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Saturday, 25 May 2013

Finding Calm in a Chaotic World - Man On The Street

Posted by John Lee with video by Soulpancake 

I confess to being a big fan of the guys at Soulpancake – the people behind the ‘Kid President’ videos that you may have seen on YouTube.

They have such a light, humorous and often quirky way of looking at life. Their work is always a pleasure to watch, especially when you’re finding the going a little tough.
How do you find a little calm and clarity?

So when the video below dropped into my email inbox, I was quick to take look.

As the title suggests, it asks ordinary people what they do to achieve some clarity in today’s hectic world. Some of the answers you might expect. Some maybe not!

More importantly, it makes you take a look at your own life and what you do to find a little calm. 

Or perhaps what you should be doing.…..?

Just click on the link to go to the video. Hope you enjoy it.

Job Security? Jobs Haven't Been A Form Of Security In Decades

By Douglas R Kruger

IMAGINE: You're walking the grey corridors of a corporate block. Your host in the stuffy suit turns to you and says, "And in this cubicle is Mr John Bon Jovi, our finest accountant. Funny story actually; he used to talk about becoming a 'Rock Star'. Fortunately, we talked some sense into him. Yep, John did the responsible thing! Say hello, John. Good boy! Now catch the peanut."

As a society, we are a good three decades down the line from the death of lifetime employment. Yet curiously, we continue to perpetuate the notion that jobs represent security.
Douglas R Kruger

 We argue that a job is 'safe'. May I take a moment to speak on behalf of the human soul? What is safe about forcing yourself to spend three-quarters of your waking life pursuing something you resent? That sounds remarkably dangerous to me.

In fact, here's the worst career advice you will ever hear: "Study something that people need... like IT". Why is this well-meant thinking the potential ruination of a human life? Because anything that can be systemized or outsourced to Asia has low value. Learn it by all means. But understand that selling it is getting cheaper. Original thinking is becoming more valuable.

As Steve Jobs tried to tell us, we get so morbidly hung up on college degrees and corporate jobs that we forget to think originally. We all scurry to be the minions trained to install and service Bill Gates' programs... rather than wanting to actually be Bill Gates.

We even indulge in that odd compromise, in which we tell our children that they can do whatever they want with their lives - 'follow your dreams, by all means!' - just as soon as they've spent eight years studying to be a doctor and built up so much momentum in that direction that it's impossible ever to do anything else.

By way of contrast, did you know that one of the highest celebrity earners of all time, well ahead of anyone you've ever met with a conventional job, was Charles Schultz, the author of Peanuts? Snoopy's dad was a financial mega-success. And what he did for a living was to draw a three-panel comic-strip each day.

But perhaps money isn't everything to you. How about a career that allows you to travel; see the world?
Television's Travel Channel has a young woman who thought differently, and won herself the perfect career. She wanted to host a travel show, but had absolutely no qualifications.

Then inspiration struck: "What if I traveled to different locations around the world, gathered up some of the locals, and went skinny-dipping in the lakes? No one's ever done that before!" Today, she is the host of an internationally syndicated television show cheekily titled 'Skinny Dip'.

Before you willingly concede to the group-think delusion, and allow the neurosis of others to pressure you into committing three-quarters of your waking life to doing something that you hate, in the misguided pursuit of security, pause for a moment. Look up at the horizon. There is more available. But only to those who are willing to think originally. And who are brave enough to act on their vision.

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker, author, and 5x winner of the SA Championships for Public Speaking. He speaks on Expert Positioning, Wealth Principles, and Talent. See him live at Connect on Linked In or Twitter: @douglaskruger. Email:
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Saturday, 18 May 2013

Want To Be Extraordinary? Accept Failures!

By Michael Lee

DO you come across people who complain all day about their lives, but don't do a thing to change it? These are the people whose lives are fraught with inaction, and they lead a life that is unsatisfying and unfulfilling. Though they talk nineteen to a dozen and find faults with everyone and everything around them, they are scared that if they take the first step towards changing their own life, they will meet with failure.

They simply dread the idea of stepping out of the self-made protective cocoon that they have built around themselves and simply spend their entire lives complaining. You would not want to be grouped with these kind of people, would you?

Step out and aim for the life of your dreams
It is easier said than done though, as there is no shortcut to success. So if you are really passionate about something but feel yourself stuck in something you are not meant to do, you need to start taking action. And the action must be taken now!

The Important Of Taking Chances.

In the words of Theodore Roosevelt "Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."

Roosevelt in these immortal lines urges everyone to take chances. Taking chances is the one thing you need to do in order to start leading a better life!

By taking chances, we don't mean that you should risk putting up all of your life's savings in a casino! By taking chances, we mean stepping out of your comfort zone and doing what you have always dreamed of!

For instance, if you have always wanted to be a writer, do not be afraid of your manuscript getting rejected. Write for yourself, write from your heart and just as the nightingale did with the rose, color your stories with the last drop of blood in your heart!

Take Chances and Follow Your Dreams.

When you follow a life of passion, you will see that even the Universe will conspire to make things happen in your favor. Good things will automatically fall into place for those people who have really decided to follow their passion, despite the difficulties and challenges ahead.

But until you muster up all the courage in you and step out, you will never really know what taking chances is all about!

Many people are afraid to take risks and remain comfortable in their current status in life, but you must also remember that that is exactly why their lives remain mediocre. Nothing that they do is ever ground-breaking! And they have the nerve to complain that life is so boring (or even depressing)!

Imagine what would have happened if Bill Gates or Steve Jobs had not taken the chances they did in life, or if Thomas Alva Edison gave up the invention of light bulb just because he failed! Yes, Edison failed not once, not twice, but more than 10,000 times before he came up with the invention that is lighting up our lives right now!

So you see, failure is inevitable. When you try your hand at something new, there are bound to be obstacles and setbacks, but failure (as the age old saying goes) is indeed the stepping stone to success.

Don't be afraid of failure. It's better to fail a thousand times to achieve a one-time success, than to never fail nor succeed at anything!

So step out with enthusiasm, live life with excitement, do great things for others, take your chances and be extraordinary... else you will be the person whose tombstone will read something like "Here lies Kris, who lived a normal life and died a normal person!"

To help you achieve your dreams fast, I'd like to give you instant access to more than 100 of the best free self-improvement eBooks that could greatly change your life! Download them free at

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7 Step Formula To Effectively Apply The Law Of Attraction

By Natalie Ledwell 

THERE’S certainly no shortage of information about the Law of Attraction, nowadays, with everything from movies like ‘The Secret’ to classic books such as Wallace D. Wattles’ ‘The Science of Getting Rich’.

Yet people the world over still have difficulties manifesting their desires, despite studying such works with a passion and embarking on their own journey, understandably excited that they’ll finally achieve their heart’s desire.

Little wonder, then, that there are many people who eventually come to the somewhat bitter conclusion that ‘Manifestation and the Law of Attraction’ are little more than a ‘bunch of new-age hooey’.

Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell
Well, the video accessible through the link below will hopefully help anyone who’s had a less than positive experience with ‘getting the Law of Attraction to work’ in their life – although it’s obviously at work all the time; we just don’t always get the results we want!

It’s by Mind Movies’ Natalie Ledwell, who always seems to have a clear, concise, logical and upbeat way of explaining anything she sets her mind to.

And of course, she’s someone who has used the power of this law to achieve success in her own life. So this is not just someone regurgitating something they’ve read or watched themselves. She’s the real deal.

Just click on the link to be taken to the video. You’ll be glad you did.

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Failing Forward

Courtesy of Bob Proctor's 'Insight of the Day' service and  Michael Josephson

THE best way to teach our children to succeed is to teach them to fail.

After all, if getting everything you want on the first try is success, and everything else is failure, we all fail much more often than we succeed.

People who learn how to grow from unsuccessful efforts succeed more often and at higher levels because they become wiser and tougher.

Two great American inventors, Thomas Edison and Charles Kettering mastered the art of building success on a foundation of what others might call failure.
Edison, 'failed his way to success'.

Edison liked to say he “failed his way to success,” noting that every time he tried something that didn’t work he moved closer to what did.

“Now I know one more thing that doesn’t work,” he would say.

The lesser known Kettering (head of research for General Motors from 1920-1947) talked about “failing forward,” calling every wrong attempt a “practice shot.”

The strength of both men was that their creativity and confidence was undiminished by setbacks and unsuccessful efforts.

They accepted that trial and error is an essential strategy for breakthrough innovation and simply rejected the notion of failure.

Thomas Watson, the founder of IBM, cautioned his leaders from being so careful that they never failed. He went so far as to say, ‎”The way to succeed is to double your failure rate.”

Of course, failure is never desirable, but it is inevitable and, with a proper attitude, can be quite useful.
The only way to avoid failure is to avoid the risks and challenges and that probably is a case of real failure.

The great hockey player Wayne Gretzky used to say, “You miss 100 per cent of the shots you don’t take.”

Whatever your goal, whether it’s to get something, do something, or improve yourself as a person or professional, the secret of success is learning to transform unsuccessful experiences from stumbling blocks to stepping stones.

Three qualities can turn adversity into advantage: a positive perspective, reflection, and perseverance.

First, learn from the inventors. Don’t allow yourself to think of any failure as final, and never allow unsuccessful efforts to discourage you or cause you to give up.

Remember, failure is an event, not a person. Even failing repeatedly can’t defeat you unless you start thinking of yourself as a failure.

The way you think about your experiences shapes the experience in ways that either stimulate or stymie further efforts.

Second, don’t waste the experience. Unsuccessful efforts are wasted and debilitating only if you don’t learn from them.

Reflect on your actions, attitudes and the results to discover the lesson within the experience and use that knowledge to guide future efforts.

Third, persevere. Try and try again. Just be smarter each time.

Finally, learn to enjoy the process. Simply being absorbed in the pursuit of any change that will improve your life or the lives of others is a blessing.

Remember, character counts.

Michael Josephson -

Saturday, 4 May 2013

7 Best Life Lessons From The Legendary Bruce Lee

BRUCE Lee is an iconic figure who should need no introduction. He helped to popularize martial arts in Western society and impressed on the big screen with his amazing action movies. From Bruce Lee’s iconic role as Kato in The Green Hornet television series to his remarkable starring roles in films like Enter the Dragon, Bruce Lee was a thoroughly entertaining man. The screen presence that the man possessed was undeniable. Lee influenced the generations after him in multiple ways. Many modern mixed martial artists site Bruce Lee’s martial arts techniques and overall philosophy to the art of hand-to-hand combat as a huge inspiration for their becoming martial artists.

Though he is probably most famous as an action movie star and creator of the Jeet Kune Do martial arts style, Lee also had an incredible outlook on life. Many of his quotes and overall philosophy on how to live life are still inspiring people today. In this article we will take a look at some of the advice Lee had to give.

1. Get up and do it.
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
This is solid advice. Possessing the knowledge of something is a good starting point, but in order to actually achieve anything in this world you must apply that knowledge to your actions. Even if you want to do something it isn’t enough to simply wish it was so. Life is about having the courage to actually do the things you conjure in your head. There are those who dream and then there are those who make dreams reality. When you commit to taking action in your life you can do great things. The first step to greatness may be just putting one foot in front of the other.

2. Thoughts are important.
“As you think, so shall you become.”
A person’s thoughts determine so much about them. What you go around thinking about others, the world around you and especially about yourself helps to mold your perception of the world. The way you perceive things affects you in such a way so as to guide your actions. As such, a confident individual who believes in his abilities and has thoughts in his head that affirm his capability is more likely to succeed in life. Do not mistake confidence with overconfidence though. A man who also thinks clearly enough to understand his own faults and wish to better them over time is truly wise.

3. Blind anger will get you nowhere.
“A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.”
Being quick to anger is not a good trait to possess. When you let your temper control who you are, you become a reckless person who doesn’t think straight and winds up making many mistakes. It is true when they say that cooler heads prevail. When you look at something from a calm standpoint and try to think in terms of logic and what is best for you, the results you get will be better. Even when there are those who seek to anger you out of spite or hatred, you should not them play you for a fool. Being in control of your emotions will allow you to come out the better man or woman.

4. Live for yourself.
“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”
In life you should strive to live by your own standards. There are so many people in the world that worry about what others think of them and the legacy they will leave behind. Whether it is something simple like wishing to please one’s parents, or if it is to impress a certain social group, what purpose does that really serve? If you live your life just to impress others or try to meet their expectations of what you should be then you are ignoring your own individuality. Humans are individual creatures. We possess unique abilities, thoughts and feelings. Life should be explored thoroughly in the pursuit of happiness for the self. Oftentimes personal happiness includes the happiness of those close to you, but ultimately you should be your biggest critic and judge, not others.

5. Time is finite.
“If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of.”
Time moves forward at the same pace for all. It will slow down for no man, and no man can truly know how much time he has. Because of this time is a very precious thing, just like life itself. Life is an incredible experience full of emotions, perceptions and wonders of all kinds. Live in the moment and don’t take things for granted. Everything that you do should be enjoyed, because you never know when your time is up. When you waste time doing nothing or pleasing others when you really want to do other things, you are cheating yourself out of precious time.  Make sure that your time is being spent wisely towards your own ends.

6. Be flexible in life.
“Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending in the wind.”
When you hold fast to certain plans or old ways, you can be doing yourself a disservice. The world is ever changing and presents many new challenges that you will have to face in a lifetime. When these challenges present themselves, sometimes being rigid and sticking to your old ways will not allow you to come through unscathed. If you can be flexible like the bamboo bending in the wind, you will not crack from all of the pressure. Your mind needs to be able to adapt in life. When new problems arise be ready to meet them. This is a great quote to think about for business strategy as well, because as has been shown in recent years, rigid business models are the most susceptible to sudden failure. Flexibility is formidability.

7. Simplify your life.
“It’s not the daily increase but the daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”
In life it can be easy to get wrapped up in so many different things. When you take a step back and truly look at your life, you might be surprised to find that there are many unessential elements that could be cut out so as to save time for that which is truly important to you. By streamlining your life in ways you can increase your quality of life. This is an incredible thing and should be undertaken by everyone. When you can live your life with a conviction to focus on the things that matter to you, you can get so much accomplished. Cut the frivolous out of your life if at all possible.

 Source: The Secret To Attract Love, Money, Happiness Into Your Life

5 Secrets to Successful Meditation

By John Lee

HAVE you ever tried meditation and given up because you can’t seem to clear your mind and get into it? Maybe you’ve always seen it as a little too ‘out there’ for you?

Or perhaps you already indulge in this ancient practice, which is just as relevant to the modern world… in fact, probably even more so, given the pressures so many of us face?

Well, whether you’re a complete novice, just curious to know more, or you’ve been meditating for years, this great little video from the guys at Mind Movies is perfect for you.

It features some simple yet highly effective tips on making the most of your sessions if you already meditate and some sound advice for anyone who’s just getting started.

There’s information on calming your mind, dealing with frustration and mind chatter and giving purpose to your meditation.

Click on the link below to go to the original video. I hope you enjoy it.