By Jan M. Mueller
LIFE is demanding and it’s very easy to feel that life is
out of control. But you have a choice. You can bring balance to your life
if you make it a priority.
It’s easy to spend all day chasing objectives, only to feel
that you’ve accomplished nothing at the end of day. Rebalancing your life is
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Do you need better balance in your life? (Pic by Arztsamui & |
A busy life can be meaningful, interesting and invigorating.
It can also lead to exhaustion and burn-out if you allow the ‘busy-ness’ to get
out of hand.
Try these effective strategies to create & keeping
balance in your busy life:
Learn to be more
patient. Your life might be more balanced than you realize, but it’s
hard to see it if you’re impatient.
A lack of patience makes every situation more
challenging. A little patience makes many challenging situations
Impatience is one way you agitate yourself. You also make yourself
less capable in the moment.
Simplify. It’s
very easy in today’s world to buy more things than you need and take on more
responsibilities than you can manage.
Every extra item and responsibility in your life can create
imbalance. Eliminate the superfluous and bring more harmony into your life.
Give your health a
priority. When life gets hectic, our first response is to sacrifice
ourselves for everyone and everything else. This is a mistake.
Without good health, life becomes very unbalanced.
If you don’t give your health the priority it deserves, your
resulting bad health will eventually get your full attention.
Create a schedule
that includes downtime. Downtime isn’t just the time that’s left over
after your responsibilities are completed. Downtime is something you do on
Plan for it. Make time for it. Knowing you have a break
scheduled in the near future will motivate you to spend your time more
Get started early. It’s
challenging to start the day and common to procrastinate. Time is such a
valuable resource.
It’s possible to increase your wealth or to receive more
love, but we’re all limited to 24 hours. Once you fall behind, the entire day
is out of balance.
Get started on your day with a purpose and the rest will
fall into place.
Spend time on the
activities that mean the most to you. Your family is likely a
priority, but what else do you find meaningful? Hiking? Playing the violin?
Working isn’t the only priority in life. The more time
you’re able to spend on enjoyable activities, the more you’ll enjoy your life.
Spend time on your
relationships. This includes – but isn’t limited to – your romantic
relationships. Keep up with your friends and extended family too.
It takes time, but you’re probably wasting time on something
less meaningful, like television.
Get enough sleep. Do
you sleep less than seven hours each night? Even if you’re highly successful, you
could be doing even better.
Studies have shown that performance increases for many
tasks, both physical and mental, when subjects receive at least seven hours of
If you don't have time for seven hours, it’s time to re-examine
your priorities.
Make yourself your
biggest priority. When you take good care of yourself, you can take
better care of others. When you’re at your best, your performance at work
is at its highest.
It might seem selfish to prioritize your own needs and
happiness, but everyone in your life will benefit from this mindset.
Define what having a “balanced life” means to you. Balancing
your life will be impossible until you clarify what balance means to you:
* How much time would
you spend at work?
* How much time would
you spend at home?
* How many leisure
hours do you need each week?
* How would you spend
those hours?
Create a well-balanced life by choosing your priorities
Jan Marie Mueller is a certified Positive Mindshift Coach
and Life Transformation blogger at
She’s passionate about providing you with a foundation of
ideas that you can both identify with and apply to your daily life.
She loves reaching out to and helping others do what it
takes to make the positive changes that can lead to greater happiness, success
and self-esteem in life.
She looks forward to helping you, too.
For more information on tips, strategies and resources on
creating a life you LOVE, visit
While you’re there be sure and get your FREE Inspired
Living! Pack filled with motivating affirmations, inspiring images and
uplifting quotes for a more positive & inspired life!
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