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Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Emotional Buttons, Triggers and Controls

By Violet Sky

"I had no choice!" "It's their fault I feel this way, not mine!" "It's just the way I was raised!" "Why do they always make me feel this way?" "I don't know why I said it, it just came out."

Do you identify with any of these comments? If so, you may want to continue reading.  

Someone pushing YOUR buttons? (Pic courtesy
 Most of us are familiar with the different sets of circumstances that we know will really upset us in one way or another.

Due to the memories left behind from other situations we have already been through (old baggage) – created when we may not have had the tools we needed to handle them – this 'baggage' may have left behind trauma associated with a similar situation in our past.

The truth is that we ALWAYS have a choice in how we feel about something.

The way our brains work gives us that choice, as our own brain is what we use to control everything about our physical being.

Our brains also have control over the chemicals it releases that match what we feel and how we react to what we feel.

Many of us – for one reason or another – are thinking that we don't have such a conscious control over these things.

Well, I will try to show you how we do, and what can be done about it.

What is an emotional button?

It may start out as simple as a pet peeve, and over time develop into something that really bothers you.

There are many various different degrees of irritation; but once they activate a reaction, they become "buttons" that once pushed are hard to control.

It's like an emotion that hides somewhere in the back of your mind just waiting for a reason to come out and take over.

The reaction also seems to be programmed, because it almost always seems to be the same.

I hear things like, 'I have no choice but to react this way when this happens.' 'I can't change this problem I have.' 'Nothing can fix this.'

These are defeatist and self-sabotaging attitudes, and this way of thinking will not help you.

What can I do about it?

Healing such damage can start by knowing the following truth: "Nothing that is done TO or BY me can affect me traumatically without my permission!"

You always have the CHOICE about how you react to your own feelings and situations when they are triggered or caused.

Our feelings have always come naturally to us as children, and throughout most our lives. Most of the time we learn these emotional reactions by watching someone else react to a similar trigger.

And we learned many of these reactions while we were young. Any new trauma can also encourage us to plant one of these buttons as a form of protection against a similar occurrence in our future.

It takes better teachers than most of us have to help ourselves and others become aware of why human beings were gifted with emotions in the first place, and how to effectively control them with our choices, instead of being controlled by them.

Example: If someone puts a gun to your head and demands something of you, what are your choices? Many may say there isn't one.

Let me help you see them here:

(1) Do what has been demanded of you.

(2) Try to find a way to not be at the end of that barrel (i.e. fight, negotiate, try to disarm them however you can.

Or you can choose to get shot - and even if you choose this one you may still be able to recover from it as long as you didn't lose your head, and I mean that in multiple ways.)

(3) You can even choose to die if that is your wish (though I highly DON'T recommend this option.)

Example: Say you are strapped down into a chair fully bound and your eyes pried open while something is set before you to watch. What choice do you have, right? WRONG!

Our brains are still able to make the choice of whether or not we see what is right in front of us.

I'm sure at this point many of you may know what I mean by some of this, as this is how we get some of our famous sayings. (i.e. How did you miss that, it was right in front of your nose?)

We can create in our minds a whole other world (a fantasy) to draw ourselves into and out of at will, thereby blocking anything else around us.

Another option could be to command your brain to turn off in one way or another (i.e. We can become unconscious, go to sleep, or some other extreme such as death.

Once again I don't recommend that one, but it can be done by thought alone.) Hopefully, you get my point here.

You can even choose to not be afraid if you wish. Or if you are scared you can still not let that fear control you or prevent you from thinking of your options.

The good news is emotions are all TOOLS so you can use your fears to release the adrenalin needed to think at super-fast subconscious speeds.

Your mind has a quite incredible talent for giving you temporarily strengthened abilities in any area you may need in order to save yourself, or to get you into a better situation.

Example: A child gets pinned under a car. The emotional reactive chemicals released in the child from this occurrence kept him from dying instantly.

The emotional tools released in the mother enabled her to flip that car off of her child. How was she able to do that?

Quicker than thought as we know it consciously, her subconscious chooses the option and has her body carry out the action necessary before she really knows consciously what has happened.

She didn't have the time to figure out all the reasons she couldn't do it before the reaction was already done and her child was saved.

The conscious part had to catch up later. I don't doubt one bit that once caught up, her brain released a bunch of other emotions for her to deal with.

That kind of example is what I deem as a "good" button; which is not only possible, but creatable on purpose through either natural means or with training.

For many, many years now our military has been training people to have specifically programmed reactions in their minds and bodies.

Ever hear of the popular reactions of fight, flight, or freeze?

When most of us are faced with something extremely stressful such as in life and death situations, we make this choice without much thought.

Well, these guys have taught their brains to react differently from the common ways so that they might increase their chance to succeed in what they are doing (such as survive).

When such a heightened state of danger has a presence in their minds, they have learned how to behave in a pre-determined manner.

Once the danger has passed, their brain's chemicals are free to return to another state, freeing the emotional tools they need for the next objective to succeed or fail, as they bear the consequences of those choices as they arise.

This way their pre-programmed "buttons" can be triggered or released when they need to be in order to do what they must to succeed in what they do.

Who can fix a bad button?

Many of us, sadly, are not taught how to prevent some trauma buttons from forming from a young enough age to go unscathed in one way or another, so we are left to learn other ways of coping with certain traumas.

But think for a moment, YOU were the one who created your own buttons and triggers, so only YOU can fix them within yourself.

Just the same, you can create good buttons to use at a later time.

We have no idea what may come across our paths, but we do know that we have control over what we do and do not pay attention to, and how we either act or react to what we do.

Where can I learn more?

To read more... See the second part of this article, "What can I do about my emotional triggers?" at: Violet Sky Writings

With Love,

Violet Sky

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