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Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Rules for Getting Organized & Decluttered

With Leo Babauta &

WHAT would it take to get your life decluttered and organized?

That might be a tall order for many of us, but the truth is, we could do it in bursts and spurts, using a handful of easy-to-follow rules.

The other day I wrote about the idea of setting rules instead of goals … today I want to share a few ideas for rules to help you get decluttered and organized.  

Time for a spot of declutting?
I know in my life, going from being overwhelmed with clutter to minimalism was a slow but rewarding journey.

And now I feel happy every time I look around and see the lovely space around me.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to testify that it’s not impossible, and it just takes some small steps that add up over time.

Here are the rules I suggest – though I don’t suggest adopting them all, and especially not all at once. Try a few out, see how they work for you, then try a few others.

1. Get yourself organized at the start and end of a day. As you start your work day, write down your three Most Important Tasks (MITs).

Write down a handful of other things you’d like to do today as well. Clear your desk, get things in order.

At the end of each day, tidy things up, check off your list, maybe even get things ready for tomorrow.

2. When you get up from your desk, put one thing away. Whenever you get up for a glass of water, to go to the bathroom, to take a break … pick up something off your desk and put it away.

If your desk is clear, look for something nearby.

3. When you’re done eating, wash your bowl. This is self-explanatory. Mindfully wash your dishes instead of leaving them in the sink. If there are other dishes in the sink, wash a few of them too.

4. Wipe down the sink when you use it. Whenever you wash your hands or brush your teeth in the bathroom, wipe down the sink so it’s clean. Do the same in the kitchen sink.

Clear away a few things around the sink too if you can.

5. When you walk through a room, find one thing to put away. If you’re going from your bedroom to the living room, find one thing during that trip to put away.

You don’t have to get stuck in putting everything away, just one thing.

6. When you take off a piece of clothing, put it away. When you shower or change clothes, instead of leaving them on the floor or on a piece of furniture, put the clothes away or in a hamper.

Look for a few other clothes to put away too if there are more lying around.

7. Keep flat surfaces clear. Your tables, counters, desks, floors … keep them clear. If there’s a ton of clutter there now, see the rule below about decluttering on Saturdays.

But if it’s doable, just start clearing whatever is on the floor (except furniture and the like). When you walk by the kitchen counter, look for things other than oft-used appliances to put away.

8. At the end of the work day, file stuff. If you still use papers, file them at the end of the day. If you are all digital, clear your computer desktop and put files where they belong.

9. Deal with an email instead of putting it off. When you open an email, give it the space to deal with it immediately. Read it, reply, take action, or archive it.

Or put it on your to-do list for later if it’s a big task. Don’t just constantly open emails without handling them.

10. Work to only having 3 emails in your inbox. Slowly clear away the hundreds or thousands of emails in your inbox.

Archive or delete them, put a handful in a to-do folder, file others into informational folders, unsubscribe from newsletters.

11. Put non-essential items you want to buy on a 30-day list. Create a 30-day list, and whenever you want to buy something that’s not absolutely essential (other than groceries, cleaning supplies, toiletries), put it on the list with the date you added it.

Then don’t allow yourself to buy anything until it’s been on the list for 30 days. At the end of the 30 days, see if you still want it before buying.

12. Put your clothes in a different closet or box, and only take out what you need. Move all your clothes to a closet in an unused room if you have one, or put them in a box or two.

Only remove the clothes you really need to wear. After a month of doing this, you’ll see what clothes you can consider donating.

13. Declutter on Saturdays. Every Saturday morning, spend an hour or two (or half a day) decluttering one area.

14. One in, two out. When you bring something new in your life (buy something online, get a gift), get rid of two other similar things. For example, if you buy a pair of shoes, donate two other pairs.

In this way, you’ll 1) think more about each thing you buy, and 2) slowly have fewer and fewer possessions.

Eventually you’ll want to switch to a “one in, one out” rule when you think your possessions are at a good level.

15. Limit how many things you have. Consider limiting yourself to 30 pieces of clothing, or 30 books, or something like that.

Get rid of everything else, don’t allow yourself to go beyond the limit. The individual limit you set is up to you, whatever feels slightly uncomfortable is good.

16. At the end of each month, clear out computer clutter. Self-explanatory. Back things up!

17. Every three months, purge. Also self-explanatory. Spend a weekend purging all your unneeded belongings.

Of course, these are just suggested rules … you should modify them to suit your life.

How to Implement the Rules

Now, those are a lot of rules, but I don’t think you should implement them all at once. In fact, I suggest trying one per week. Really focus all week on making that rule happen.

If it goes well, keep it. If not, toss it out. The next week, try another.

Set a reminder on a certain day each week (let’s say Monday) to review how your rule went, and to pick a new rule to try out.

Have a physical, paper note somewhere visible so you’ll remember to do the rule throughout the week.

One at a time, you’ll find the rules that work for you. And one step at a time, your life will slowly become less cluttered, more organized.

And you’ll be set up to make great things happen in the rest of your life.

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Thursday, 4 February 2016

How To Keep Balance In Your Busy Life

By Jan M. Mueller

LIFE is demanding and it’s very easy to feel that life is out of control. But you have a choice. You can bring balance to your life if you make it a priority.

It’s easy to spend all day chasing objectives, only to feel that you’ve accomplished nothing at the end of day. Rebalancing your life is possible.  

Do you need better balance in your life?
(Pic by Arztsamui &
A busy life can be meaningful, interesting and invigorating. It can also lead to exhaustion and burn-out if you allow the ‘busy-ness’ to get out of hand.

Try these effective strategies to create & keeping balance in your busy life:

Learn to be more patient. Your life might be more balanced than you realize, but it’s hard to see it if you’re impatient.

A lack of patience makes every situation more challenging. A little patience makes many challenging situations manageable.

Impatience is one way you agitate yourself. You also make yourself less capable in the moment.

Simplify. It’s very easy in today’s world to buy more things than you need and take on more responsibilities than you can manage.

Every extra item and responsibility in your life can create imbalance. Eliminate the superfluous and bring more harmony into your life.

Give your health a priority. When life gets hectic, our first response is to sacrifice ourselves for everyone and everything else. This is a mistake.

Without good health, life becomes very unbalanced.

If you don’t give your health the priority it deserves, your resulting bad health will eventually get your full attention.

Create a schedule that includes downtime. Downtime isn’t just the time that’s left over after your responsibilities are completed. Downtime is something you do on purpose.

Plan for it. Make time for it. Knowing you have a break scheduled in the near future will motivate you to spend your time more effectively.

Get started early. It’s challenging to start the day and common to procrastinate. Time is such a valuable resource.

It’s possible to increase your wealth or to receive more love, but we’re all limited to 24 hours. Once you fall behind, the entire day is out of balance.

Get started on your day with a purpose and the rest will fall into place.

Spend time on the activities that mean the most to you. Your family is likely a priority, but what else do you find meaningful? Hiking? Playing the violin? Reading?

Working isn’t the only priority in life. The more time you’re able to spend on enjoyable activities, the more you’ll enjoy your life.

Spend time on your relationships. This includes – but isn’t limited to – your romantic relationships. Keep up with your friends and extended family too.

It takes time, but you’re probably wasting time on something less meaningful, like television.

Get enough sleep. Do you sleep less than seven hours each night? Even if you’re highly successful, you could be doing even better.

Studies have shown that performance increases for many tasks, both physical and mental, when subjects receive at least seven hours of sleep.

If you don't have time for seven hours, it’s time to re-examine your priorities.

Make yourself your biggest priority. When you take good care of yourself, you can take better care of others. When you’re at your best, your performance at work is at its highest.

It might seem selfish to prioritize your own needs and happiness, but everyone in your life will benefit from this mindset.

Define what having a “balanced life” means to you. Balancing your life will be impossible until you clarify what balance means to you:

* How much time would you spend at work?
* How much time would you spend at home?
* How many leisure hours do you need each week?
* How would you spend those hours?

Create a well-balanced life by choosing your priorities wisely.

Jan Marie Mueller is a certified Positive Mindshift Coach and Life Transformation blogger at

She’s passionate about providing you with a foundation of ideas that you can both identify with and apply to your daily life.

She loves reaching out to and helping others do what it takes to make the positive changes that can lead to greater happiness, success and self-esteem in life.

She looks forward to helping you, too.

For more information on tips, strategies and resources on creating a life you LOVE, visit

While you’re there be sure and get your FREE Inspired Living! Pack filled with motivating affirmations, inspiring images and uplifting quotes for a more positive & inspired life!

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