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Tuesday, 2 December 2014

How successful people deal with adversity - with Mary Morrissey

By John Lee of

"In every adversity there is the seed of an equal or greater benefit. But like any seed it must be found, planted, nourished, grown and harvested." - Napolean Hill

WITH over 40 years helping people to make the most of themselves and their lives, life coach, speaker and author Mary Morrissey is one of the world's leading lights in personal development.

Best-selling author and speaker, Mary Morrissey
She's also someone who truly understands and appreciates the power of thought in bringing about positive change, once harnessing this power herself to overcome a disease that would usually prove fatal.

In this video interview with Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell, the star of hit follow-up movie, 'Beyond The Secret' not only tells her own story but also examines how successful people process adversity differently.

Among the subjects she covers are:

* The impact of thoughts and emotions on our biology

* How people generally react to crises and difficult times

* The concept of emotional creativity


* Why, as Napolean Hill suggested, "Every adversity has the seed of an equal or greater benefit".

It really is excellent advice, explained in a characterisitically simple, practical and usable way.

To view the video, just click on the link below:

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