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Sunday, 27 January 2013

Your Words and Thoughts have Physical Power

By John Lee

He’s a familiar face in smash-hit movies such as Men In Black, Independence Day, I Am Legend, Bad Boys, Hitch and The Pursuit Of Happyness. As such, he’s one of Hollywood’s absolute finest, with devoted fans around the world.

So it may come as a surprise to hear Will Smith speak passionately and eloquently about concepts such as our ‘words and thoughts having physical power’ – the kind of ideas and concepts that self-help gurus and quantum physicists have been exploring for years.

In the video accessed through the link below, you can see a compilation of excerpts from several interviews given by the actor down the years, in which he talks about focus, dedication, contributing to the world and the welfare of others, and dreams becoming reality.

Among numerous memorable quotes, he states that, “If we dream something, if we picture something, if we commit ourselves to it, that is a physical thrust towards realisation”. And, “There’s no need to have a Plan B because it just distracts from Plan A”.

He’s clearly a very deep and philosophical man, who’s passionate about making a positive and lasting difference to the world. Take a look at the excellent video below. It’s powerful, passionate and even inspiring. Click on the link and you’ll be taken to the original YouTube recording.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Thought Projection? Reality Or Just Your Imagination?

Posted by John Lee with feature by Jim Francis

As someone who’s studied the power of the human mind for many years, I’ve always been fascinated by the idea that we can project our thoughts into the minds of others.

So when I received the following instructional feature by a gentleman called Jim Francis, on using remote hypnotic commands to keep yourself safe, I had to share its content.

It resonated with me in particular because of a technique I learnt in the excellent book, by the late Bärbel Mohr, entitled, ‘The Cosmic Ordering Service’.

The technique simply involves mentally repeating the phrase, ‘Peace Be With You’, while directing it at someone who is ‘troubling’ you for some reason.

I once tried it out while standing at the back of a long queue of people waiting to be served in a shop by a particularly surly assistant.

Customer after customer was met with rudeness by the young woman, until it came to my turn.

To my astonishment, she smiled, apologised for the long wait and went on to explain that she wasn’t feeling too well after a previous night on the town! It was a very pleasant exchange.

So I was intrigued, to say the least, by the following – hence my decision to share. And I would love to hear of anyone else’s experience in such situations....

How to Protect Yourself by Using Remote Hypnotic Commands

 by Jim Francis

“It is not generally known that under moments of stress your mind is capable of projecting strong mental demands at people in your line of vision.

Couple this with a powerful body language and you can prevent attacks on your person. The beauty of this process is that anyone can do it ...almost instantly...and without practice.

Once you understand this simple process you can use it for the rest of your life.

Let us suppose you are by yourself walking down a back street at night and you notice ahead of you a group of youths who are watching you.

You walk across the street to the other side and they promptly cross the street also. You realize you are in deep trouble and you become somewhat stressed.

There is a simple way to disperse them ...or alternatively freeze them so they go into a temporary hypnotic trance and remain stationary so that you can walk past them.

This is a two stage process.

Firstly you must not slow down your walk. Keep walking and stride purposefully if you were on an urgent mission.

This simple act confuses the youths as they don't expect it. They expect you to slow down and show fear.

The second and most important act is to project mentally the words.. “Danger, Danger, DANGER” at them.

You do this by mentally shouting those words.

To explain what I mean, imagine you have been shipwrecked on a deserted island for some months and one day you are standing on the beach looking out to sea in the hope of finding a ship passing.

When all of a sudden a large sailboat rounds the headland and you jump up and down and yell ‘Help’ at the top of your voice.

Imagine yourself yelling ‘Help’ in this manner – not with your voice but with your mind.

Now substitute this word Help for the word Danger.

So you mentally yell (at the top of your silent mental voice) the word DANGER over and over again as you stalk toward these youths.

You can practice this process easily while you are walking down a busy street.

Pick an individual coming toward you and glare at him/her while striding purposefully then start mentally yelling Danger (over and over).

You will see him falter and look startled.

As you get closer smile at him and say good morning or alternatively branch off and go in a different direction.

With a little practice you will get this to work quite easily.”

Saturday, 19 January 2013

‘When You Have the Power of Faith in Action, Nothing Can Hold You Back’

Posted by John Lee

The above quote is taken from the video you can access through the link below and was spoken by an incredible young man during an episode of ‘Oprah’s Lifeclass’.

He was born without arms and legs, and was harassed and tormented to such an extent during his schooldays that he attempted suicide at the tender age of just 10 years old.

After years of misery and loneliness, he took control of his life and has since inspired people young and old throughout the world. His name is Nick Vujicic.

You may already be aware of this extraordinary person and might have previously viewed his YouTube videos. But every time I see a new recording, I’m inspired all over again.

So I make no apologies for posting this one. It’s particularly apt for anyone who’s struggling with life’s ups and downs right now, and is wondering what to do next.

To quote Nick again from this video: “Even the worst part of your life can come together for the good.” Take a look…

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Are You Suffering Paralysis-By-Excess-Of-Ideas?

By Douglas R Kruger

It's a weird little irony. But it's enough to single-handedly paralyze your progress.

The issue is not that you don't know what to do to get ahead. The issue is that you have so much to do that you end up doing nothing at all... Which is exactly the same as not knowing what to do.

Ever suffered paralysis by too many options? Do you have a To-Do list which, if printed on paper, could deplete a measurable bit of Brazil? Have you ever sat down to look at old items on your list of goals and wished until you ached that you'd just done something about that one gem when you first had the idea?

Speaker, author and trainer, Douglas R Kruger
I have.

When I woke up to discover that my 'To Do' list spanned 217 pages on Microsoft Word, I realized I was doing something dreadfully wrong.

This is how my personal paralysis came about: Whenever inspiration struck, my system was to jot the idea down on my master 'To Do' list on my computer. Then I'd sit staring at the blinking cursor and thinking, "That could change my career! If I get that right, it could add an extra zero to my income." And then I'd do absolutely nothing about it. And the next idea would strike. I'd jot it down. Do nothing.

And so my ideas were all connected in the Great Circle of Futility.

Perhaps you don't struggle to have those moments of inspiration. The ideas spring into your mind like flees on a passing dog. Perhaps, like so many people, you struggle to do something about them.

The gap between your epiphanies and your ultimate success may be nothing more than a small amount of effort. If that's you, here is a practical suggestion:


Start by apportioning a single week to the goal of breaking your paralysis. A week is a nice, manageable chunk of time. It's long enough to get stuck in to your tasks, but short enough to measure your progress.

Now take a half hour to sift and select through the ideas and to-do items you have accumulated. Write down, on a fresh sheet of paper, 20 of the most important ones.

You're going to do them all this week.

How? Well, it's a piddling four items per day. Four items per day constitutes a manageable goal. Faithfully do your four items each day, and by the end of your first week, your life story will be ahead by a full twenty achievements. You will be staggered by the impact twenty achievements can make to your progress.


Here is your one, non-negotiable, sacrosanct, descended-from-on-high, cannot-be-broken, Moses-spake-unto-the-people rule: These twenty items must be progressive ideas, not reactive admin. Each idea should be something that propels you forward, not something that merely mops up the mess behind you.

In this line of thinking, 'writing a thousand words for my book' would qualify as progressive, as would 'making that sales call I've been meaning to do.' However, 'dropping by the post-office to update my personal details' would not.

If you can exercise discipline in carrying out twenty progressive items in a week - four per day - the progress you will see will be remarkable. And nothing breeds a personal culture of success quite like a little momentum.

Remember, though, Friday is not a gentleman. Friday will come and go whether you try this technique or not. When it rolls around, why not greet the weekend with twenty achievements under your belt? Can you visualize the impact this one week could have on your life?

Douglas Kruger is a professional speaker, trainer and author of the '50 Ways' series of books. His most booked keynote speeches are: The Rules of Hamster-Thinking, The Big Bum Theory, and How To Position Yourself As an Expert.

See him in action or read more of his articles at: Email him at: or follow him on Linked In or Twitter: @douglaskruger
Article Source:

Are Your Following Your Joy?

By John Lee

A few days ago, this great little video landed in my inbox. It’s by author and speaker, Marci Shimoff, who you may also know as one of the stars of the global hit movies, ‘The Secret’ and  ‘The Keeper Of The Keys’ – details of which you can find over to the left.

Well, having viewed the video, I really wanted to share it, because the subject matter is particularly relevant to a lot of people at this time of year – Following Your Joy or Your ‘Bliss’ as some people like to put it.

Star of The Secret and The Keeper Of The Keys, Marci Shimoff
It’s a subject on which Marci’s something of an expert, as you’ll know if you’ve read any of her books, especially ‘Happy For No Reason’ and ‘Love For No Reason’ – the latter of which is a particular favorite of mine and full of fantastic insights and advice.

It’s not a book about dating and romance, by the way. Rather, it teaches you the value of achieving and offering unconditional love both to yourself and those around you. As I say, well worth a read.

The video found through the link below is similarly enlightening and features a lovely story about Marci’s own father. She also encourages you, as the viewer, to get in touch and share your own experiences of Following Your Bliss. Just click on the link to be taken to the original video. I hope you enjoy it and feel inspired to contact Marci.

Sunday, 6 January 2013

How You Can Rule 2013 - A Resolution For Success

By John Lee


And if you've just arrived at this page of my blog, let me wish you a very happy, healthy, joyful and abundant New Year! I hope that you and those you love achieve everything you desire over the coming 12 months!

If you've been out and about enjoying the recent festivities, you've no doubt heard a lot of people talking about their New Year's Resolutions. Personally, I've always thought that any time of year is a great time to make a change for the better - not just the start.

Having said that, it's good they're taking the decision to introduce positive changes in their lives, so all credit to them. The trouble is, a week, two weeks, maybe a month down the line, those noble intentions will have fallen by the wayside for most people and they'll be back to their 'bad old habits'.

That got me asking myself why it's apparently so difficult to maintain New Year's Resolutions and follow them through. Is it a lack of real commitment? Do people simply set them on a whim? Is it that they don't really plan them properly, failing to form them into specific, measurable and achievable goals?

I came to the conclusion that, in many cases, it's probably a combination of the above and countless other factors... which is when I received a series of three short videos from the team at Mind Movies - a company specializing in 'vision board' software, if you haven't yet heard of them.

The videos provide a succinct, practical and very clear guide to choosing, setting and, most importantly of all, sticking to those resolutions. They also feature some excellent tools and ideas to help you on your way. A YouTube link to the first video is below.

And if you want more information on the offers mentioned by Mind Movies' Natalie Ledwell towards the end of the recording, you can visit the company's website at Alternatively, click on the red box to the left, where it says, ‘Are You Making This 1 Mistake…’

I hope you enjoy the series - which is divided into three separate blog entries - and find it useful, too! Click on the link to go to the first video:  

How You Can Rule in 2013, Part Two – Pushing Through Your Limiting Beliefs

By John Lee


And welcome to the second of the free Mind Movies video series on setting – and sticking – to those New Year’s Resolutions! If you missed the first one, the link is

In this new video, there’s some great advice on pushing through those limiting beliefs that most of us have regarding some area of our life.

They’re the kind of beliefs that develop through less-than-positive experiences, for example, or are handed down to us when we're young by parents, teachers and others in positions of authority - often with the best of intentions.

Or perhaps they’re simply part of the culture to which we belong. Whatever their origin, they can prevent us reaching our true potential if we fail to get beyond them.

How to achieve this happy state of affairs is the kind of information not normally associated with New Year’s Resolutions. Yet it can make all the difference. So take a look:

How You Can Rule in 2013, Part Three – Keeping On Track With Those Resolutions

By John Lee


And welcome to the third and final free Mind Movies video on New Year’s Resolutions! In the first, you learned how to create resolutions that are both realistic and relevant to you and your unique life.

In the second, you discovered how to stick to your resolutions, about techniques such as visualizing how you’ll look, and the wonderful feelings and emotions you’ll experience once you’ve completed them, and how to overcome limiting beliefs.

 (If you missed the first two videos by the way, the links are and )

In the last of the three videos, you’re given some great tools and tips to use on a daily basis to help keep you on track.

Don’t be fooled by the apparent simplicity of these techniques. When used correctly and consistently, they’re extremely powerful.

In fact, they can change your life forever… in ways that YOU desire! So click on the link below: