.

It’s the feeling that we have when we watch movies like Braveheart, Lean on Me, 300, Men of Honor and Rocky. Human beings admire those who are brave.

But How Do I Get It?

Do some people have more courage than others? The answer is ‘Yes’. But they aren’t just born with it. They develop it.

Just like we strengthen the muscles in our body by putting them to use, you can strengthen your “courage muscle” by putting yourself into situations that require endurance.

The more you use those guts you are born with, the more you develop your “muscle”.

And you’re probably using your muscle more than you think. Here are some things that take guts in everyday life:

* Talking to that guy/girl who you really liked when you were afraid he/she might reject you
* Asking the love of your life to marry you
* Deciding to have kids
* Leaving your job to start something new
* Moving your family to a new state or even a new country
* Sharing your faith with someone
* Sharing your opinion about politics with a group
* Starting your own business
* Deciding to write a book

The enemy of bravery is fear, and despite what you may believe, everyone feels fear sometimes.

The days when you question your capacity to finish what you started, and the days when you don’t know what to do next, that’s fear talking.

The secret to being more courageous than fearful is to anticipate the fear. Know that fear will show its ugly head and consume you with doubt, worry, and negative thoughts.

However, remember that most fear is irrational, and if you stare down the fear right in the face, you will always persevere.

There are two types of people in the world – those who wait and those who do. Those who wait are usually held back by fear, and those who do are brave enough to overcome fear.

If you’re always putting things off and making excuses, you’re always going to be consumed by fear. 

If you’re out there taking chances and putting it on the line despite what others think, you’ll always make it.

The Takeaway

People have come up to me and said, “But Patrick, I don’t have courage like you do”. That’s where they’re wrong. The list above should show you that you have more than you think.

In order for you to take it to the next level, you need to put yourself in situations that take you out of your comfort zone.

We are all born with it.  It is there inside for us to access, but we have to actively reach for it. It is simply is a must for those who want to do the impossible.

Patrick Bet-David is an entrepreneur, author and self-made success who emigrated from war-torn Iran to the U.S. and has made financial literacy his personal crusade.

He is the founder and CEO of People Helping People (PHP), as well as author of Doing The Impossible: The 25 Laws for Doing The Impossible.

This feature was previously published on

Article source:

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

How To Think Into A Result

By Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute

THIS is not a secret…

If you want to change something in your life, you must start with the end in mind.  

Do you think into results? (By
 In other words, don’t think about your current circumstances. Instead put your imagination into high gear, and think your way into the conditions you want.

I’m not saying that you ignore your current results. That’s impossible to do.

Look at your present results, but don’t get emotionally involved with them. If you let the current facts control your thoughts, things CANNOT improve.

So take your attention off what’s currently going on, and use your will to focus on what you want.

And then…
Let nature take its course

Andrew Carnegie said…

“Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available.”

That’s because thinking starts a creative process:

1. Thinking creates an image.

2. The image stirs emotions.

3. Emotions cause action.

4. Action sets up a reaction.

So when you’re thinking about what you want, rather than your current results, the reaction (see Step 4) creates new and improved results.

Then, you can start the process all over again by looking at the new result, adapting to the changes that have occurred, and thinking about what you want next.

That way, your life just keeps getting better and better.

“I’ve tried that already!”

I know…

You’ve tried this before and failed, right?

We all have. Probably many, many times.

However, if you pay close attention to what I’m about to share with you, you’ll know what it will take to finally break through.

Take a look at this…

Here’s the bottom line…

To break out of old patterns and realize a goal that has been eluding you, you must raise your level of awareness. And there are seven levels of awareness or consciousness.

Every person on the planet primarily functions at one of the levels. However, according to where we are in our lives at any given time, we may bounce back and forth between levels.

The goal is to move out of the lower, shallower levels of consciousness to mastery. That’s when you are in control of your life, and you respond to what’s going on rather than reacting to it.

Let’s take a look at the role each level might play in your ability to realize your goals. As I go through each one, see if you can identify which level you function in most of the time.

Level 1: Animalistic

At this level, you are in “fight or flight” mode. You allow your current circumstances, not goals or desires, to dictate your life. You react to whatever is going on around you.

Level 2: Mass

At this level, you follow the crowd rather than doing your own thinking or setting goals. You want to conform rather than be creative.

You don’t consciously choose the things you want. Your paradigm rules at this level.

Level 3: Aspiration

You might follow the crowd for years, but at some point, something in you wants something better – something greater than what you have. You know you are capable of more.

Many people become stuck at this level because their new desires are just wishes until they back them with action.

Level 4: Individual

At this level, you want to express your uniqueness as a human being. You begin to dream. You realize that there is no one like you, and you have unique gifts.

However, every time you start to move forward, the paradigm pulls you back to Level 2.

The desire remains, though, so you keep coming back to it. You get locked into a tug of war with your paradigm, which continues to pull you back.

Level 5: Discipline

Here you realize that the only way to move toward your goal is to give yourself a command and then follow it – regardless of what’s going on around you.

However, as soon as you start to do it, the paradigm starts fighting back. Before long, your resolve starts to dissipate and your discipline turns into a wish. And you’re STUCK again!

You’ve got to train yourself to follow a command to overpower the paradigm. Otherwise, you’ll be destined to keep doing what you’ve been doing and getting what you’ve been getting.

So when your discipline starts to dissipate, you must exclaim, “No way! I’m going to do this and I’m going to do it NOW!”

And then step out and do it. And you keep doing it until the paradigm dies from lack of nourishment.

However, it will work only if the goal is something you really want.

Level 6: Experience

When you apply steadfast discipline and you see the desired results manifest, the experience gained reinforces your awareness of your amazing abilities. And you do more of the same.

Experiential learning is real learning. It becomes unnecessary to gather outside information. At this level, you know that all of the answers that you are looking for can be found within.

Level 7: Mastery

At this level, you respond rather than react. You know how to think properly, and you take the actions that produce your desired results.

You’re no longer controlled by habits that don’t serve you. 

You have learned the laws of the universe, and you understand how the science works. You’ve used your experience to fine-tune your manifestation techniques so you achieve one goal after the other.

Only a small percentage of the population reaches this point; however, we all have the mental faculties and capacity to do so.

The only thing stopping you from being the captain of your ship is…


Keep studying, writing out your goals, and focusing on what you want, and your awareness will increase

At each new level of awareness, the conditions, circumstances and environment will change. As you adapt to the changes, you’ll then be able to see the next step.

You can’t see how to get to the goal from where you are right now. And you don’t need to.

However, every time you take a step ahead, you’ll get new results and then you can see where to go or what to do next.

Right now, a higher side of you is urging you to create. And your paradigm is nagging at you, wanting you to stay the same.

It’s your choice…

In life, we either create or we disintegrate.

Choose well.

To your success,

Bob Proctor

Article source:

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

How to Deal with Difficult People – by Brian Tracy

Posted by John Lee of

IN the world of personal and professional development, few can boast a pedigree or body of work as impressive as Brian Tracy.  

Author, speaker and personal development specialist, Brian Tracy
 With books, seminars, audio and video courses on subjects as diverse as sales training, leadership, public speaking and time management, he’s rightly recognised as one of the world’s finest.

Yet the Canadian-born ‘guru’ – for want of a less sensationalist title – also offers plenty of great insights into much more mundane issues, as this brief video shows.

As the title illustrates, it’s about handling difficult people – the sort of people who raise your blood pressure and make you feel inadequate. The sort of people you may even want to punch!

And in his characteristically simple and down-to-earth fashion, Brian lays out two very easy steps for taking the heat out of the situation and reaching a solution.

Well worth a look. Just click on the link below to go to the original recording: