By Rebecca Temsen and
COPING with negative people on a regular basis can be stressful and challenging. It’s hard enough maintaining a positive outlook without having someone else unload all of their complaints, worries, and stresses on you.
COPING with negative people on a regular basis can be stressful and challenging. It’s hard enough maintaining a positive outlook without having someone else unload all of their complaints, worries, and stresses on you.
The key to combating
someone’s negativity is preparation, so make sure you have a few
coping skills at your disposal.
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Never allow negative people to get you down |
Establish Boundaries
Negative people often
put down others, and they’re quick to highlight someone’s
shortcomings rather than their positive attributes.
When you find yourself
on the receiving end of a litany of complaints or derogatory remarks
about someone, clearly inform the person that you have no wish to
participate in that type of discussion.
It might seem easier to
agree with them. That way, you can avoid prolonging an uncomfortable
discussion, but this is a mistake.
Agreeing with them will
only enable them and give them the impression that you approve of
their behaviour.
Instead of passively
listening, tell them that you don’t like talking about others
behind their backs. Tell them that you would rather discuss any
problems directly with the person in question.
People respond better
to respect than they do to hostility, so don’t be confrontational
by turning the insults around on them.
The person may not
realise how negative they are until you respond to their negativity
with a fair and respectful attitude.
Don’t Let Their Views Become Your Views
Sometimes, it’s easy
to influence your perceptions of other people.
If the co-worker you
spend all day with does nothing but complain about the boss, then you
might start channelling your irritation with your co-worker toward
your boss.
Whenever you find
yourself struggling with these negative feelings, ask yourself when
the feelings started.
If they started before
your co-worker expressed their complaints, then you definitely have
some legitimate issues with your boss.
If the feelings didn’t
spring up until after you spoke with your co-worker, then you may be
adopting your co-worker’s views.
Being aware of your
feelings is an effective way of making sure they don’t get carried
away. So get into the habit of analyzing your emotions and state of
Schedule Regular Reprieves
When you find yourself
getting caught up in someone’s negativity, distance yourself from
the situation for a little while.
Even stealing a few
minutes for yourself in the bathroom or outside your work station can
help give your some mental clarity and emotional stability.
If you have a hard time
reminding yourself to take a break, set up regular reminders on your
Establishing a break
routine will give you something to look forward to. Especially when
you find yourself in the midst of someone’s negativity.
Find External Support
No matter what you do,
there will be times when you feel like you can’t shield yourself
from someone’s negativity on your own.
When this happens, you
need external support. Call a friend or trusted relative. Explain the
situation and ask for their feedback.
Sometimes, people that
aren’t involved in the situation can see things more clearly than
you can.
Your friends and family can give you some perspective about
the situation that you can’t give yourself.
About Rebecca Temsen
Rebecca is an author,
entrepreneur and, most of all, a wife and mother of 2. What she
enjoys the most is helping normal people reach their full potential.
Rebecca uses her
ever-growing skills in writing to inspire people and not settle for a
normal life.
As an entrepreneur, she
has no shortage of failures and that is why Rebecca is the ideal
person to talk about this.
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