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Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Learning From Life's Lessons

Do you ever wonder what your purpose is and what the future holds? The answer may lie in where you have been in the past. Life is like a road map. We may take different roads along the way but we will make it to our destination.

When I was a young adult living in public housing, life didn't seem to have any purpose, other than existing. What got me through it was my sense of humor and determination that there was more out there than what I was currently experiencing.

One example of this was an evening at my apartment at the scene of a crime. We were all standing outside. An officer standing by me said, "What's a nice girl like you doing in a dump like this?" I smiled at him and said, "I chose it for the ambience." He chuckled and dropped it.

Little did I know that twenty years later I would be a parole officer. God knew exactly what He was doing. Along the way, I worked hard on self improvement and education. I had some good experiences and built relationships in the community.

In my work as a parole officer, I dealt with people who seemed to have no sense of direction. On their life road map, there wasn't a destination. They just wandered from place to place. It didn't help that they were also under the influence of substances. I helped as best I could but ultimately, their choices were their own.

In order to learn from life's lessons, here are six key thoughts to moving ahead:

1. Why am I here today?
2. Where would I like to be?
3. What do I need to do to make that happen?
4. How can this be achieved?
5. Who will I need assistance from?
6. When will I see results?

I came up with these questions ten years ago for myself. They have helped me so I am sharing them with you. Even as I enter a new stage in life, I go back to them to start over. The kids are grown and I am seeking a career change. I plan on drawing from the past and helping others find their own destinations.

Whatever your destination, look where you've been and draw from it to determine where you are going. There were reasons for your paths. That is where the key lies.

Author, Laura Schroeder enjoys sharing her life experiences and encouraging others. If her articles have been helpful, you may contact her at You may read her blog at Please make any comments family friendly.

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